- 1. Mills was regimental colonel.
- 米尔斯曾是上校团长。
- 2. The title "colonel" was an honorific.
- "上校"头衔是尊称。
- 3. The colonel paraded his men before the Queen.
- 上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅。
- 4. The colonel was sitting behind a cheap wooden desk.
- 上校坐在一张廉价的木质书桌后面。
- 5. This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel.
- 这个特别的地方归一位前陆军上校掌管。
- 6. The colonel lifted the phone and dialled his superior.
- 上校拿起电话拨了他上司的号码。
- 7. The colonel rushed up to Earle and shook his gun at him.
- 上校冲到厄尔面前,冲他挥舞着枪。
- 8. He's a retired lieutenant colonel and a bit of a martinet.
- 他是位退役中校,有点一板一眼。
- 9. Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again.
- 克拉伦斯又板起面孔,模仿上校的样。
- 10. The colonel ordered, "I want two good engines down here asap."
- 上校命令道:“我要两台好的发动机尽快到这儿”。
- 11. The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.
- 上校被这些人们报以一阵响亮的欢呼。
- 12. Turkin tapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt, Colonel."
- 图尔金拍了拍他肩膀说:“对不起,上校,打断你一下。”
- 13. Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.
- 理查德·纳尔逊上校在地方教育董事会任职至今年为止。
- 14. The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.
- 上校低下头,低声感恩祷告。
- 15. Providentially, he had earlier made friends with a Russian Colonel.
- 很凑巧,他在早些时候与一个俄国上校交了朋友。
- 16. On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
- 在他回国时,该国政府授予他上校军衔。
- 17. The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail.
- 上校得以在陆军监狱里精心组织了一场叛乱。
- 18. The colonel was decorated for bravery, having fought off the enemy.
- 上校因击退敌人而被授予英勇勋章。
- 19. Even bunkered in his Bab al-Aziziya military base, the colonel maintained his strategic depth.
- 即使在阿齐齐亚兵营军事基地藏身,上校仍保持着战略纵深。
- 20. Temple teamed with Bill Robinson in four movies, and their dance on the stairs in The Little Colonel is still a legendary film moment.
- 邓波儿与比尔·罗宾逊合作了四部电影,而他们在《小上校》中在楼梯上的舞蹈至今仍然是电影里的传奇时刻。
- 21. It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.
- 那位上校似乎不愿挑起对此事的争论。
- 22. In 1842, two army officers, Colonel Charles Stoddart and Captain Arthur Conolly, were beheaded here in public.
- 1842年,查尔斯·斯托达特上校和亚瑟·康诺利上尉两名军官在这里被当众斩首。
- 23. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past.
- 病房里有许多病人,他最近的一位病人是与他的过去无关的诺维尔·布利斯上校。
- 24. The colonel had left nothing.
- 上校什么也没有留下来。
- 25. The one on the floor was the colonel.
- 躺在地上的那个便是上校。
- 26. What might the colonel be thinking now?
- 卡扎菲这会儿在想什么呢?
- 27. I also asked Jeff to talk to Colonel Holmes.
- 我也请求杰夫与霍尔姆斯上校谈谈。
- 28. Colonel Qaddafi was never mentioned by name.
- 卡扎菲上校的名字根本未被提起过。
- 29. And the colonel still has lots of money.
- 而且卡扎菲仍然有着充足的资金。
- 30. And the colonel still has lots of money.
- 而且卡扎菲仍然有着充足的资金。