- 1. EXAMPLE: If our dishonest competitors ever get caught they will all be sent to the hoosegow.
- 如果我们不诚实的竞争对手被抓住,他们肯定进监狱。
- 2. The historic looking hoosegow features a pair of cells complete with iron locks and keys designed by Rose himself.
- 这座看起来有些年头的监狱有两个囚室,配备着罗斯自己设计的铁锁和钥匙。
- 3. No professor wants to hear about how your grandfather just died (even if it's true-which it never is), how your Jeep got totaled, or why you just spent three days in the hoosegow.
- 没有教授想要知道你的祖父怎么刚死的(即使这是真的——当然,多数不是),你的吉普车怎么报废的,或是为什么你三天都呆在拘留所里。
- 4. No professor wants to hear about how your grandfather just died (even if it's true-which it never is), how your Jeep got totaled, or why you just spent three days in the hoosegow.
- 没有教授想要知道你的祖父怎么刚死的(即使这是真的——当然,多数不是),你的吉普车怎么报废的,或是为什么你三天都呆在拘留所里。