- 1. Must you be quite so crude?
- 你一定要这样粗鲁吗?
- 2. Honestly, Nev! Must you be so crude!.
- 天哪,尼夫!你怎么能如此粗暴呢!
- 3. Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.
- 原油是世界上最重要的商品。
- 4. This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form.
- 这是非常粗略简单的图式病毒形态。
- 5. He's always been quite crude, but this time he's gone too far.
- 他一向很粗鲁,但这次太过分了。
- 6. Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean.
- 成千上万加仑的原油泄漏,流进了海洋。
- 7. He was critical of the people, disparaging of their crude manners.
- 他批评那些人,贬低他们粗鲁的举止。
- 8. A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.
- 1000吨原油从油轮泄漏到了海里。
- 9. Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude.
- 和大众的想法相反,各石油公司控制不了原油的价格。
- 10. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
- 标准的血压测量是评估心脏病或中风风险的一种重要却粗略的方法。
- 11. I condemn such crude manners.
- 我痛恨这种粗鲁的态度。
- 12. No…, but such crude estimates…um…we can do better than that.
- 不,但是这样的粗略估计,我们可以做得更好。
- 13. Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.
- 原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。
- 14. The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market.
- 新技术的出现使原油市场每天增加了约420万桶的交易。
- 15. Petroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment.
- 石油由原油和天然气组成,它们似乎来源于海洋沉积物中的有机物质。
- 16. At a refinery, the crude oil from underground is separated into natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and various oils.
- 在炼油厂,从地下提取的原油被分离成天然气、汽油、煤油和各种其他类型的油。
- 17. In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the 1970s.
- 在大多数国家,原油成本在汽油价格中所占的比例比上世纪70年代要小。
- 18. In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the 1970s.
- 在大多数国家,原油成本在汽油价格中所占的比例比上世纪70年代要小。
- 19. A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.
- 然而,一个神圣的和平之地,可能是粗糙的,是人类明显的需求,而不是动物明显的避难所需求。
- 20. The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market, contributing to a global over-supply.
- 新技术出现后,原油市场每天增加供应约420万桶,导致全球供应过剩。
- 21. We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill.
- 我们可能会认为早期的艺术作品是粗糙的,但西班牙和法国南部的洞穴壁画表现出了出众的技巧。
- 22. Indeed, several refineries in Japan have stopped operations, but crude prices have tumbled below $100 a barrel for the first time in more than a week.
- 事实上,日本的几家炼油厂已经停止运营,但一周多以来原油价格却首次跌至每桶100美元。
- 23. Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.
- 纳德·施莱辛格是哈佛大学学者及发展迅速的烘焙咖啡连锁店AuBong Pain 的前首席执行官,他表示,很多“再设计”都很粗糙。
- 24. In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.
- 在欧洲,税收占汽油零售价的比例高达五分之四,因此,即使是原油价格发生了相当大的波动,对油品价格的影响也比过去要更轻微。
- 25. It involves the crude mechanics of writing, but in its economy, spontaneity and even vulgarity, texting is actually a new kind of talking, with its own kind of grammar and conventions.
- 它涉及粗略的写作技巧,但就其经济性、自发性甚至是庸俗性而言,发短信实际上是一种新型的谈话方式,具有自己的语法和惯例。
- 26. The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.
- 示威者焚毁了总统的丑化像。
- 27. Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.
- 侦探称这次夜盗是拙劣的生手干的。
- 28. In crude terms , the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
- 简略地说,导致精神病的原因看起来主要有三种。
- 29. They had eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter.
- 他们有11间简陋的房子来抵御严冬。
- 30. They had eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter.
- 他们有11间简陋的房子来抵御严冬。