- 1. He is an old hand at fencing.
- 击剑他是老手。
- 2. In 1976, two of his employees blew up a Cuban aircraft, killing 73 people, including the country's national fencing team.
- 1976年,他的两名雇员炸毁了一架古巴飞机,造成73人死亡,其中包括该国的国家击剑队。
- 3. One person must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
- 一个人必须像参加击剑比赛或国际象棋比赛那样,以同样的坚韧和敏捷来准备。
- 4. About 600 U.S. athletes will compete in 30 different sports at the Games—from swimming to fencing, and from judo to gymnastics.
- 大约600名美国运动员将参加30个不同项目的比赛——从游泳到击剑,从柔道到体操。
- 5. The factory is surrounded by electric fencing.
- 工厂有电网围着。
- 6. The truck quietly rolled forward and demolished all the old wooden fencing.
- 卡车静静地缓慢前行,毁了所有旧木栅栏。
- 7. They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff.
- 他们最终扯掉了周边的栅栏,并和保安人员扭打起来。
- 8. It was this huge fencing that prevented Prickles from finding her way back.
- 正是这条巨大的围栏阻止了普里克尔斯找到回去的路。
- 9. Perched on top of the fencing is a network of 900 surveillance cameras to detect intrusions.
- 围栏顶部是一个由900个监控摄像头组成的网络,用来探测入侵。
- 10. In downtown Vancouver, some roads are already closed, and rings of security fencing surround some key venues.
- 在温哥华市中心,一些道路已经关闭,一些主要场所周围设置了安全围栏。
- 11. Once the fires were over, the family had to fix the damage done to the farm as it was such a large property. This included rebuilding about 50 kilometers of fencing.
- 火灾结束后,由于家产众多,这家人必须修复大火对农场造成的破坏,包括重建约50公里长的围栏。
- 12. Each piece of land needs fencing!
- 每一处绿地都需要围栏!
- 13. You know, like fencing, or theater or something.
- 你知道,像是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。
- 14. pool fencing to reduce the risk of drowning;
- 水池设置栅栏以减少溺水危险;
- 15. At 8:00 a.m., I have fencing class. Then I have wine making class.
- 上午八点我要上击剑课,然后是酿酒工艺课。
- 16. In high school, I spent my time playing chess, fencing, and sailing.
- 高中的时候,常常玩象棋,还玩击剑和帆船。
- 17. Matajuro was told never to speak of fencing and never to touch a sword.
- Matajuro被告诫:不准谈论剑术,不准触碰宝剑。
- 18. For example, Aleck had a small figure and he was too feeble to practice fencing.
- 比如,亚力克的体形很小并因为太虚弱而不能练习击剑。
- 19. Fun! I've surprised myself by enjoying activities like trampolining and fencing.
- 乐趣!我惊讶自己居然喜欢像蹦床和击剑那样的活动。
- 20. His father saw three women win America's first MEDALS - all in one event, fencing.
- 他的父亲则亲历三位女同胞为美国赢得首块金牌——都是一个项目,击剑。
- 21. I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don't mind the fencing.
- 我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。
- 22. A I'm not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don't mind the fencing.
- A我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。
- 23. Detailed discussions have been held with the Banks about ring-fencing, but uncertainties remain.
- 银行已经同意了围栏策略的具体商讨,但是仍有不确定性存在。
- 24. He started to learn fencing at age ten and spent a great part of his life on our national fencing team.
- 他十岁开始练剑术,在我们的国家剑术队里,他花了大量的时间。
- 25. To support this, we provided a recovery server selection notification along with failure fencing support.
- 为了支持上述特性,我们提供了一个恢复服务器选择通知(recovery server selection notification)以及失败防护支持。
- 26. The Border Patrol has expanded to more than 20,000 officers and more than 600 miles of fencing have been built.
- 边境巡逻队已扩展到超过20,000名官员,已建起超过600英里的边境围墙。
- 27. The Border Patrol has expanded to more than 20, 000 officers and more than 600 miles of fencing have been built.
- 边境巡逻队已扩展到超过20,000名官员,已建起超过600英里的边境围墙。
- 28. According to international left-handed groups, they excel particularly in tennis, baseball, swimming and fencing.
- 但是左撇子也有他们优于常人的地方,对于世界上的“聪明左撇子们”来说,他们在网球、棒球、游泳以及击剑方面特别擅长。
- 29. One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
- 你必须像进行一个击剑锦标赛或着一个国际象棋比赛那样的坚韧和敏捷来对待面试。
- 30. One must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match.
- 你必须像进行一个击剑锦标赛或着一个国际象棋比赛那样的坚韧和敏捷来对待面试。