- 1. In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.
- 事实上,他的职业生涯开始时看起来非常没有前途。
- 2. You always say that girls grow up definitely unpromising.
- 您经常说女孩长大肯定没出息。
- 3. If we open a quarrel these, it was hopeless, so unpromising.
- 如果我们纠缠这些,那真是没出息,太没出息了。
- 4. Is agricultural co-operation promising, or is it unpromising?
- 合作化究竟是有希望,还是没有希望?
- 5. Yet in this unpromising setting, some positive signs are visible.
- 但在这种绝望的环境下,我们仍可见到一些积极的迹象。
- 6. Graydon Smith's career in contract law is off to an unpromising start.
- 在合同法中的事业终止于一个毫无未来的开端。
- 7. An ugly and unpromising child grows into a beautiful and worthy person.
- 一个丑陋、没有前途的小孩长成了一个漂亮、令人敬重的人物。
- 8. Unpromising people do not work; people do not study and did not progress.
- 人不劳动没出息,人不学习没长进。
- 9. He said that two factors made the success of economic liberty unpromising.
- 他说有两个因素使得经济自由的希望渺茫。
- 10. How often do you find that an unpromising book turns out to be a pretty good read?
- 你有多少次发现一本本来读不下去的书原来还不错?
- 11. Given that these are so meagre, this might seem to be an unpromising line of inquiry.
- 既然他们是那么的贫困,看起来这似乎是一个没有好结果的调查。
- 12. To his way of thinking, confronted by the available options, he had always just pursued the least unpromising.
- 按他的思维方式,当面前出现选择的机会时,他总是会选最不太会绝望的那种。
- 13. And we do, driving off the ferry into an unpromising industrial area – a bit like the Isle of Dogs with palm trees.
- 果然平安到达了,巴士驶下渡船到了一个死气沉沉的工业区,有点像长了棕榈树的伦敦东区。
- 14. From Microsoft to Google, some of the world's most promising businesses have been started in unpromising Settings.
- 从微软到谷歌,一些全球最有前途的公司都是在不起眼的环境下起家的。
- 15. Behind this repetitious and unpromising pattern lay a history of disappointment at the hands of the key men in her life.
- 在重复、没希望的规律下面是一段失望史,造成的是在她一生中关键的男人们。
- 16. There was, at times, a want of spirits about him which, if it did not denote indifference, spoke of something almost as unpromising.
- 他有时候没精打采的,如果不是表示态度冷淡的话,就说明前景有点不妙。
- 17. Unpromising material, but then France's dame or homme DE fer does not need to be quite as ironclad as the former British prime minister.
- 有形条件希望渺茫,但是这样一来法国的铁夫人或铁男人却无需像英国前首相那般强硬。
- 18. Some will become worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.
- 即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。
- 19. If it turns out that fossil fuels are abiogenic, that probably means they are more abundant than Western geologists think, and may be found in places hitherto thought unpromising.
- 如果试验证明化石燃料并非由生物体产生,那可能意味着它们比西方地质学家想象的还要多,而且可能会在迄今为止被认为没有希望的地方发现。
- 20. Most of those planets are more massive than Saturn, which makes them unpromising from a habitability standpoint-such giants tend to be gaseous bodies without a surface to walk on.
- 大部分这些行星的体积比原本体积较大的土星还要大,这使得它们都不太适宜人类居住——因为这些体积巨大的行星往往都是气体行星,像土星一样没有可供行走的固态表面。
- 21. They have fallen into a painful situation—“putting their limited lives into getting rid of numerous unpromising stocks”. “Avoid the stock market like poison” has become their heartfelt cry.
- 股民们曾经的梦想一再破灭,他们陷入「用有限的生命投入到无限的解套」的苦况,「远离股市,远离毒品」成为他们发自内心的呼喊。
- 22. From this unpromising position South Korea managed to charge past Japan to become Asia's foremost trendsetter, and Ms Hong interviews superstars, chefs and cultural critics to discover why.
- 韩国从一个没有希望的境遇迅速超过了日本成为了亚洲潮流引导者。Hong女士采访了很多大明星,厨师和文化评论家来揭示原因。
- 23. Even the most unpromising rooms in Mr Bryson's rectory provide food for thought, such as the miserable provision made for the servants, an all but invisible presence in the grand old days of yore.
- 即使在布莱森先生家里最不起眼的房间,也有能引人深思,比如做给仆人们的寒碜的食物,虽然微不足道,但也尽显昔日的气派。
- 24. Even the most unpromising rooms in Mr Bryson's rectory provide food for thought, such as the miserable provision made for the servants, an all but invisible presence in the grand old days of yore.
- 即使在布莱森先生家里最不起眼的房间,也有能引人深思,比如做给仆人们的寒碜的食物,虽然微不足道,但也尽显昔日的气派。