- 1. Later came the first break in their restored home circle. The dovecote.
- 不久,他们重新团聚起来的家就发生了第一次突破。
- 2. Who are these who fly like a cloud and like the doves to their dovecote?
- 那些如云飞来,又如鸽子飞回鸽房的,是谁呢?
- 3. Then came a day when Laurie was invited to the dovecote to see Meg's new baby.
- 接着有一天,劳里被邀请到鸽棚来看看梅格的新生婴儿。
- 4. The Dovecote was the name of the little Brown house that John Brooke had prepared for his Bride.
- 鸽棚是约翰·布鲁克为他的新娘所准备的一幢棕色小房子的名字。
- 5. We transformed the old dovecote into a minimal concrete 'tree house' that represents these memories and fantasies.
- 我们将旧的鸽舍改造为代表这些记忆和幻想的小小混凝土树屋。
- 6. Regarded as one of the most romantic hideaways in Britain, the Dovecote would certainly fit the bill for most lovebirds.
- 英国鸽舍旅馆被誉为英国最浪漫的隐居地,这个旅馆肯定符合很多恋爱中的情侣的要求。
- 7. Then came a day when Laurie was invited to the Dovecote to see Meg's new baby. Jo appeared, a proud aunt, bearing a bundle.
- 这天,劳里被邀请到鸽棚去看梅格的新生儿。
- 8. Then came a day when laurie was invited to the dovecote to see meg's new baby. jo appeared a proud aunt bearing a bundle on a pillow.
- 接着有一天,劳里被邀请到鸽棚来看看梅格的新生婴儿。乔出现了,一个自豪的姨妈,抱着躺在枕头上的一个包包。
- 9. They are hastening back to their warm wooden dovecote earlier than usual perhaps because they have mistaken the bleak leaden sky for nightfall or because of their presentiment of a storm.
- 他们比以往提早急着回到温暖的鸽巢也许是被这阴冷的天气所蒙骗又或许他们已经预感到了暴风雨的气息。
- 10. Babur's father died when he was 11, while tending pigeons in an ill-constructed dovecote that toppled into the ravine below the palace, leaving his son in charge of a small province, Fergana.
- 巴布尔的父亲去世时,他11岁,正在照料一个拙劣的鸽房里的鸽子,这个鸽房不稳,后来倒进了宫殿下方的深谷里。他父亲给他留下了一个小的省份,费尔干纳。
- 11. Babur's father died when he was 11, while tending pigeons in an ill-constructed dovecote that toppled into the ravine below the palace, leaving his son in charge of a small province, Fergana.
- 巴布尔的父亲去世时,他11岁,正在照料一个拙劣的鸽房里的鸽子,这个鸽房不稳,后来倒进了宫殿下方的深谷里。他父亲给他留下了一个小的省份,费尔干纳。