- 1. Last year our home field was Astroturf and everyone hated it.
- 去年我们主场铺的是阿斯特罗特夫尼龙草皮,每个人都讨厌它。
- 2. As with AstroTurf, some players dislike the new surface.
- 一些运动员们不喜欢爱奇得富草皮全新的表面。
- 3. Just like the kids on the astroturf in Blakelaw yesterday afternoon, in fact.
- 昨天下午在阿斯特·罗特夫耐纶草皮的欧文就像个孩子般的高兴。
- 4. We held trials every week up at Albert Park in Salford on the floodlit Astroturf.
- 我们每周都在萨尔福德的阿尔伯特公园举办选秀。
- 5. The Astroturf he was sitting on was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics.
- 在今天的全国青少年奥林匹克运动会上,他面临的竞争异常激烈,就像此刻他坐着的阿斯特罗草皮一样灼热。
- 6. They went for one with "a gaudy amount of lights, " Mr. Carbone said, and bought some AstroTurf to style it out.
- 卡博尼说他们看中一个摊子,“装了一堆花哨俗气的灯饰”,所以买了些得富草皮把摊位装饰得时尚一些。
- 7. This 1982 Jetta mod is covered in recycled astroturf, and has a 10.5 gallon tank that allows the car to run 472 miles .
- 这辆1982年产捷达的表面覆盖着的是人工再造草皮,它的生物柴油箱容积有10.5加仑,可以连续行驶472英里。
- 8. Most fields are still made of grass rather than AstroTurf, which means landscapers need to take care of it on a day-to-day basis.
- 大多数场地仍由草构成而非人工草皮,这意味着园丁每天都要对草地做日常保护。
- 9. Tiger could barely walk - and he had yet to utter a single word - but he quickly began teeing off on the Astroturf next to his father.
- 老虎勉强会走,还不会说一个简单的词,但是他已经在人工草皮上站在父亲旁边,开始发高尔夫球了。
- 10. The heated swimming pool is situated beneath the full-sized sports hall; much of the PE is taught outside on the sports field (Astroturf).
- 体育设施方面,学校建有标准规模的室内体育馆及位于其下方的温水游泳池,但大部分的体育课程仍在覆有人工草皮的室外体育场进行。
- 11. Although they may have been cheaper and more durable, both the original AstroTurf and its second-generation imitations failed dismally to reproduce the bounce and forgiving nature of grass.
- 尽管人造草坪又便宜又耐用,但是原版的阿斯·特罗草皮和它的二代仿造品都因为无法具有天然草皮的弹性和良好的柔韧型,因此销量惨淡。
- 12. Although they may have been cheaper and more durable, both the original AstroTurf and its second-generation imitations failed dismally to reproduce the bounce and forgiving nature of grass.
- 尽管人造草坪又便宜又耐用,但是原版的阿斯·特罗草皮和它的二代仿造品都因为无法具有天然草皮的弹性和良好的柔韧型,因此销量惨淡。