- 1. Thousands attended the beatification of Juan Diego.
- 数千人参加了胡安·迪亚哥的宣福仪式。
- 2. Beatification, which is bestowed only on the dead, is the penultimate step before sainthood.
- 受宣福,只能适用于死了的人,是封圣前的步骤。
- 3. More than a million people descended on Rome to take part in the beatification ceremony of the late Pope John Paul II.
- 一百多万人来到罗马参加为已故教皇保罗二世举行的宣福礼。
- 4. JOHN PAUL II's beatification on May 1st will be the most exalted ceremony at the Vatican since his funeral six years ago.
- 5月1日,前任教皇约翰·保罗二世宣福礼是自6年前其葬礼至今,梵蒂冈最为盛大的仪式了。
- 5. The highlight of the trip should be the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a liberal theologian much beloved of Anglo-Catholics.
- 此行的重头戏应该是红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的宣福礼,此人为备受英国国教天主教派所喜爱的19世纪自由神学家。
- 6. Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter's Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican.
- 熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。
- 7. Pope Benedict pronounced the beatification formula and a large portrait of a smiling Pope John Paul II was unveiled, to the applause of the large crowd.
- 教皇本笃宣告了这次宣福礼的程序,随后在群众的掌声中揭示了教皇保罗二世带着微笑的大幅肖像。
- 8. The Holy See launched the social networking pages Tuesday, in advance of the beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1, the last step before sainthood.
- 罗马教廷周二发布了社交页面,这是在教皇保罗二世5月1日被宣福之前出现在圣徒面前的最后一一次。
- 9. Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.
- 当然,真实的奥维尔,我很高兴能在这里独家披露给大家,就这些他本人或者他文章的赐福,毫不理解。
- 10. Sunday's beatification ceremony took place despite criticism about the record speed with which John Paul was being honored, and continued outrage about clerical abuse.
- 在星期天举行宣福礼的同时也有人提出批评。他们对保罗二世以如此超记录的速度得此盛誉表示不满,并继续对教士虐待行为感到愤怒。
- 11. The social networking campaign around his beatification comes after Pope Benedict praised online social media, even while identifying some dangers of the new technology.
- 围绕他的宣福的社交活动是在教皇Benedict赞扬在线社交媒体后进行的,即使认识到这种新技术的危险。
- 12. 6The Vatican: Swiss guards keep watch as pilgrims file past St Peter's basilica to pray at the coffin of the late pope John Paul II following his beatification Photograph: Filippo Monteforte/AFP
- 6/ 12梵蒂冈(TheVatican):瑞士卫兵目送着宣福礼过后,为已故教皇约翰保罗二世棺木祈祷朝圣的人群从圣彼得大教堂前经过。
- 13. 6The Vatican: Swiss guards keep watch as pilgrims file past St Peter's basilica to pray at the coffin of the late pope John Paul II following his beatification Photograph: Filippo Monteforte/AFP
- 6/ 12梵蒂冈(TheVatican):瑞士卫兵目送着宣福礼过后,为已故教皇约翰保罗二世棺木祈祷朝圣的人群从圣彼得大教堂前经过。