- 1. They dredge the bay for gravel.
- 他们在挖掘海湾沙砾。
- 2. Dallas will play Green Bay.
- 达拉斯队将迎战绿湾队。
- 3. The bay glittered in the sunshine.
- 海湾在阳光下闪闪发光。
- 4. An unspoiled coral reef encloses the bay.
- 未经破坏的珊瑚礁围绕着该海湾。
- 5. A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed.
- 海湾大桥有一部分坍塌了。
- 6. The bay was shadowed by magnificent cliffs.
- 巍峨的悬崖把海湾笼罩在阴影里。
- 7. A solitary seagull winged its way across the bay.
- 一只孤零零的海鸥飞过了海湾。
- 8. The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors.
- 加的夫湾工程吸引着众多的参观者。
- 9. They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale.
- 他们顶着呼啸的狂风渡过了海湾。
- 10. The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.
- 救援直升机在海湾上空又搜索了一遍。
- 11. I hear the drone of an aeroplane as it banks across the bay.
- 飞机倾斜飞过海湾时,我听到它单调的低鸣。
- 12. We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.
- 我们航行进入海湾,在水深5英寻处抛锚。
- 13. Almiro's boat had sailed out to the middle of the bay to fish for mackerel.
- 阿尔米罗的船已驶向海湾中部去捕鲭鱼。
- 14. They boated us across the bay.
- 他们用船把我们送过海湾。
- 15. The moon is raying across the bay.
- 月光照射着整个海湾。
- 16. A bay zebra can run, an hour after it is born.
- 湾斑马出生一小时后就会跑。
- 17. The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight.
- 海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景象。
- 18. I think the Bay Area is really awesome. There's a lot of like, things to do.
- 我认为旧金山湾区真的很棒。那里有许多事情可做。
- 19. The rays, in turn, decimated the bay scallop populations around North Carolina.
- 反过来,这些鳐鱼又大量捕杀了北卡罗来纳州周围的海湾扇贝。
- 20. The 2016 Shenzhen Fashion Week began at OCT Bay in Nanshan District last Friday.
- 2016年深圳时装周于上周五在南山区华侨湾开幕。
- 21. There have been no dismissals at Boeing factories in Phuket Bay and South Carolina.
- 在普吉湾和南卡罗来纳州的波音工厂并没有出现解雇的现象。
- 22. First sightings came from the booming city of Shenzhen, across the bay from Mai Po.
- 第一批游客来自繁荣的深圳,与米埔湾隔海相望。
- 23. I still love getting back to the place I now call home, the San Francisco Bay Area.
- 我仍然喜欢回到我现在称之为家的地方——旧金山湾区。
- 24. James saw through his telescope what he feared most: a pirate ship heading towards the bay.
- 詹姆斯透过望远镜看到了他最害怕的情景:海盗船正向海湾方向开去。
- 25. In Suruga Bay, a strand of whip coral provides habitat for two shrimps, camouflaged among the polyps.
- 在骏河湾,一串鞭状珊瑚为藏在水螅中的两只虾提供了栖息地。
- 26. The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England.
- 马萨诸塞湾的早期定居者包括在英国受过良好教育和有影响力的人。
- 27. The road curved around the bay.
- 那条路沿海湾呈曲线伸展。
- 28. The room had a great bay window.
- 这个房间有个巨大的凸窗。
- 29. Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.
- 吃橘子可防感冒。
- 30. He was riding a big bay.
- 他骑着一匹高大的栗色马。