- 1. In Grenada we enjoy the real freedom of press.
- 在格林·纳达我们享有真正的新闻自由。
- 2. And Grenada was not Hurricane Ivan's only victim.
- 然而,格林·纳达还不是伊万飓风的唯一受害者。
- 3. Our last conversation concerned the U. S. invasion of Grenada.
- 我们最后的交谈是关于美国侵入格林·纳达的。
- 4. My experience in Grenada will be a great treasure for the rest of my life.
- 我在格林纳达的经历将是我今后人生的宝贵财富。
- 5. Above the tiny island nation of Grenada, big things were happening in the sky.
- 就在小岛国格林·纳达的天空上发生了一件大事。
- 6. There are always different voices everywhere, no matter in Grenada or in China.
- 不同的声音无处不在,中国还是格林·纳达都一样。
- 7. The island of Grenada was settled first by the French (after '50) and became a British colony in 783.
- 法国人(在'50年后)首先定居于格林纳达岛,783年其成为英属殖民地。
- 8. These cloth stamps from Grenada, the Gambia, Sierra Leone and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, honour the humble teddy bear.
- 从格林·纳达,冈比亚,塞拉利昂和圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,这些布邮票,纪念谦虚泰迪熊。
- 9. The American government concluded a treaty with "gray" aliens in 1954. This mutual cooperation pact is called the Grenada Treaty.
- 美国丨政丨府在1954年与“灰人”订立了一项条约。这个相互合作的条约被迟楠“格林纳达条约”。
- 10. In 2004 Morgan Freeman and others formed the Grenada Relief Fund to aid people affected by Hurricane Ivan on the island of Grenada.
- 2004年,弗里曼和其他人一起成立了格林·纳达救济基金会,来帮助格林·纳达岛上那些遭受飓风“伊万”影响的人们。
- 11. When I later had the chance to study at St. George's University in Grenada, I welcomed the experience, excelling in my science courses there.
- 当我稍后有了机会在格林·纳达的圣研究乔治的大学的时候,我很容易在那里取得了非常优异的成绩在我的科学学科。
- 12. Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.
- 格林·纳达、喀麦隆、伯利兹或多米尼加共和国这些在债务违约之后表现差劲的国家从乌拉圭违约后的繁荣当中得不到多少安慰。
- 13. Cape Verde, Cuba, Grenada and Vanuatu registered a positive change in forest cover from 1990 to 2000, mainly as a result of afforestation efforts. 3.
- 1990 - 2000年间,主要由于采取造林措施,佛得角、古巴、格林·纳达和瓦努阿图的森林覆盖有了积极转变。
- 14. The low point was his failure in 1983 to keep her informed of American plans to invade the Caribbean island of Grenada, a member of the British Commonwealth.
- 两人关系最低谷时期是1983年李根没有通知她美国准备入侵格林纳达的加勒比岛,该岛是英联邦的成员国。
- 15. Teddy Boen, from Indonesia, and Tony Gibbs, from Barbados and Grenada, talk about building health facilities to withstand tsunamis, earthquakes and other disasters.
- 来自印度尼西亚的Teddy Boen以及来自巴巴多斯和格林·纳达的TonyGibbs阐述了建造能够抵御海啸、地震和其它自然灾害的卫生设施问题。
- 16. That's pretty much what happened to the tiny island nation of Grenada in 2004 when it was struck by hurricane Ivan, one of the most intense Atlantic hurricanes on record.
- 2004年,在格林·纳达这个小小的岛国上发生的情况差不多就是这样。当时袭击了格林·纳达的伊万(Ivan)飓风是有史以来大西洋上最强烈的飓风之一。
- 17. "I am very saddened, " Mitchell told the workers and Chinese Embassy staff from Grenada and neighboring Trinidad and Tobago. "This unfortunate error breaks my heart. "
- 米歇尔告诉工人以及来自格林纳达和邻国特立尼达和多巴哥的中国大使馆人员说,“我很难过。这个不幸的错误伤透了的我的心。”
- 18. It is because we are so often asked to see Latin America as a bundle of new Vietnams that we lose sight of the particular places - Mexico, Grenada, Nicaragua, El Salvador.
- 我们总是被告诉要将拉丁美洲看作是一大捆的新越南,以至忽略了还有如墨西哥、格林·纳达、尼加拉瓜和萨尔瓦多这些不一样的地方。
- 19. In nearly 3 years, I have had broad contact with the Grenadian people at all levels. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Grenada and especially its hospitality of the local people.
- 在近三年的时间时,我与格林·纳达贵国各界人士进行广泛接触,亲身体验了格林·纳达美丽的风光和当地居民的热情好客。
- 20. Grenada is a spectacular beautiful island that has golden beaches; crystal water falls, flourishing green mountains and aromatic spice trees, which give this island its nickname as the Isle of spice.
- 格林·纳达是一个风景壮丽的岛国,岛上有金色的沙滩、飞流的瀑布以及葱郁的青山,而盛产香料的格林·纳达更是有“香料之岛”的美誉。
- 21. Grenada is a spectacular beautiful island that has golden beaches; crystal water falls, flourishing green mountains and aromatic spice trees, which give this island its nickname as the Isle of spice.
- 格林·纳达是一个风景壮丽的岛国,岛上有金色的沙滩、飞流的瀑布以及葱郁的青山,而盛产香料的格林·纳达更是有“香料之岛”的美誉。