- 1. This argument is colonialist and hypocritical.
- 这说法简直是殖民和虚伪。
- 2. This article attempts to analyze what Kipling wrote about India and decipher the colonialist complex embodied by his narrations.
- 本文分析了吉卜林的印度书写,探讨了他在殖民文学创作中反映的诸多问题。
- 3. France, long a symbol of colonialist oppression in North Africa, looked once again like the hated imperial power it had formerly been.
- 长久以来,法国在北非被视为殖民压迫的象征,此番再次被视为过去那个令人憎恨的皇权。
- 4. In the second part, the paper summarizes colonialist policies implemented by French in Indochina three nations, then narrates them respectively.
- 第二部分,论文总结出法国在印支三国的各项殖民统治政策,分而述之。
- 5. It is on a new standpoint that Harding had her studies with Objectivity in Post colonialist Feminism. Its background is historical and multi-cultural.
- 哈丁以后殖民女性主义立场对客观性进行的探讨,是一种具有历史及多元文化背景的认识论研究新语境。
- 6. To resolve the contemporary cultural conflicts, Frye suggests cultural pluralism and decentralization of culture, while opposes post-colonialist culture.
- 面对当代文化矛盾,弗莱提倡文化多元主义、文化的非中心化,反对文化后殖民。
- 7. The planetary high doesn't last. The closer the story comes to a lumbering parable of colonialist aggression in the jungles of an extragalactic Vietnam, the more the enchantment fizzles.
- 波澜壮阔的宇宙场景并没有让观众陶醉很长时间,随着故事情节的深入,你越来越觉得这是发生在银河系外的一场越南战争,沉重的寓意让起初的激动心情逐渐消退。
- 8. The planetary high doesn't last. The closer the story comes to a lumbering parable of colonialist aggression in the jungles of an extragalactic Vietnam, the more the enchantment fizzles.
- 波澜壮阔的宇宙场景并没有让观众陶醉很长时间,随着故事情节的深入,你越来越觉得这是发生在银河系外的一场越南战争,沉重的寓意让起初的激动心情逐渐消退。