- 1. He pulled on a battered old crash helmet with a scratched visor.
- 他戴上了一顶破旧的、面罩上已有划痕的防护头盔。
- 2. He drove up in a battered old car.
- 他开着一辆破烂不堪的旧车过来了。
- 3. Somebody had battered her to death.
- 有人把她打死了。
- 4. A karate expert battered a man to death.
- 一位空手道高手将一名男子猛击致死。
- 5. She battered at the door with her fists.
- 她用双拳不断地擂门。
- 6. Her battered body was discovered in a field.
- 她被殴打过的尸体在一块地里被发现了。
- 7. He had been badly battered about the head and face.
- 他被打得鼻青脸肿。
- 8. He had been badly battered around the head and face.
- 他被打得鼻青脸肿。
- 9. Rockets and shells continued to hit the battered port.
- 火箭和炮弹继续袭击已遭受重创的港口。
- 10. Eventually Suzanne fled to a refuge for battered women.
- 最后苏珊娜逃到了一家受虐妇女收容所。
- 11. Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
- 弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破旧的敞篷小货车成功地穿越了沙漠地区。
- 12. Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes and villages.
- 成千上万的人们正不顾一切地试图逃离他们满目疮痍的家园和村庄。
- 13. The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour.
- 这个国家一直受到时速50至70英里大风的袭击。
- 14. The passengers were battered by flying luggage and cargo as the cabin lost pressure.
- 当机舱失去压力时,乘客们受到飞落的行李和货物连续猛击。
- 15. A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.
- 泪流满面的丈夫再三呼吁协助抓住殴打他妻子的那个恶棍。
- 16. These photos have been folded and battered in the post.
- 这些照片都是在邮寄时被折叠和压扁的。
- 17. They rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.
- 他们解救了他,然后用绞车把他那受损的小艇吊上了甲板。
- 18. The engine was badly battered.
- 引擎严重撞坏了。
- 19. She battered up her car in the accident.
- 她在事故中把自己的汽车撞坏了。
- 20. Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.
- 敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。
- 21. The fireman finally battered the door down.
- 消防队员最后砸开了门。
- 22. Greek politicians are feeling battered, too.
- 希腊的政客也大感挫败。
- 23. But will the battered country hold together?
- 但是这个山河破碎的国家会走到一起来吗?
- 24. That night I was battered and bloodied but elated.
- 那天夜里,我疲惫不堪而且还挂了彩,但仍然高兴地不得了。
- 25. The heart battered like a fist against the chest wall.
- 心跳很剧烈,像是有只拳头在胸腔里猛捶。
- 26. But China's own economy is being battered by the turmoil.
- 但是中国自己的经济正在遭受着经济危机的打击。
- 27. The other wore a battered hat, his face hid in its shadow.
- 另一个戴着旧帽子,把脸藏在帽檐的阴影当中。
- 28. The shopping carts are battered cast-offs from other stores.
- 购物推车是其他店里用旧不要的。
- 29. Read about the return of some confidence to battered markets.
- 详情请见关于受挫市场信心回归的报道。
- 30. Read about the return of some confidence to battered markets.
- 详情请见关于受挫市场信心回归的报道。