- 1. The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status.
- 该城市不切实际地声称为世界一流城市。
- 2. It would be unrealistic to expect such a process ever to be completed.
- 期望完成这样一个过程是不现实的。
- 3. It is unrealistic to put undue pressure on ourselves by saying we are the best.
- 说我们是最好的来给我们自己施加过多的压力是不现实的。
- 4. There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.
- 许多人都觉得那些运动员的要求是完全不切实际的。
- 5. You dream about being a movie star is unrealistic.
- 你梦想成为电影明星是不现实的。
- 6. You feel he's been making unrealistic demands on you?
- 你觉得他在对你提出不切实际的要求?
- 7. So you feel he's remaking unrealistic demands on you?
- 所以你觉得他在对你提出不切实际的要求?
- 8. Your senior colleague outlines a project timeline you believe is unrealistic.
- 你的上级列了一个你认为不切实际的项目时间表。
- 9. In our stimulation-rich world, it seems unrealistic that boredom could occur at all.
- 在我们这个充满刺激的世界里,产生无聊情绪似乎是不现实的。
- 10. But the ease with which we imagine details can lead to unrealistic expectations and can bias our decisions.
- 但我们对细节轻易作出的想象可能导致不切实际的期望,并使我们的决定产生偏差。
- 11. The conditions creating the stress are long hours, unrealistic demands and deadlines, and work-life conflict.
- 产生压力的条件是长时间的工作、不切实际的要求和截止期限,以及工作与生活的冲突。
- 12. It would be unrealistic to suggest that illegal digging would stop if artifacts were sold on the open market.
- 如果文物在公开市场上出售,建议停止非法挖掘是不现实的。
- 13. This shift away from unrealistic expectations is successful because entitled employees feel more confident that ethical leaders will deliver on their promises.
- 这种使员工摆脱不切实际的期望的做法是成功的,因为这会使想要争取权益的员工感到更有信心,认为有道德的领导者会兑现他们的承诺。
- 14. Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like US Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock.
- 当然,像《美国周刊》和《人物》这样的名人杂志所呈现的为人父母的形象是非常不现实的,尤其是当父母是像布洛克这样的单身母亲的时候。
- 15. The notion that they're utterly powerless suddenly seems unrealistic not to mention rather annoying so they're prompted instead to generate ideas about how they might change things.
- 他们完全无能为力的想法突然变得不现实,更不用说令人讨厌了,所以他们反而会产生自己可能可以改变事情的想法。
- 16. The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.
- 这部电影被不实际的牵强情节给毁了。
- 17. Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.
- 有的父母对孩子的指望不切实际。
- 18. It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal.
- 相信可以达到完美是不现实的。
- 19. It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.
- 指望他们能够立即解决问题是不现实的。
- 20. I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.
- 原则上我不反对必修课程,但是我认为把外语列为必修课是不现实的。
- 21. It's unrealistic for you to plant a tree every day, but if you have a tree in your heart then you can take care of the whole environment.
- 虽然每天植树是不现实的,但是只要心中有绿意,一木终成林。
- 22. Other studies have shown that saddling employees with unrealistic goals can compel them to lie, cheat or steal.
- 其他研究表明,给员工设定不切实际的目标会迫使他们撒谎、欺骗或偷窃。
- 23. It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term "melodious drama" being shortened eventually to "melodrama" because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to say unrealistic.
- 它是富有优美声调的一段戏剧,源自古希腊剧院。“声调优美的戏剧”这个表达最终被简化成了“情节剧”,因为歌剧往往是音乐性的,而且有戏剧情节的,甚至是超现实的。
- 24. Don't be so bookish and unrealistic.
- 不要书生气十足。
- 25. Don't make unrealistic claims!
- 不要下不切实际的断言!
- 26. That appears unrealistic.
- 这似乎是不现实的。
- 27. But this is an unrealistic expectation.
- 但这是不切实际的期望。
- 28. Are you unrealistic?
- 你是否不切实际?
- 29. People criticized the plan as unrealistic.
- 人们指责这个计划不现实。
- 30. They should never make unrealistic promises.
- 蟹蟹们可不要做出不切实际的许诺。