- 1. Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
- 其它眼睛特征包括眼球无意识而有节奏的运动。
- 2. The protesters and police stood eyeball to eyeball.
- 抗议者与警察剑拔弩张。
- 3. There are close to one million nerve fibers that connect the eyeball to the brain, as of yet it is impossible to attach them all in a new person.
- 有近100万个神经纤维连接眼球和大脑,但目前还不可能把它们全部附加至另一个人体上。
- 4. That prevents the eyeball collapsing.
- 这防止了眼球塌陷。
- 5. The eyeball itself expresses no emotion.
- 眼球本身并不表达什么感情。
- 6. An eyeball has as much processing power as a supercomputer.
- 眼球的数据处理能力堪比一台超级电脑。
- 7. A Toronto man has been the first to get an eyeball tattoo.
- 这位来自多伦多的男子成了世界上首例在眼球上刺青的人。
- 8. During my three-hour surgery my eyeball was pulled out of its socket.
- 在我长三个小时的手术中,我的眼球曾被拿了出来。
- 9. In the first debate our candidate's going eyeball to eyeball with his opponent.
- 在第一场辩论中,我们的候选人与他的对手针锋相对。
- 10. Originally, inserting a new lens meant cutting a flap in the eyeball some 11mm across.
- 最初,植入一个新的晶体意味着在眼球上划开一个大约11毫米的口子。
- 11. The implant then feeds the data to the optic nerve which leads from the eyeball to the brain.
- 植入然后喂数据到视神经导致从眼球到大脑。
- 12. Because its eyeball is fixed, the whale must move its huge body to shift its line of sight.
- 因为鲸鱼的眼球是固定的,所以它必须移动巨大的身体才能改变它的视线。
- 13. As early as 1962 a ruby laser welded a detached retina to a patient's eyeball to save their vision.
- 早在1962年,一台红宝石激光器将病人脱落的视网膜与眼球重新连接,使他恢复了视力。
- 14. The system can extract lenses, keep the eyeball inflated, and inject lenses in several different ways.
- 这个系统能够抽取晶状体,保持眼球的膨胀,和用不同的方法注射晶状体。
- 15. Astigmatism: distorted vision resulting from an irregularly curved cornea, the clear covering of the eyeball.
- 散光:因角膜(覆盖眼球的一层透明膜)不规则弯曲而引起的影象变形。
- 16. Earlier eyeball camera designs are incompatible with variable zoom because these cameras have rigid detectors.
- 早期眼球式相机设计与各种变焦不兼容,因为这些相机有严格的探测器。
- 17. So far, the big broadcast networks have been able to persuade advertisers to spend more for each eyeball they reach.
- 到目前为止,大的广播公司仍然有能力说服广告客户花更多的钱获得更多的市场关注。
- 18. Those, along with my swollen black and blue face, bloody eyeball, and facial numbness were ugly reminders of what had happened.
- 这片淤青,连同青一块紫一块的麻木的脸,还有血淋淋的眼球使我无法忘记发生了什么。
- 19. The laser's first big successes in medicine came from performing operations inside the eye without cutting into the eyeball.
- 激光在医学上的首次成功应用是进行眼内手术,但是不需要切开眼球。
- 20. This enlargement of the eyeball however, may create a different problem in that it has the effect of making the eye short-sighted.
- 而这种眼球的扩大就可能间接产生对近视的影响。
- 21. All right, this is what's called a recurrence relation, there are actually cool ways to solve them. We can kind of eyeball it.
- 好,这就是所谓的递归关系,也就是解决问题的相当好的办法,我们可以来看看。
- 22. It relies on an intact eyeball, an intact retina with functioning bipolar cells, and an optic nerve to convey the information to the brain.
- 它需要一个完整的眼球,一个极性细胞具有正常功能的完整视网膜,还有将信息传递给大脑的视觉神经。
- 23. Suddenly we can use technology to bring some of the world's greatest teachers eyeball to eyeball with a global audience in the millions.
- 就好像突然之间我们可以通过技术把世界上最好的思想者请到了台前,面对面地和全球近百万的观众进行交流。
- 24. Retinitis pigmentosa is a degenerative disease in which light receptors in the retina, on the back of the eyeball, gradually cease to function.
- 患有色素性视网膜炎是一种退行性疾病,光接收器在视网膜上,背面的眼球,逐渐停止功能。
- 25. Retinitis pigmentosa is a degenerative disease in which light receptors in the retina, on the back of the eyeball, gradually cease to function.
- 患有色素性视网膜炎是一种退行性疾病,光接收器在视网膜上,背面的眼球,逐渐停止功能。