- 1. This compelling story begins with the crowning of Queen Victoria in 1837.
- 这个吸引人的故事开始于1837年维多利亚女王的加冕。
- 2. The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city.
- 大教堂是这座城市至高无上的骄傲。
- 3. The successful mission marked the crowning moment for the space programme.
- 这个成功使命标志了太空计划的最伟大时刻。
- 4. His 'Beethoven' sculpture is seen as the crowning achievement of his career.
- 人们认为他制作的贝多芬雕像是他在事业上取得的最高成就。
- 5. But the Labor Department's latest jobs reports and other recent data reports present a strong case for crowning baby boomers as the greatest victims of the recession and its dreadful consequences.
- 但美国劳工部最新的就业报告和其他最新数据报告有力地证明了婴儿潮一代是经济衰退及其可怕后果的最大受害者。
- 6. Her crowning glory is her hair.
- 她最引以为荣的是她的头发。
- 7. Her crowning glory is her hair.
- 最使她容貌生辉的是她的头发。
- 8. One of her crowning achievements?
- 什么是她最高的成就?
- 9. To the crowning success of the Beijing Paralympic Games
- 为北京残奥会圆满成功
- 10. Even having nothing on the head can be one's crowning glory!
- 甚至头顶上没有任何东西变成了某些人的至高荣耀!
- 11. The Stone was his crowning achievement, his own favourite project.
- 《红楼梦》翻译是他艺术成就的巅峰,也是他最钟爱的项目。
- 12. It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.
- 这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。
- 13. Visitors still marvel at the dome, the crowning feature of the cathedral.
- 今日的游客仍惊叹于这个圆顶,它是教堂中最引人注目像皇冠似的一景。
- 14. As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilliant constellation crowning the chapel.
- 门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。
- 15. A crowning spire was a key feature of the design from the beginning, including a topmast and a ring of spikes.
- 从一开始,最高的尖顶就是设计的关键特点,其中还包括了一座中桅和一圈小尖顶。
- 16. It was also a crowning achievement as she became the first black actor to ever receive an Oscar, Emmy, and a Tony.
- 她因此成为首位获得奥斯卡奖、艾美奖和托尼奖的黑人演员,这是一个至高无上的成就。
- 17. Mr Cercas, one of Spain's best younger novelists, sees in their quiet defiance a crowning moment of Spanish history.
- 塞卡斯是西班牙最优秀的年轻小说家之一,他在这三个人无言的违抗中看到了西班牙历史上辉煌的一瞬。
- 18. A lot of enterprises in all their opponents by crowning calamity when helped by, because they know what if the lips are gone.
- 很多企业也都在自己对手遭遇灭顶之灾的时候伸出过援手,因为他们懂得什么叫唇亡齿寒。
- 19. I spent a happy week in the farm with nothing to do but eat and sleep and enjoy the scenery-and crowning it all, glorious sunset.
- 我在农场度过了愉快的一周,成天无所事事,只是吃饭、睡觉、欣赏风景,更让人难以忘怀的是观赏那绚丽多彩的日落。
- 20. One of the crowning moments of Net.Data was its use in the creation of the dynamic Web pages of the 1998 Winter Olympics at Nagano.
- Data 最辉煌的一刻是在 1998 年长野冬季奥林匹克运动会上使用 Net.Data创建动态Web页面。
- 21. For this precious day I low noble head, I decided to do one day your slave, serve you wholeheartedly, this will be my crowning glory!
- 为了这宝贵的一天,我低下高贵的头,我决定做一天你的奴仆,全心全意为你服务,这将是我无上的光荣!
- 22. Sam Ciszuk, an analyst at IHS Global Insight, says the plant’s completion has become “more like a test of endurance than a crowning moment”.
- HIS环球透视研究公司分析师山姆西卒克表示该工厂的完成与其说是“加冕时刻”,它更像是一场“考验耐力的测试”。
- 23. Then there`s my crowning glory, inelegantly referred to in the trade as "the plug, " the part man uses to erase the errors he makes with me.
- 接着便是我无上的光荣了,一支铅笔若是没有“塞子”将会在交易终被认为是不优美的,部分人喜欢用橡皮擦去他用我写下的错误。
- 24. Constructed in secret at the starship yards of Fondor, the Executor was a crowning achievement for both the Imperial Navy and Kuat Drive yards.
- “执行者号”在方多的星际飞船船坞秘密建造,同时代表帝国海军的夸特动力船坞的最高成就。
- 25. Constructed in secret at the starship yards of Fondor, the Executor was a crowning achievement for both the Imperial Navy and Kuat Drive yards.
- “执行者号”在方多的星际飞船船坞秘密建造,同时代表帝国海军的夸特动力船坞的最高成就。