- 1. Take me to the potty. I need to tinkle.
- 带我去夜壶那里。我要撒尿。
- 2. She needed a tinkle.
- 她要撒尿。
- 3. The loveliest tinkle as of golden bells answered him.
- 金铃似的,最可爱的铃铛声回答了他。
- 4. "The only sound I hear," said Wendy, "is like a tinkle of bells."
- “我只听到一种声音,”温迪说,“像丁丁当当的铃声。”
- 5. The telephone gave a tinkle.
- 电话叮铃响了一下。
- 6. She heard the tinkle of the broken lens.
- 她听到透镜当啷一声撞碎了。
- 7. The ringing tinkle, smile in the heart bloom.
- 铃声叮叮当当,笑容在心间绽放。
- 8. The wine glass dropped to the floor with a tinkle.
- 酒杯丁零一声掉在地上。
- 9. I hear the tinkle of the glasses. The wine is being brought out.
- 我听见玻璃酒杯叮当响,酒拿出来了。
- 10. G give me Bach and Beethoven, not these modern crash-bang-tinkle composers.
- 我喜欢巴赫和贝多芬,不喜欢这些现代的喧嚣的作曲家。
- 11. And if you listen closely, you can hear the tinkle of the rattle as you move.
- 如果你侧耳聆听,你会听见拨浪鼓摇动时的叮当声。
- 12. She heard the faint tinkle of water, as the tiny overflow trickled over and downhill.
- 她听着溢出的水,流在山坡上,发着叮略的细微声。
- 13. He is accompanied by a chorus of birdsong and the tinkle of wind chimes from his office.
- 鸟儿的合唱和他办公室的风铃声陪伴着他。
- 14. When the white doves flew past, they struck the bells with their wings and made them tinkle.
- 每当白鸽飞过,翅膀掠过铃铛,便叮铃作响。
- 15. Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth.
- 到了清晨,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶边,随着枝叶叮铃铃的落到地上,水也投入大地的怀抱。
- 16. She laughs while she dances, and the silver rings that are about her ankles tinkle like bells of silver.
- 她一边跳舞一边笑,脚踝上的银镯子如银铃般叮当作响。
- 17. There was a bell beside the gate, and Dorothy pushed the button and heard a silvery tinkle sound within.
- 在城门旁边,装着一个铃,多萝茜揿着按钮,听到里面响起一阵银铃的丁零零声。
- 18. Bering remembers waking to the tinkle of these bells, a small but distinct sound in an otherwise silent house.
- 白令记得自己是被这些叮当声唤醒的。在一间寂静的屋子里,风铃的声音柔和而清晰。
- 19. After their cry silence again falls under the burning sun: in the vendor's jug the ice moves and I can hear its tinkle.
- 叫嚷之后,静寂再次降临到烈日之下:街头小贩的罐中冰块晃动着,我可以听到它们叮当作响。
- 20. But sometimes, beneath the pleasant murmur and tinkle of cocktails, the old guard cannot hear the sound of ice cracking.
- 但有时候,在快乐的低语和鸡尾酒会的觥筹交错背后,老卫士们却听不到脚下冰层的碎裂声。
- 21. I'll find you some nice Yunkishman to give you another pretty golden collar, with little bells on it that will tinkle everywhere you go.
- 我会找些其他的不错的渊凯人让他为你打造另一个挂着铃铛的金项圈,这样你走到哪儿就响到哪儿。
- 22. I must search in the drowsy shade of the bakula grove, where pigeons coo in their corner, and fairies' anklets tinkle in the stillness of starry nights.
- 我一定要在醉花丛中氤氲的树影里寻找,在那里,鸽子在它们的角落里咕咕地叫着,精灵的脚环在繁星满空的静夜里叮当作响。
- 23. I must search in the drowsy shade of the bakula grove, where pigeons coo in their corner, and fairies' anklets tinkle in the stillness of starry nights.
- 林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。
- 24. Even above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its bristling, leafless, wolfish darkness on the down-slope, she heard the tinkle as of tiny water-bells.
- 这声音甚至比那落叶松林的嘶嘶的怒号声更高,落时松林在山坡上,遍布着忿怒的、无叶的、狞恶的暗影。她听见好象一些渺小的水铃在鸣着。
- 25. The tinkle of piano music sets the mood for a romantic evening and the modern setting of Silver Restaurant all lead to a heightened experience when the Michelin rated food finally arrives.
- 钢琴音乐铃声设置的心情一个浪漫的夜晚和现代设置银店所有导致一个高度经验当米其林星级的食物终于到了。
- 26. The tinkle of piano music sets the mood for a romantic evening and the modern setting of Silver Restaurant all lead to a heightened experience when the Michelin rated food finally arrives.
- 钢琴音乐铃声设置的心情一个浪漫的夜晚和现代设置银店所有导致一个高度经验当米其林星级的食物终于到了。