- 1. After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
- 在多次痛苦的考虑后,她决定终止妊娠。
- 2. In American law, you cannot terminate an employee, for the sole purpose of age.
- 在美国法律中,你不能仅仅因为年龄而解雇员工。
- 3. People are often hesitant to terminate a project when they've already invested time or resources into it, even if it might make logical sense to do so.
- 当人们已经在项目上投入了时间或资源时,他们常常会犹豫是否要终止项目,即使这样做是合乎逻辑的。
- 4. This train will terminate at Lamy.
- 这列火车的终点站是拉米。
- 5. They frequently terminate at a recessional moraine.
- 它们经常在后退冰碛处终止。
- 6. Mossy fibres terminate in the stratum lucidum of area CA3.
- 苔藓纤维终止于 CA3区透明层。
- 7. On z/OS, use the terminate function after CANCEL has been issued multiple times without success.
- 在z/OS 上,当CANCEL发布多次未成功之后将使用终止功能。
- 8. 50 limits recursion to a depth of 50 nested calls before the application is forced to terminate.
- 例如,xdebug.max_nesting_level =50 将把递归深度限定为 50 次嵌套调用,然后将强制终止应用程序。
- 9. On a WebSphere distributed server, the terminate function terminates a server by calling an operation system sigkill.
- 在WebSphere分布式服务器上,Terminate功能通过调用操作系统的sigkill来终止服务器。
- 10. The Allow termination of remote VM flag is a toggle that determines whether the Terminate command is enabled in the debugger.
- Allowterminationofremote VM标志是一个开关,它确定调试器中是否支持Terminate命令。
- 11. In this code: pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options), waitpid() infinitely waits for the child process to terminate.
- 在这段代码中:pid_twaitpid(pid_t pid,int *status, intoptions),waitpid()会无限期等待子进程的终止。
- 12. If the program has not fully executed when you are done debugging, select the Terminate option from the context menu in the debug view.
- 如果您完成调试时程序还没有被完整地执行过,请在Debug视图中的上下文菜单中选择terminate选项。
- 13. Calling the class static void main (String args) directly won't work as expected, because it would invoke System.exit and so terminate the Workbench.
- 直接调用类staticvoidmain (Stringargs)不会如预期一样工作,因为它将调用System . exit终止Workbench。
- 14. Workload management determined that the WebSphere Application Server servant region was hung and issued an EC3 abend to terminate the servant process.
- 工作负载管理系统判断theWebSphereApplicationServer服务区域已挂起,发出了EC3 abend来终止服务进程。
- 15. The process interfaces are used for initiating the process itself or for controlling aspects of the process (for example, wait, terminate, compensate).
- 这些流程接口用于启动流程本身或者用于控制流程的各个方面(例如等待(wait)、终止(terminate)和补偿(compensate))。
- 16. If there is more than one server running and the queue is less than 5, the script does some more checking to see if it should terminate an instance.
- 如果现在运行的服务器超过一个,而队列长度小于5,那么这个脚本就需要进行更多的检查,以决定它是否应该停止一个实例。
- 17. The pattern in Figure 28 summarizes our discussion and recommends that you rejoin parallel branches before adding a stop node to terminate the process.
- 图28中的模式总结了我们的讨论和意见,提出在添加一个用来终止流程的终止节点之前,应重新联接并行的分支。
- 18. Once you have defined the source and target, select Finish, which causes the transformation configuration wizard to create your configuration and terminate.
- 在定义了源和目标之后,请选择Finish,这会使转换配置向导开始创建您的配置,并在完成后终止。
- 19. Interruption allows a cancelable activity to clean up any work in progress, restore invariants, notify other activities of the cancellation, and then terminate.
- 中断允许一个可取消活动来清理正在进行的工作,恢复不变量,通知其他活动它要被取消,然后才终止。
- 20. The QUIT command stops the command line processor, but does not remove the associated back-end process; to do that, you need to issue the TERMINATE command.
- QUIT命令停止命令行处理器,但是不删除关联的后端进程;要删除关联的后端进程,需要发出TERMINATE命令。
- 21. It's worth noting that, unless you catch exceptions that are thrown from the constructor, your PHP script will terminate if it could not connect to the database.
- 值得注意的是,除非您捕捉从构造函数抛出的异常,否则,如果php脚本未能连接到数据库,它将终止。
- 22. A Professional may only terminate his contract on this basis in the 15days following the last Official Match of the Season of the club for which heis registered.
- 职业球员只有在其注册俱乐部的赛季最后一场正式比赛后的15天内,方可以此类理由终止合同。
- 23. The downside of the lsof command is that you always have to either contact users and ask them to terminate certain processes or manually terminate them yourself.
- lsof命令的缺点是,必须联系用户并要求他们终止某些进程,或者自己手工终止它们。
- 24. A final state is used to identify normal or expected state machine completion, while a terminate state should be used to identify abnormal or unexpected completion.
- 最终状态应当用于确定状态机的正常或期望完成状态,而终止状态应当用于确定异常或意外完成状态。
- 25. A linked list consists of a node structure that contains two members: the data it is holding and a pointer to another node structure (or NULL, to terminate the list).
- 链表所包含的节点结构体由两部分构成:它所持有的数据,以及指向另一个节点结构体(或者是NULL,结束链表)的指针。
- 26. If the service fails because the provider was unable to handle a surge in demands dynamically, you want to get credits, refunds, free months, or terminate the service.
- 如果由于供应商未能动态处理需求激增而导致服务失败,您想得到信用、补偿、免费月份,或者终止服务。
- 27. The marker's first number represents time in abstract units; the second optional number enclosed in parenthesis is the number of requests that terminate at this point.
- 标记的第一个数字表示以抽象单位计算的时间;第二个使用圆括号括起的可选数字表示在该点终止的请求数。
- 28. But at a mediation the two sides can agree to adjust the loan, reduce the monthly payments or decide to sell the house at a lower price and terminate the mortgage.
- 但是,在调停时,双方可以同意对贷款条款作出调整,减少月付款,并决定以一个稍低的价格出售房屋或是终止房贷。
- 29. If multiple namespaces are specified in a single server entry, authentication to all namespaces must be made otherwise the application will terminate the audit run.
- 如果在单个服务器项内指定多个名称空间,那么必须验证通过所有的名称空间,否则此应用程序将会终止这次的验证。
- 30. When this happens, the control region will terminate the servant region by default, to clean up the environment and prevent important system resources from being locked.
- 发生这种情况时,控制区域在缺省情况下将终止服务区域,以清理环境并防止重要系统资源被阻塞。