- 1. It reflects the accomplishment and discovery of astronomy, astronautics and space technology.
- 它体现了天文、航天,以及太空技术方面的探索发现的成果。
- 2. Resin matrix composites are significant structural materials in the fields of astronautics and aeronautics.
- 树脂基复合材料是航空、航天领域中的新型重要结构材料。
- 3. With the development of astronautics, more and more flexible structures have been used into aerospace research.
- 随着航天事业的迅猛发展,大型柔性结构越来越多地使用在空间技术中。
- 4. Ceramic matrix textile composite has been widely used as components in hot end of aeronautics and astronautics.
- 纺织陶瓷基复合材料在航空航天器的热端部件有着广阔的应用前景。
- 5. Tethered system is an important technology of astronautics, which is a new domain of space technology in these days.
- 空间绳系技术是一种全新的航天技术,是当代空间技术的一个新的领域。
- 6. For three years, this issue has been exercising a group of SETI scientists in the International Academy of Astronautics.
- 三年来,这个问题一直在考验着国际宇航科学研究院SETI小组的科学家。
- 7. He took the course on college students' mental health at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in his freshman year.
- 他升入南京航空航天大学第一年时,修了这门有关大学生心理健康的课程。
- 8. Various novel applications in optics, high energy physics, military, aeronautics and astronautics, and electro-chemistry are reviewed.
- 结合气凝胶独特的性质介绍了其在光学、高能物理、军事、航空航天、电化学等领域的应用。
- 9. The adaptable control TIG automatic welding system for large-size astronautics container circumferential was introduced in this paper.
- 介绍了一种大型宇航容器环向焊缝适应控制TIG自动焊接系统的设计方案。
- 10. 'Chinese people feel very proud' of the space program, says Huang Hai, a professor at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
- 北京航空航天大学教授黄海说,中国民众对空间项目感到非常自豪。
- 11. These products were extensively applicated in many fields such as: machinery, facilitate apparatus, aeronautics and astronautics and so on.
- 广泛应用于机械制造,精密仪器,航空航天设备等领域。
- 12. Some methods of Reliability Predication for Redundant System and application in the aeronautics and astronautics are summarised in this paper.
- 本文综述了目前国内外余度系统可靠性预测的常用方法及其在航空航天中的应用。
- 13. Such considerations motivated the SETI group at the International Academy of Astronautics to reject a proscription of transmissions to the sky.
- 这些考虑激发了国际宇航科学研究院SETI小组的积极性去拒绝取缔向天空传送信号。
- 14. Its mainly used in air survey, aviation remote sensing, satellite sea observation, astronautics reconnaissance, picture match guidance and so on.
- 主要用于航空测量、航空遥感、卫星海洋观测、航天侦察、图像匹配制导等。
- 15. We are fortunate to have such a facility, namely the "Design Studio" owned and operated by the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT.
- 我们很幸运拥有这样一个设施,称之为“设计工作室”,由麻省理工学院的航空航天学院拥有和使用。
- 16. Recently, video stabilization technology mainly concentrated on geological survey and aeronautics and astronautics and received good achievement.
- 视频稳像技术是近年来的计算机图像处理研究的热点。
- 17. This article investigates the information behaviour of post-90s in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics through interviews and questionnaires.
- 论文以南京航空航天大学90后的本科生为调查对象,通过访谈和问卷调查的形式,调查和分析90后大学生的信息行为。
- 18. Her face was crimson. She said that she was willing to sacrifice in the first astronautics. Use her dying to exchange for other more valuable person's life.
- 她满脸绯红地说她甘愿在首次宇宙航行中牺牲,以自己的死,换取其他更有价值的人的生命。
- 19. Oleg Batishchev, principal research scientist at MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, appreciates such rockets for their raw, Earth-escaping punch.
- 麻省理工学院航空航天部的首席科学家OlegBatishchev对于这种原始的摆脱地心引力的发射方式表示认可。
- 20. "It's a system that can learn and adapt to the user," says Nicholas Roy, assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics and co-developer of the wheelchair.
- “这个系统能够学习并且适应用户的习惯”,航空航天学助理教授NicholasRoy,智能轮椅的合作研发者,说,“人们有不同的偏好并且对同样的地点和物品有不同的提及方式”。
- 21. The products are widely applied to fields such as aeronautics and astronautics, information communication, electric power electron, energy resource and traffic.
- 产品广泛应用于航空航天、信息通讯、电力电子、能源交通等领域。
- 22. The above principles have been successfully used for designing a practical switch matrix NS161, which has been running satisfactorily in Shanghai Astronautics Bureau.
- 上述概念已成功地用于开关阵列NS161的设计中,目前这个开关阵列正服役于上海航天局。
- 23. Man has achieved remarkable success in the field of astronautics the ultimate goal and purpose of which is to gain for man himself access to space and to other worlds.
- 人类在宇航方面已经取得惊人的成就,宇航的最终目标和意图就是使人类能够亲自进入太空并到达其他星球。
- 24. Wu Junqi, a lecturer at the school of aviation and astronautics and the coach of Shanghai Jiaotong University's Aero-Sport Club, spotted Wang on his way to the canteen.
- 在王弘毅拿着飞机模型去食堂的路上,上海交通大学航天航空学院讲师、该校航模队教练吴俊琦注意到了他。
- 25. Wu Junqi, a lecturer at the school of aviation and astronautics and the coach of Shanghai Jiaotong University's Aero-Sport Club, spotted Wang on his way to the canteen.
- 在王弘毅拿着飞机模型去食堂的路上,上海交通大学航天航空学院讲师、该校航模队教练吴俊琦注意到了他。