- 1. I remember the black wharves and the slips.
- 我记得那些黑色的码头和泊口。
- 2. I remember the black wharves and slips.
- 我记得乌黑的码头和船台。
- 3. Goods on the wharves were rapidly cleared.
- 码头上的货物很快就运走了。
- 4. A number of pleasure cruises still operate from some nearby wharves.
- 一些高兴巡游仍然运作一些附近码头。
- 5. Nuclear power plant, large power plant, civil airports and large wharves;
- 核电厂、大型发电厂、民用机场、大型港口;
- 6. He built wharves and warehouses and planned for roads and schools and homes.
- 他建造码头和仓库,为建造道路、学校和住宅做计划。
- 7. Widely used in factories and mines, warehouses, wharves, and other industries.
- 广泛用于厂矿、仓库、码头、等各种行业。
- 8. Wharves, quays and piers are often in the general port language combined in one terminology — docks.
- 顺岸式码头和堤岸式码头以及突堤式码头可用一个港口术语统称为码头。
- 9. The Julia, Erato, and upper Poydras wharves were developed as the site of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition.
- 朱莉娅(Julia)、雷拉托(Erato)和上普瓦·德拉(Poydras)码头被定为1984年路易斯·安娜世界博览会的场地。
- 10. The Bund usually refers to the buildings and wharves on this section of the road, as well as some adjacent areas.
- 外滩通常是指建筑物和码头的该段道路,以及一些邻近地区。
- 11. Homely streets and alleys, dilapidated roofs and walls, tiny and dirty wharves, have come back to mean so much to me.
- 不经眼的街巷,斑驳的瓦墙,杂乱的码头,竟然带来那么多、那么久远的回忆。
- 12. The utility model can be used for the material transportation of mines, wharves and industrial and mining enterprises.
- 它可广泛应用于矿 山、码头及工矿企业之物料运输。
- 13. The five 35000 DWT wharves at Xinsha Port Area of Guangzhou Port adopted the cellular steel sheet pile structure for the first time in China.
- 广州港新沙港区的5个3.5万吨级码头,为我国首次采用格形钢板桩结构的码头。
- 14. This paper introduces the specifications, functions and application of the new TTV rubber fenders that have been used for some wharves in South China.
- 本文介绍了已经在华南港口码头使用的新型TTV橡胶护舷的规格、性能及使用情况。
- 15. To be widely used as the advertisement and information media in markets, banks, stock exchanges, stadiums, gym halls, stations, wharves, airports and etc.
- 可广泛应用于商场、银行、证券、体育场馆、车站、码头、机场等行业,用做信息显示和广告宣传。
- 16. Can be widely used in oil fields, oil refineries, oil depots, ships, wharves, airports, hangars and other important occasions, to fight and prevent fires.
- 可广泛用于油田、炼油厂、油库、船舶、码头、机场、机库等重要场合火灾的扑救与防范。
- 17. The wharves for oil, coal and miscellaneous goods in the Shuidong harbour are located at the southeast of Shuidong town in Dianbai county, Guangdong province.
- 水东港油、煤、杂货码头位于广东省电白县水东镇东南面,港址自然条件优良。
- 18. Railway stations, passenger wharves, airports, inter-provincial-highway passenger stations and transfer hubs of public transit system and private-use vehicles;
- 火车站、客运码头、机场、省际道路客运站以及公共交通与自用车辆换乘的枢纽站;
- 19. disturbing the public order of stations, wharves, civil airports, markets, bazaars, parks, theatres, entertainment centers, sports grounds, exhibition halls or other public places;
- 扰乱车站、码头、民用航空站、市场、商场、公园、影剧院、娱乐场、运动场、展览馆或者其他公共场所的秩序的;
- 20. This paper makes introduction to the design and construction of large-dia meter column piles with rubble stone embedded in holes used for the sea-port wharves at Zhoushan Islands.
- 本文主要介绍舟山市朱家尖岛等码头,采用大口径嵌岩柱桩结构的设计、施工情况。
- 21. The paper introduced a design method for granite facing used in block gravity wharves. The technical requirements to the processing and laying of such facings were described in details.
- 本文介绍了重力式方块码头用花岗石镶面的一种设计方法,对石料的加工和砌筑要求有较详尽论述。
- 22. Public places such as cultural, sports, entertainment and sightseeing sites, parks, public greenery lands, airports, stations and wharves shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units;
- 文化、体育、娱乐、游览、公园、公共绿地、机场、车站、码头等公共场所,由经营、管理单位负责;
- 23. Public places such as cultural, sports, entertainment and sightseeing sites, parks, public greenery lands, airports, stations and wharves shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units;
- 文化、体育、娱乐、游览、公园、公共绿地、机场、车站、码头等公共场所,由经营、管理单位负责;