- 1. The icon on this tab is a beanie.
- 这个标签上的图标是一个无檐小便帽。
- 2. He bursts into a breakfast diner with his hair under a woollen beanie.
- 他突然闯进早餐店,头发掖在羊毛小便帽下。
- 3. Beanie Babies were lots of fun; they came with their own tags containing theirname, birthday, and a poem.
- 豆豆娃十分有趣;他们每一个的标签上都印有自己的名字、生日和一首诗歌。
- 4. The most popular Happy Meal toy ever was when McDonald's gave out more than 100 million Teenie Beanie Babies.
- 最受欢迎的开心乐园餐玩具是麦当劳发放的超过1亿个迷你豆豆娃。
- 5. Wei: The leader had a goatee and wore a black beanie.
- 小薇:带头的留个山羊胡子还戴顶黑色渔夫帽。
- 6. Flew over from Colorado yesterday. This is Mitch and Beanie.
- 昨天从科罗拉多飞来。这是米奇和宾尼。
- 7. To your right will be a see-saw with beanie caps sitting at each end.
- 在你的右边会有一个两端各有一个小帽子的跷跷板。
- 8. Learn how to use specialty yarn to crochet a beanie in this free video.
- 学习如何使用特种纱钩针在这个自由的视频无檐小便帽。
- 9. Scarf, sunglasses, beanie, coffee or anything that you think suits you best.
- 围巾、墨镜、帽子、咖啡或任何你觉得最适合你的东西。
- 10. Palmer said: "Our beanie will not give you the same protection as a helmet."
- 帕默说:“我们的无檐帽不能起到头盔所具有的保护作用。”
- 11. Just the thought of it made me so happy inside (his beanie weenies turned out great!)
- 只是这个想法就让我的内心兴奋不已。
- 12. But for those snowboarders who choose to wear it, it is a lot better than a normal beanie.
- 但是对于滑雪者来说,他们选择戴这种帽子能起到比普通帽子强很多的保护作用。
- 13. I picked a yellow beans again, these beanie babies each particle satiated, showing off his fat body.
- 我又摘了一个黄叶上的豆角,这些豆宝宝个个颗粒饱满,炫耀着自己胖胖的身体。
- 14. Such effects are obviously advanced well beyond any signal type which can be stopped by a foil beanie.
- 这样的影响明显是远远领先于任何能被屏蔽帽阻止的信号形式。
- 15. He was dressed in black and he had a beanie on, I knew this was something, you don't wear beanies in the tropics.
- 那人黑身打扮,头戴无边小便帽,我就知道这里面有名堂,在热带地区不会带这种帽子。
- 16. American pop star Katy Perry first popularized animal-shaped hats in 2009 when she was photographed in a panda beanie.
- 美国流行歌手凯蒂·佩里是第一个引领动物造型帽子风潮的人。2009年时她被拍到头戴着一顶熊猫造型的无檐帽。
- 17. After few weeks busy working days I bought his beanie finally, that is really nice specially for those who like me lazy to take care the long hair.
- 在探访后一直在忙,终于早几天去了无印良品买下这帽子,绝对是像我这种拥有长发也很懒惰打理的人使用!
- 18. Advertisers and marketers, it seems, have every reason to get a severe case of jitters whenever they plan a new Beanie Babies or Pokmon sales campaign.
- 看来,只要广告商和销售商们想策划一场新的促销活动来销售豆宝宝或宠物小精灵,都有足够的理由变得惶恐不安。
- 19. Justin is sporting a new look and his trademark haircut is covered up by a grey wool beanie as he switches on Westfield Shopping Centre's Christmas Lights in London on November 7, 2011.
- 2011年11月7日,贾斯汀以全新的面貌亮相,戴着灰色的羊绒无檐便帽,遮住了标志性的发型,并且开启了伦敦·韦斯特菲尔德购物中心的圣诞之灯。
- 20. "I got a 4-inch beanie baby box and tacked on some solar cells to see how many would fit on the surface, " Twiggs says. "I had enough voltage for what I needed so I decided that would be the size."
- 那时特威格斯致力于一个10厘米立方体的大小的立方体卫星的研究,“我找了一个四英寸装小编毛的宝贝盒子,在上面贴上太阳能电池,看看可以贴多少个”特威格斯说,“我得到了我需要的足够的电压,所以我认为这就是我所需要的尺寸。”
- 21. "I got a 4-inch beanie baby box and tacked on some solar cells to see how many would fit on the surface, " Twiggs says. "I had enough voltage for what I needed so I decided that would be the size."
- 那时特威格斯致力于一个10厘米立方体的大小的立方体卫星的研究,“我找了一个四英寸装小编毛的宝贝盒子,在上面贴上太阳能电池,看看可以贴多少个”特威格斯说,“我得到了我需要的足够的电压,所以我认为这就是我所需要的尺寸。”