- 1. They discovered he had an illegitimate child.
- 他们发现他有一个私生子。
- 2. He realized that, otherwise, the election would have been dismissed as illegitimate by the international community.
- 他意识到,不这样的话,选举就会被国际社会以不合法为由而不予承认。
- 3. Most of them are illegitimate.
- 这些孩子基本上都是私生子。
- 4. This interpretation is illegitimate and invalid.
- 这一解释是非法的、无效的。
- 5. Any election held under Mr Micheletti will be seen by many as illegitimate.
- 在麦克·莱蒂主持下进行的任何选举都会被很多人视为是非法的。
- 6. "It's not illegitimate for a lot of us to be college students, " Jewler said.
- “这里有很多大学生,这没什么不对的,”朱勒说。
- 7. She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained "illegitimate".
- 随后,为了给自己寻求退路,她又强调定居点仍然是“非法的”。
- 8. A shopper mistypes and enters the illegitimate site and provides confidential information.
- 购物者错误进入了非法站点并且提供了认证信息。
- 9. The illegitimate bargains on which ObamaCare is premised manifestly fail to meet this standard.
- 奥巴马医改所作的非法的交易很明显违反了这一标准。
- 10. It has also reduced the number of illegitimate births and increased the number of legitimate ones.
- 它也降低了非婚生育的数量,而增加了婚生子女的数量。
- 11. Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son, Galahad, who became a famous knight of the Round Table.
- 朗斯洛与伊莲有一私生子名叫加拉·哈德,后来成了最著名的圆桌骑士之一。
- 12. Fake malware warnings have become a common method of luring innocent users into buying illegitimate software.
- 虚假恶意软件警告已经成为引诱无辜用户购买非法软件的通用手段。
- 13. When Jobs had his own illegitimate child, also at the age of 23, he too struggled with his responsibilities.
- 同样在23岁,乔布斯有了自己的私生女,然而他却设法逃脱为父的责任。
- 14. It is believed that he invented the device to help the king to prevent the birth of more illegitimate children.20.
- 确信的是他发明了一个设备用来帮助国王阻止更多非法私生子的出生。
- 15. It will not yield to the temptation of adding to what is described a deeper meaning that it knows to be illegitimate.
- 它不会屈服于认知的诱惑:虽然有人将这种认知称为获取一种更深层次的意义,但是它知道这是不合情理的。
- 16. Griffiths said it would be "illegitimate" for the defense to go along with the proceedings unless the issue is resolved.
- 格里菲斯说,辩方继续进行法律程序将是“不合法的”,除非这个问题得到解决。
- 17. Albert himself has been linked with a succession of models and actresses, and has admitted to fathering two illegitimate children.
- 阿尔贝二世亲王与多位女模特和女演员有过暧昧关系,还承认有两个私生子。
- 18. Those primed to feel that their lack of power was illegitimate behaved similarly, assigning values of 4.7 and 4.4 respectively.
- 那些感到自己被“不合理”地剥夺了权力的人具有类似的举动,分别给了4.7和4.4分。
- 19. Some of those involved may "ride the wave," and take advantage of those who are not politicised, seizing illegitimate opportunities.
- 有一些参与进来的人也许能够“驾驭住涛浪”,利用那些不懂策略的人,抓住非法取得的机会。
- 20. Some of those involved may "ride the wave, " and take advantage of those who are not politicised, seizing illegitimate opportunities.
- 有一些参与进来的人也许能够“驾驭住涛浪”,利用那些不懂策略的人,抓住非法取得的机会。
- 21. There is also the serious concern that everything he does from here on out is going to be tainted, is going to be illegitimate," she said.
- 马迪根说:“人们现在还非常担心,从现在起他做的每一件事都会被玷污,都会是非法的。
- 22. "There is also the serious concern that everything he does from here on out is going to be tainted, is going to be illegitimate," she said.
- 马迪根说:“人们现在还非常担心,从现在起他做的每一件事都会被玷污,都会是非法的。”
- 23. Saudi Arabia has yet to open an embassy in Baghdad, which has been taken to mean that it deems Iraq's new Shia-led order to be illegitimate.
- 沙特一直没有在巴格达建立大使馆,此举意味这它认为什叶领导下的新次序是非法的。
- 24. To simplify a complex tale: Lord Hertford bequeathed his collection to Richard Wallace, his long-time secretary, salesroom agent and illegitimate son.
- 长话短说:赫特福德殿下将他的收藏遗赠给了理查德•华莱士,他长期的秘书和拍卖顾问,同时也是他的私生子。
- 25. There was the suggestion that Israeli settlements are illegitimate and the assertion that the Palestinians "have suffered in pursuit of a homeland."
- 此中暗示着以色列协议是不合规则的,也透露了巴勒斯坦“为追求家园而遭受痛苦”的信息。
- 26. She borrowed and spent wildly, eventually spinning a yarn that she was the illegitimate daughter of Andrew Carnegie, one of American's wealthiest men.
- 她借钱无数,生活挥霍无度,最终编织了一个谎言,声称自己是全美国最富裕的人安德鲁卡耐基的私生女。
- 27. He said he would not answer a summons to appear in court this weekend, saying that doing so would be an endorsement of a process he considers illegitimate.
- 他说他不会回应这周末法院对他的传唤,他的理由是,这么做就是赞同了一项他认为是非法的程序。
- 28. He said he would not answer a summons to appear in court this weekend, saying that doing so would be an endorsement of a process he considers illegitimate.
- 他说他不会回应这周末法院对他的传唤,他的理由是,这么做就是赞同了一项他认为是非法的程序。