- 1. What can you see except a Hoodie?
- 除了一件连帽衫你还看到了神马?
- 2. Soft and cozy knit cotton hoodie.
- 柔软舒适针织棉帽衫。
- 3. Ultra plush fitted hoodie with faux fur trim.
- 超豪华与人造毛皮装连帽装饰。
- 4. Pullover hoodie with contrast taping at drawstring.
- 套衫连帽抽绳绑带对比。
- 5. He fumbles in his hoodie pockets and finds his BlackBerry.
- 他摸索着自己的上衣兜并发现了他的黑莓。
- 6. The brand is printed on the front of the gray hoodie and on the neck label on both colors.
- 品牌字样印在灰色的风帽式运动衫正面和两种颜色的衣服颈部标签上。
- 7. Wearing a pink hoodie and a crooked smile, the fortuneteller stared at the grid on my palms.
- 占卜者身穿粉色兜帽上衣,微笑时一边嘴角向上,一边向下,她盯着我掌心的纹路。
- 8. Housed in a former bomb shelter and painted black, it's packed with the hoodie-and-skullcap set.
- 漆成黑色的庇护以前是一个防空洞,酒吧里不乏小混混。
- 9. Rethread a hoodie string that's gone rogue by stapling the string to a straw and pulling it through.
- 想把脱落的连帽衫帽子上的细绳重新穿回去,可以把细绳穿进吸管里,然后拉过去。
- 10. The Celtics have a human mascot known for his hoodie and his half-baked excuses for spying on his enemies.
- 凯尔特人队有一个用各种搞笑的借口去侦查敌人的吉祥物。
- 11. In array to defend their sensibilities, abercrombie fitch hoodie, they nay to see the addict as a person anymore.
- 在数组来捍卫自己的感情,阿伯克龙比惠誉帽衫,他们拒绝看到作为一个人上瘾了。
- 12. He looked at really dull shirts. I picked out a T-Sweatshirt-hoodie that was pink and white with stars on the sides.
- 他去看很乏味的衬衫,我则挑了一件粉色的两边有白色星星的戴帽T恤。
- 13. Shocked Facebook users were quick to react to the shocking footage, condemning the rude action of the boy in hoodie.
- 感到震惊的脸书用户们立刻对这一令人毛骨悚然的视频进行了回应,他们对身穿卫衣的男孩进行了谴责。
- 14. Except in Antarctic temps, there's rarely a reason to wear a T-shirt, hoodie and blazer all at once, like Tom prefers.
- 除非在南极,否则没有什么理由像汤姆所喜欢的那样,同时穿一件T恤,连帽衫和休闲西装。
- 15. Our next focus was to offer a beautiful hoodie that could transition from a day on the plane straight to the bar at night.
- 我们的下一个目标是使连帽衫更加美观,既可以白天在飞机上穿,也可以晚上去酒吧时穿。
- 16. There is nothing that doesn't need a pair - even if you're in a hoodie and wellies, a pair of hoops makes the world of difference.
- 任何衣服都需要这么一对——即使你穿着连帽衫和雨靴,一对耳环可以让你看上去很不一样。
- 17. He arrived at his interview near OkCupid's Midtown Manhattan offices wearing a lavender hoodie and turquoise socks stuffed inside loafers.
- 来到OkCupid的曼哈顿中区办公室附近接受采访时,他身披一件淡紫色风衣,套着青绿色短袜的脚塞在一双平底便鞋里。
- 18. Clad in jeans and a T-shirt, Mr. Pincus could easily blend in with Zynga's new recruits, a group of hoodie-wearing, 20-something engineers and product managers.
- 牛仔裤加T恤,平克斯能轻松地与Zynga的新员工——一群穿着连帽风衣、20多岁的工程师和产品经理——打成一片。
- 19. This handcrafted 7-inch tall figurine is completely detailed from Mark’s trademark hoodie and jeans outfit, down to his curly brown hair, green eyes and freckles.
- 这款7英尺高的小人像做工精致,从马克标志性的连帽上衣和牛仔裤到他的棕色小卷毛发型以及绿色眼睛都做得惟妙惟肖,连雀斑都做出来了。
- 20. The cover of the current issue of Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical magazine, shows cars ablaze in a London street as marauding, hoodie-wearing youngsters look on.
- 最新一期的《侦探》(以讽刺揭发各种丑闻为主的杂志)封面,展示了伦敦街头汽车燃烧的场景,而穿着风衣帽的年轻抢劫者们还在一旁观看着。
- 21. 'Think Silicon Valley, the shlumpy, nerdy, hoodie thing, ' she says. 'It's very hard to look like a rock star or leader-Ly if you do the shlumpy, nerdy thing as a woman.
- 她说,想想在硅谷,那种懒散的、书呆子气的连帽衫,如果女性穿上这样的衣服,很难看起来像是摇滚明星或领导者。
- 22. From the outside, it looks like regular comfy hoodie, but on the inside there is a hidden inflatable, ergonomic neck pillow that can be blown up through a nozzle on the inside of the hood.
- 这件衣服从外观上看就是件普通又舒适的连帽衫。但衣服的风帽里藏有一个可充气的人体工学颈枕,只要对着吹气口吹吹气就能马上撑起来。
- 23. I was in the back seat when we pulled up to the girl's house, an Indian-American high schooler wearing a hoodie that said "Chatham Fussball" on it. She and her mother were standing on their doorstep.
- 我坐在后排车座上,和鲍勃开车来到那位女孩家,她是一个美籍印度裔高中生,穿着印有“查塔姆足球队”字样的风帽衣,和她母亲一起站在门前的台阶上,脸上一直带着笑容。
- 24. I was in the back seat when we pulled up to the girl's house, an Indian-American high schooler wearing a hoodie that said "Chatham Fussball" on it. She and her mother were standing on their doorstep.
- 我坐在后排车座上,和鲍勃开车来到那位女孩家,她是一个美籍印度裔高中生,穿着印有“查塔姆足球队”字样的风帽衣,和她母亲一起站在门前的台阶上,脸上一直带着笑容。