- 1. Each individual flower is tiny.
- 每一朵花都很小。
- 2. He wanted to curl into a tiny ball.
- 他想把自己蜷成一个小团。
- 3. The living room is tiny.
- 这间起居室极小。
- 4. Seen from above the cars looked tiny.
- 从高处往下看,车辆显得很小。
- 5. 'Coward!' a tiny inner voice insisted.
- “胆小鬼!”内心一个小声音坚持说。
- 6. Her tiny hands gently touched my face.
- 她的小手轻轻地触摸我的脸。
- 7. Their cars are shoehorned into tiny spaces.
- 他们的车被硬塞进了狭小的空间。
- 8. She learned to swim when she was really tiny.
- 她很小就学会了游泳。
- 9. Tiny boats bobbed up and down in the harbour.
- 小船在港湾中颠簸。
- 10. We can't wait to hear the patter of tiny feet.
- 我们恨不得早点有个小宝宝。
- 11. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.
- 肺包含数百万个小肺泡。
- 12. Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.
- 虽然她个头很小,嗓门却很大。
- 13. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
- 我们发现墙上爬满了小虫。
- 14. An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.
- 一棵橡树在一个小圆池塘上投下了它的影子。
- 15. The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding windows.
- 惟一的通风来自几扇小小的推拉窗。
- 16. The house had a tiny kitchen with an uninspiring view.
- 这座房子有个小厨房,窗外没有什么令人兴奋的景色。
- 17. Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.
- 极小的与世隔绝的海滩能在鲜有人至之处找到。
- 18. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.
- 他的委员会不得不靠一笔微薄的预算来创造奇迹。
- 19. He felt tiny pieces of grit and sand peppering his knees.
- 他感到细小的沙砾正打在他的膝盖上。
- 20. The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.
- 该技术需要在皮肤上切个小口。
- 21. We might look for a tiny wobble in the position of a star.
- 我们可以期待在一颗恒星位置上的一个微小晃动。
- 22. The creature is a tiny centipede, just 10 millimetres long.
- 那个生物是一只很小的蜈蚣,只有10毫米长。
- 23. The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.
- 肺其实是由数千个细小管状器官构成的。
- 24. Push the tiny lever on the lock and let the door lock itself.
- 推锁上的小控制杆,让门自动锁上。
- 25. From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.
- 从一开始,这个小女孩就显然是一名真正的斗士。
- 26. It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain.
- 它的头极小,可以根据推断得出,大脑也小。
- 27. We were all living on top of each other in that tiny apartment.
- 我们都挤着住在那套小小的公寓里。
- 28. He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one.
- 他把纸裁成小方块并给每个方块编号。
- 29. The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.
- 他们向我们提供的房子原来是很小的公寓套间。
- 30. The regimental HQ is a tiny office manned by two retired officers.
- 该团司令部是个有两个退休军官办公的小办公室。