- 1. Wanting other friends doesn't mean you don't love your partner.
- 需要其他朋友并不意味着你不爱你的伴侣。
- 2. Remember that wanting and having are opposites.
- 记住,想要和拥有是对立的。
- 3. A warm drink of milk before bed has been the best choice for those wanting a good sleep.
- 对于想要睡个好觉的人来说,睡前喝杯热牛奶是最佳选择。
- 4. A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night's sleep.
- 对于那些想要一夜好眠的人来说,睡前喝一杯热牛奶一直是最好的选择。
- 5. Dance schools around the country have seen a boost in the number of people wanting to learn how to dance.
- 全国各地的舞蹈学校都发现:想要学习舞蹈的人越来越多。
- 6. He analysed his game and found it wanting.
- 他分析了自己的比赛,发现还有待提高。
- 7. The new system was tried and found wanting.
- 这一新系统经测试发现不够好。
- 8. What were his grounds for wanting a divorce?
- 他要离婚的理由是什么?
- 9. This explanation is wanting in many respects.
- 这一解释在很多方面不能令人满意。
- 10. There is no shame in wanting to be successful.
- 有抱负不是什么丢脸的事。
- 11. Is she serious about wanting to sell the house?
- 她真想把房子卖掉吗?
- 12. He went through a period of wanting to be accepted.
- 他经历了一段渴望得到接受的时期。
- 13. The students were certainly not wanting in enthusiasm.
- 学生们当然不乏热情。
- 14. She distrusted his motives for wanting to see her again.
- 她怀疑他想再见她一面是别有用心。
- 15. There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money.
- 想多赚点钱没什么不道德。
- 16. He accuses the government of wanting to be above the law.
- 他谴责政府想凌驾于法律之上。
- 17. She's always on the phone, wanting to know what I've been up to.
- 她总是打电话,想知道我忙了些什么。
- 18. The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.
- 教育秘书长指责教师们想回到愚昧时代。
- 19. Mothers wanting to minimize the risk of cot death should breastfeed their babies.
- 想降低婴儿猝死综合症机率的母亲应以母乳喂养她们的宝宝。
- 20. Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through.
- 宝宝不肯离开你别担心,他们总要经过这个阶段。
- 21. I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children.
- 因为不想要孩子,使我觉得自己在社交和心理上与他人格格不入。
- 22. Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feel threatened by.
- 种族笑话源于我们想捉弄那些我们感到有威胁的异族人。
- 23. Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation.
- 人人都认为有个要压制年轻一代的大阴谋。
- 24. This newness just left me wanting more.
- 这种新鲜感让我想要更多。
- 25. This is a great app for anyone wanting to learn a new language.
- 对于想要学习一门新语言的人说,这是一个超棒的应用程序。
- 26. Wanting to know the truth, he asked a trainer nearby why it was so.
- 想要知道真相,他问旁边的驯象师为什么会这样。
- 27. She added that she had a line of staff at her door wanting to take the training.
- 她补充说,她的门口有一排员工想参加培训。
- 28. Wanting to join in the fun, another child went up to Jenny and started singing the rhythm.
- 另一个孩子想要一起玩乐,走到珍妮面前开始随着节奏唱歌。
- 29. When asked about future plans, she mentions wanting to address the effects of climate (气候) change.
- 当被问及未来的计划时,她提到想要解决气候变化的问题。
- 30. I talked to my parents about it that night, and they were surprisingly understanding about my wanting to be on a swimming team.
- 那天晚上我和父母谈了这件事,意外地是,他们理解我想加入游泳队的想法。