- 1. After Terminator 2, however, Arnie suffered a mid-career identity crisis and got mixed up in comedy.
- 在《终结者2》之后,阿尼遭遇到一次职业生涯中期的身份危机,与戏剧搅和到了一起。
- 2. "Terminator 2" finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.
- 《终结者2》的最终票房为两亿美元,被认为是收回了制作成本。
- 3. Fears about the appearance of bad, powerful, man-made intelligent machines have been reinforced (强化) by many works of fiction—Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Terminator film series, for example.
- 人们恐惧邪恶的、强大的、人造的智能机器的出现,这种恐惧已经被许多小说作品所强化,例如玛丽·雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》和《终结者》系列电影。
- 4. Made on a shoestring compared to Transformers 2, Terminator Salvation or AVATAR, District 9 actually tells about five stories in one. Go see it.
- 与《变形金刚2》、《终结者2018》或《阿凡达》相比,《第九区》只能算是小本经营,而且在一部影片中讲出了五个故事,值得一看。
- 5. Thus, script 4.pl gave me the error "Can't find string terminator \343 anywhere before EOF at ./4.pl line 7." (in which \343 was an unrelated character).
- 因此,script 4.pl 会报告一个错误“Can'tfindstringterminator \343anywherebeforeEOFat ./4.plline7.” (其中 \343是一个无关字符)。
- 6. Aliens, if they exist, are most likely to live along the line between shadow and light, a temperate region known as the terminator, the scientists said.
- “如果上面真有外星人,他们可能会住在昼夜分割线附近,这样就可以随意穿梭于黑夜与白昼之间了。”某科学家如是说。
- 7. The orbital complex was tracking northeastward, nearly parallel to the terminator, making it possible to observe an apparent "sunrise" located almost due north.
- 轨道正沿着西北方向,几乎和明暗分界线平行,这使得看到一个明显的正北方向的日出成为了可能。
- 8. The movie Terminator narrates the creation myth story, and its core is that human being, as the inventor and master of machine, has been replaced by machine.
- 《终结者》电影讲述了创造神话的故事,其核心是人类作为机器的创造者和控制者,已经被机器本身所代替。
- 9. Monitors also recall Schwarzenegger's Hollywood career, with trailers from his various films, while a life-size model of his "Terminator" stands in a corner.
- 博物馆也展示了施瓦辛格的好莱坞生涯,有多处屏幕播放他的影片预告。现场还有一个真人大小的“终结者”模型。
- 10. Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream.
- 使用指定的格式资讯,将指定之物件的文字表示(后面接著目前的行结束字元)写入标准输出资料流。
- 11. When told to print no more than n bytes, snprintf guarantees that it creates a string of length no more than n-1, with a null terminator at the end of the string.
- 当被告知输出不超过n个字节时,snprintf保证会创建一个长度不超过n-1的字符串,字符串最后是一个空结束符。
- 12. When some film critics drew up lists of Hollywood's 50 greatest good guys and 50 greatest baddies, the only character to appear on both lists was a robot, the Terminator.
- 当一些电影评论家写出好莱坞50只最好的人和50只最坏的人的名单时,唯一一位同时出现在两份名单上的角色是终结者。
- 13. When you set the statement terminator in an SQL script that contains existing statements, the editor does not update the existing statement terminators automatically.
- 当您在一个已经包含了语句的SQL脚本中设置语句结束符时,编辑器不会自动修改原有的语句结束符。
- 14. Writes the text representation of the specified object, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.
- 使用指定的格式信息,将指定对象(后跟当前行终止符)的文本表示形式写入标准输出流。
- 15. For investigating its fundamental causes, emperor takes the eunuchs as the one link of guard system rather than let the eunuchs as the terminator of the guard system.
- 究其根本,无非是宋代帝王没有使宦官再次成为防范的终结者,而是作为防范体系中的一个环节。
- 16. The high variety of missions and gameplay, plus the faithful rendering of the movie universe, will definitely delight gamers and fans of the Terminator universe alike!
- 高多种任务和游戏,以及忠实呈现电影宇宙,一定会高兴的玩家和球迷的终结者宇宙一样!
- 17. Writes any pending TAB spacing and a formatted string that contains the text representation of two objects, followed by a line terminator string, to the output stream.
- 将任何挂起的制表符间距和一个包含两个对象的文本表示形式的格式化字符串写入到输出流,并在后面跟上一个行结束符字符串。
- 18. Writes the text representation of the specified objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.
- 使用指定的格式资讯,将指定之物件的文字表示(后面接著目前的行结束字元)写入标准输出资料流。
- 19. We hid out in a parking garage and you explained everything to me. The Terminator found us again, though, and in trying to escape, we ended up getting caught by the cops.
- 躲在停车场里你给我解释一切,那终结者又来了,虽然我们还想逃,但却被警察抓了。
- 20. When it was released in 1984, The Terminator establishedArnold Schwarzenegger as a huge star, and James Cameron, onetime truckdriver, suddenly became a top-tier director.
- 当1984年影片上映时,《终结者》一举奠定了阿诺德?施瓦辛格的巨星地位,而詹姆斯?卡梅隆,这位曾经的卡车司机,则摇身一变成为一名顶级大导演。
- 21. Writes any pending tab spacing and a formatted string that contains the text representation of an object array, followed by a line terminator string, to the output stream.
- 将任何挂起的制表符间距和一个包含对象数组的文本表示形式的格式化字符串写入到输出流,并在后面跟上一个行结束符字符串。
- 22. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) pointed out that the terminator technology must be banned in order to defend the world food security.
- 国际农业研究磋商小组指出,终止子技术必须禁止,不然将给全球食品保障带来影响。
- 23. In All's Well, Ends Well (1997), Chow went all out to satirize Pretty Woman, Ghost, Once Upon a Time in China, Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and even Terminator II.
- 在《97家有喜事》中,周星驰用尽全力诙谐的模仿了《漂亮女人》、《人鬼情未了》、《黄飞鸿》、《惊魂记》、《德州电锯杀人狂》,甚至《终结者2》。
- 24. The idea of an automated killing machine - made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator - is moving swiftly from science fiction to reality, according to the scientists.
- 自主化杀人机器的理念,从施瓦辛格的《终结者》电影开始为人熟知。而科学家们认为,这一概念正从科幻小说中进入到现实世界。
- 25. The idea of an automated killing machine – made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator – is moving swiftly from science fiction to reality, according to the scientists.
- 自主化杀人机器的理念,从施瓦辛格的《终结者》电影开始为人熟知。 而科学家们认为,这一概念正从科幻小说中进入到现实世界。
- 26. Watching him spend five minutes waffling through hundreds of bad guys with one gun and a knife, I felt like I was a 9-year-old again, watching Terminator 2 for the first time.
- 看着他只花5分钟,凭一刀一枪就衣冠楚楚的横扫几百号小啰啰,我觉得自己一秒回到9岁,第一次看《终结者2》的那种赶脚。
- 27. Watching him spend five minutes waffling through hundreds of bad guys with one gun and a knife, I felt like I was a 9-year-old again, watching Terminator 2 for the first time.
- 看着他只花5分钟,凭一刀一枪就衣冠楚楚的横扫几百号小啰啰,我觉得自己一秒回到9岁,第一次看《终结者2》的那种赶脚。