- 1. Since yellow is the most eye-catching color, it can catch people's attention, especially in heavy traffic.
- 由于黄色是最引人注目的颜色,所以尤其在交通拥堵的时候,黄色能吸引人们的注意力。
- 2. The eye-catching advertisements will trap us into buying things that we actually don't need.
- 这些引人注目的广告会让我们买一些实际上我们并不需要的东西。
- 3. The most eye-catching idea of all is suggested by Professor Roger Angel of the University of Arizona.
- 其中最引人注目的想法是由亚利桑那大学的罗杰·安吉尔教授提出的。
- 4. Beware: these eye-catching anemones have venom in their tentacles, which they use to stun and capture their prey.
- 要当心:这些引人注目的海葵的触手上有毒液,它们就是用这个来使猎物昏迷从而捕捉到猎物的。
- 5. Design doesn't necessarily include things like sculptures or decorative walkways, or even eye-catching window displays.
- 设计并不一定要包括雕塑,装饰性人行道,甚至引人注目的橱窗展览之类的东西。
- 6. Her novels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers.
- 她的小说刚进行了重印,新封面非常抢眼。
- 7. I can play around with the pictures in all sorts of ways to make them more eye-catching.
- 我可以试着用各种不同的方式来摆放这些图片,使它们更引人注目。
- 8. For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.
- 一方面,市场被这些吸人眼球的话语充斥着,比如“如何在5小时内成为一个行业的专家”和“十五堂课速成欣赏古典音乐大师”。这些话听起来就像是若你为此付了钱,你便一定会成功一样。
- 9. The results are eye-catching.
- 结果非常抢眼。
- 10. Japan and the EU have set eye-catching headline goals.
- 日本和欧盟已经设定了令人注目的目标。
- 11. However, most of the cash is for less eye-catching stuff.
- 不过,这笔资金的大部分都花在不怎么引人注意的地方。
- 12. Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible.
- 记住,你应该把报告作得尽可能引人注目。
- 13. That affection is like a touch of green tea, refreshing eye-catching, fresh.
- 亲情就好比那淡淡的清茶,提神醒目,沁人心脾。
- 14. This is most often done horizontally but can feel more unique and eye-catching if done vertically.
- 大多是水平方向的变色,但如果采用垂直设计也会给人独特和耀眼的感觉。
- 15. Let the soul and emotion in a time when the homeless are not eye-catching in this area rest stop.
- 让灵魂和情感在无家可归的时候在这块不惹眼的地方驻足休息。
- 16. Given all this, how do scientists explain the fact that robin's eggs are an eye-catching, unmarked blue?
- 终上所述,科学家如何解释知更鸟蛋是耀眼的纯蓝色呢?也许这样便于知更鸟识破其巢寄生的鸟类将自己蛋放进知更鸟巢吧!
- 17. Some have speculated that he could go for an eye-catching first cut to 1, 000 warheads each, with more to come.
- 一些国家还推测,奥巴马可能会争取实现双方在首次削减中将核弹头削减至引人注目的1000枚,随后还将削减更多。
- 18. Sitting at an outdoor coffee shop, Cheng is eye-catching in brown shorts and knee-high black stiletto boots.
- 坐在露天咖啡座上的成小姐穿着棕色热裤,到膝盖的黑色高筒镂空皮靴,十分引人注目。
- 19. But beware: these eye-catching anemones have venom in their tentacles, which they use to stun and capture their prey.
- 但是要当心:这些引人注目的海葵的触手上有毒液,它们就是用这个来使猎物昏迷从而捕捉到猎物的。
- 20. This ugly, vulgar, hard, hermetic, hardly eye-catching, hardly football style, yes it served the Dutch to unsettle Spain.
- 这丑陋、粗俗、难受、不可理喻、黯淡的风格不是足球所需要的。是的,荷兰队用它给西班牙制造了麻烦。
- 21. But it's not pigments that create those eye-catching shades. It's microscopic structures on the insects' wings that reflect the light.
- 然而这些耀眼的颜色并不是色素造成的,而是由它们翅膀上的微小结构反光而成。
- 22. Labyrinth tanks and no doubt very stylish in appearance eye-catching design, but the tanks are not cheap: price 6500 U.S. dollars.
- Labyrinth水族缸无疑在外形设计上非常时尚惹眼,但这种鱼缸价格不菲:标价6500美元。
- 23. Consider adding animation to your designators for a more eye-catching display (watch out for memory leaks in the available libraries).
- 考虑把动画添加到指示器中以获得更加醒目的显示(当心可用库发生内存泄露)。
- 24. They shake up the wine and heat it up before drinking, then hold the glass on their hands and watch the eye-catching and pleasing red color.
- 他们在饮用之前晃动酒瓶并将其加热,而后举杯用肉眼观察其醒目之红色。
- 25. But Hong Kong resident Jackie Rain wanted something even more eye-catching than his orange Audi TTS: a license plate that reads' MR BEAN. '.
- 但香港市民JackieRain想要比他的橙色奥迪tts更具回头率的东西:一副写着“MRBEAN(憨豆先生)”的车牌。
- 26. "Color is always exciting and eye-catching," Albanese says. "Try complementing a bold-colored top with a dark pant or denim, or the reverse."
- “色彩通常是令人兴奋和抓眼球的,”阿班尼斯说,“试试上身穿大胆的颜色,配一条深色裤子或者牛仔,或者两者互换。”
- 27. Every designer spends a substantial amount of time and effort to make their design eye-catching by judiciously blending different shades of color.
- 为了使设计能引人注目,每位设计师耗费大量时间和精力小心翼翼地混合各种颜色。
- 28. Every designer spends a substantial amount of time and effort to make their design eye-catching by judiciously blending different shades of color.
- 为了使设计能引人注目,每位设计师耗费大量时间和精力小心翼翼地混合各种颜色。