- 1. Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.
- 这两位教师用游戏和图画而不是公式和图表来阐明他们的题旨。
- 2. Second, data can illuminate patterns of behavior we haven't yet noticed.
- 其次,数据可以阐明一些我们尚未注意到的行为模式。
- 3. Such explanations, however, illuminate neither the source of this curious convention nor the reason for its popularity.
- 然而,这样的解释既不能说明这个奇怪的惯例的来源,也不能说明它流行的原因。
- 4. Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate.
- 然而它发布的报告很可能会阻碍改革的步伐,因为国会要求它阐明挑战的深度和广度,而这一点却并没有被阐述清楚。
- 5. The light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others.
- 与用作被人识别的信号相比,如果用作照亮路途的头灯的话,光源必须要明亮很多。
- 6. Thanks to fibre optics, it is now possible to illuminate many of the body's remotest organs and darkest orifices.
- 多亏有了光纤,如今才能够照见人体中许多最微小的器官和最暗的腔体。
- 7. Tom squeezed his small body behind it in order to illuminate it for Becky's gratification.
- 汤姆把他瘦小的身子挤到后面,好让贝基看个够。
- 8. Illuminate the future of knowledge, learning achievement future.
- 知识照亮前程,学习成就未来。
- 9. He hopes the contrasts will illuminate how network structure shapes genomic function.
- 他希望通过对比能够明了网络构造形成基因组功能的过程。
- 10. My mother knew exactly how long her Ever Readys would last if used only to illuminate the hap that separated the toilet paper from its.
- 我母亲清楚知道,她那些永备牌电池,如果光是用来照明区分卫生纸和其功能的空隙,可以维持多久。
- 11. The bad news is that as certainly as exploding fireworks illuminate the sky, the bills will eventually come due for many kids who can't afford to pay them.
- 不好的一方面是就好比爆炸的烟花终将照亮天空,对于很多没有能力支付账单的孩子,账单终将会到期。
- 12. That is useful for the individuals involved, since it may illuminate patterns of which they were unaware (the proximity of a particular kind of crop, for example).
- 这对有关个人很有用,因为它可以阐释未明的诱发哮喘模式(例如接近特定种类的农作物)。
- 13. The lights of South Africa's Cape Town illuminate the foot of Table Mountain, another of the world's seven natural wonders as chosen by voters round the world.
- 南非开普敦的灯光映照在桌山的山脚。 全球投票结果结束后,桌山是入选的又一世界新七大自然奇观之一。
- 14. In the meantime, other scientists sought to illuminate the origin of feathers by examining the scales of modern reptiles, the closest living relatives of birds.
- 就在同时,其他科学家们开始通过检验现代爬行动物的鳞片来试图阐明羽毛的起源,因为爬行动物与鸟类之间的亲缘关系最为接近。
- 15. But an artistic mind can use social networks to create vast performance art pieces involving millions of people, to enhance and illuminate the human experience.
- 但是有创意的头脑可以使用社会网络让千万大众参与创作大型表演艺术,因而提升和照亮人的经验。
- 16. In a corridor that doubles as an art gallery, the team installed low Windows that illuminate the space while preventing direct sunlight from hitting the artwork.
- 作为画廊走廊变宽为原来两倍,团队安装了低窗照亮室内,同时阻挡对艺术品有威胁的直射阳光。
- 17. These 'trees' provide seating, shade and acoustic absorption and at night they serve as an illuminate bodies which fill the room with white or blue glowing light.
- 这些“树”形的家具可以坐、可以遮阴、可以吸声,夜晚还可以做为发光体透出白色或者蓝色的光。
- 18. Science has no national boundaries, because it is the wealth of all human beings, is the torch to illuminate the world, but the scholars belong to the motherland.
- 科学是没有国界的,因为它是属于全人类的财富,是照亮世界的火把,但是学者是属于祖国的。
- 19. The waves of the Caribbean break to the north, cruise ships hum in the south and a constellation of lights illuminate the mountains of Puerto Rico in the distance.
- 北面,加勒比海浪起纷呈,南面传来游船的嗡嗡声,而星光下远处的群山摩摩挲挲。
- 20. Lighting can hide obvious landscape problems while accentuating positive features, leaving the "cover of night" to help minimize what you do not want to illuminate.
- 灯光景观可以隐藏的问题,同时明显加剧积极特征,离开“夜幕”,以帮助减少你不想照亮。
- 21. The small fusion body is a loose to tightly woven series of threads of light that illuminate the cellular structure burning off density through application of heat.
- 小型的融合体,是一系列从松到紧编织的光之线,它会通过应用热而照亮细胞,烧掉致密。
- 22. The analyst must allow himself to appreciate the complexity of the emotional experience he is required to illuminate and yet restrict his choice to these three links.
- 对于需要加以解释的情绪经验,分析师必须重视其复杂性,但要把自己的选择限制在这三种联结中。
- 23. The glass blocks covering the walls and roof allow natural light to illuminate the entries and extend below-grade through the diagonal space of the stairs and escalators.
- 玻璃块覆盖的墙壁和屋顶可以让光线照射进来并且向下延伸,通过楼梯和自动扶梯实现对角空间效果。
- 24. Descriptive Content: Deeper details that really illuminate an artist or album including styles, moods, years active, instruments, birth/death date/place, and country of origin.
- 内容描述:进一步真正说明艺术家和唱片的细节性信息,包括风格、情绪、活跃年代、乐器、生卒时期和地点,以及原籍国家。
- 25. Just like you may need a mirror to see behind obstacles in the cramped compartments of a tower PC, you may need to illuminate your PC's guts more clearly than your ceiling lights can.
- 就像你可能需要一面镜子一样,有时需要看看狭小的机箱部件背后,需要照亮你的PC一边以便更清楚。
- 26. Those rays from the sun directly reflected from the lit side of the rings onto the planet strike and illuminate the night-side southern hemisphere, as seen in the full resolution.
- 那些来自太阳的光线实则反射自光环的明亮面,然后投至土星隐没在黑夜中的南半球,正如图中所示。
- 27. As NASA continues to explore the far side of the moon, people will no doubt continue to be fascinated by the "dark" side and continue to look for answers to illuminate its mystery.
- 随着NASA持续地探索远地侧,月球的“暗面”无疑会继续给人们带来惊奇,人们也会继续追求答案来解释它的神秘。
- 28. As NASA continues to explore the far side of the moon, people will no doubt continue to be fascinated by the "dark" side and continue to look for answers to illuminate its mystery.
- 随着NASA持续地探索远地侧,月球的“暗面”无疑会继续给人们带来惊奇,人们也会继续追求答案来解释它的神秘。