- 1. I did a double-take when I saw her dressed in biker's gear.
- 看见她一身赛车手打扮,我一时没反应过来。 。
- 2. Impossible People and Animals: these can be silly or sublime, depending upon the subject, but almost inevitably result in a confused double-take.
- 不可能的人和动物——光看这些人和动物,可能有些搞笑或者怪异,但是,人们总是难免会想要对它们多看几眼。
- 3. Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
- 多休息,因为休息有双重好处:休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。
- 4. Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus. The time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation, and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
- 多休息,因为这会收到事半功倍的效果。休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。
- 5. She looked up, then did a double take when she saw my dress and makeup.
- 她抬起头,看见我的衣服和打扮露出不能置信的表情。
- 6. So there was the moment you could just walk out and take their rejection of someone's just saying I'm sorry, I'm double scheduled to you for three hours and just go home.
- 你总会遇到这样的时候,垂头丧气地走出办公室,接受别人的拒绝,他们会说:非常抱歉,我还有事要忙,三个钟头之后再和你重约,你先回去吧。
- 7. In particular, women hoping to become pregnant are advised in many countries to take double the recommended dose of folic acid.
- 特别是想要小孩的女性。在很多国家,医生都建议她们摄入两倍于一般剂量的叶酸。
- 8. They're cheeky, exploit the multiple meanings of words, and are the verbal equivalent of a double take.
- 他们可是非常厚颜无耻的开发着词汇的各种意思,而动词往往事半功倍。
- 9. For comparison, how long do you think it would take to double your money on Treasury bills if they continue to yield 0.01%?
- 相对而言,你认为如果短期国库券持续0.01%的收益,多久你的钱才能翻倍?
- 10. Through the double doors, take a right.
- 穿过双开门,右转。
- 11. Their fees could reach $1.5 billion, double the take in the Enron case.
- 他们的费用可能高达15亿美元,是安然案件所花费用的一倍。
- 12. My only question for Pat Riley is: Why didn't he offer to double the salary of Suns head trainer Aaron Nelson so he would take his talents to South Beach?
- 我对帕特·莱利唯一的问题是:为什么他不出双倍工资给太阳队的首席训练师尼尔森,让他把他的能力带到南海岸的迈阿密呢?
- 13. I have to admit, when I came across the news I'm about to share with you I did a double take and then I squirmed a bit.
- 我不得不承认,即将与你分享的这则新闻,我无意中发现之后,读到第二遍才看明白了,之后心理一阵别扭。
- 14. According to the Food Marketing Institute, consumers are using supermarkets for 21 per cent of take-home food, nearly double the level of a year ago.
- 根据食物的营销研究所的资料,消费者正在使用的超级市场的21 %的带回家的食物,与一年前比较增加了近一倍的水平。
- 15. As long as they earn their salary, adding more to the economy than they take from it, double-dippers are helping to solve the demographic problem.
- 只要他们在赚取薪水,他们对于经济的付出就大于收入,领取双份收入的人有利于解决人口统计学上的问题。
- 16. With 19 percent of those homes, the lender had not even begun to take action to repossess the property — double the rate of a year earlier.
- 而贷款人甚至没有开始对其中19%(是去年同比的两倍)的家庭采取收回抵押房产的措施。
- 17. “They (the producers) did this double take, ‘Oh my God, we are going to have to do something, ’ and I felt guilty, ” said Melling.
- 米尔林说道:“制片人看到我先是一愣,然后恍然大悟道:‘天哪,我们必须得采取点行动了。’这让我感到很内疚。”
- 18. You may have to do a double take when looking at actresses Portia DE Rossi and Drea DE Matteo, who are, surprisingly, not related.
- 当你看到女演员波西亚-德罗茜和德瑞·迪·马特奥时,你肯定以为自己看重影了(眼花了),因为她俩长的实在是惊人的相似。
- 19. Women with breast cancer who take aspirin at least twice a week can more than double their chance of surviving, researchers say.
- 这次研究跟踪的妇女,如果一周服用两次至五次阿斯匹林,则死于乳腺癌或乳腺癌扩散的风险大大降低。
- 20. Of course movies can now sometimes double their take with DVD and television sales.
- 当然,如今的电影可以通过DVD和电视来多次观看。
- 21. So, if a curl was well defined at the origin, you would try to, then, take the double integral.
- 如果旋度在原点有定义,你就可以试试了,计算二重积分。
- 22. Still, while it's just a coincidence, it's a coincidence that's guaranteed to make you do a double take the first time you run across it.
- 然而虽然它只是个巧合,但是当你第一次偶然得知它时,保证会使你不由得一怔。
- 23. Mr Halliday describes the act as a "double-edged sword", because what Parliament gave, Parliament could also take away.
- Halliday先生将这项法案视为一柄双刃剑,因为由议会给予的,也可由议会收回。
- 24. At least one person did a double take on seeing me.
- 至少有人看了我两眼。
- 25. So I'm printing out line by line a char will take out some number of bytes; a double, some number of bytes; a float; and an int.
- 所以我将要逐行地打印出一个char类型占了几个字节,一个double类型要占了几个字节,还有float和int类型。
- 26. He did a sort of double take and said, “Brenda, next time you are talking bad about someone, make sure the three-way calling is disconnected.”
- 他看看我,走向旁边的房间时开始大笑,然后他回头又看了我一眼说,布伦达啊,下次说别人坏话时要确保三通电话是断开的。
- 27. He did a sort of double take and said, “Brenda, next time you are talking bad about someone, make sure the three-way calling is disconnected.”
- 他看看我,走向旁边的房间时开始大笑,然后他回头又看了我一眼说,布伦达啊,下次说别人坏话时要确保三通电话是断开的。