- 1. My rucksack seems to have gone walkabout.
- 我的旅行包好像是丢了。
- 2. Where can I watch Walkabout movie online free full stream?
- 我在哪里可以在线看电影免费商场逗留充分流?
- 3. After waiting an hour, William did a walkabout and reached her place in the crowd.
- 在那里等了一个小时后,威廉果真现身,并且在人群中向她靠拢。
- 4. The GREAT Hollywood WALKABOUT: Will Hollywood's future depend on the cars or the people?
- 游走好莱坞:好莱坞的未来究竟是依靠汽车还是人?
- 5. The royal family went on a walkabout at the barbecue party, shaking hands with ordinary people.
- 皇室成员穿梭在烤肉排队的人群中,频频和群众握手。
- 6. Conclusion Walkabout can help patient with complete paraplegia below T10 to complete functional walking.
- 结论步行矫形器能帮助T10以下完全性截瘫患者完成功能性步行。
- 7. On our night walkabout underneath the Southern Cross, we saw a half-dozen big gray kangaroos feeding on brush.
- 当晚,我们头顶着南十字星徒步旅行,看到五、六只大灰袋鼠以树丛为食。
- 8. From Australia, English took the words' nugget ', 'boomerang' and 'walkabout' - and in fact the whole concept of chain pubs.
- 英国人从澳洲拿来了“炸鸡块”、“飞去来器”和“徒步旅行”——实际上是连锁酒吧的整体概念。
- 9. The first‘Royal walkabout' took place during the visit by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh to Australia and New Zealand in 1970.
- 第一次徒步旅行是1970年出访澳大利亚和新西兰期间。
- 10. Plant orientation tour: a brief walkabout of factory site and associated facilities (labs, offices etc. ), the materials, materials flow, site security.
- 参观厂房、设备(实验室,办公室等)、原辅料、物料流程,工厂安全系统。
- 11. Viewing a "walkabout" simulation of Paris, subjects were exposed to billboards for films including Ice Age 2 and in Her Shoes during their virtual strolling.
- 看看这个在巴黎街头的模拟测试:受测试人在街头闲逛时看到一些电影的宣传片如iceAge2和InHer Shoes。
- 12. Till today, Mr Jeyaretnam hasn't given up on the idea of forming a dream team with Mr Chiam and even invited Mr Chiam to join him at a RP West Coast Walkabout 2 days ago.
- 他至今甚至还没放弃与决定离开波东巴西区的詹时中组成“梦之队”的念头,并在前天邀约他一起到西海岸集选区走动。
- 13. Till today, Mr Jeyaretnam hasn't given up on the idea of forming a dream team with Mr Chiam and even invited Mr Chiam to join him at a RP West Coast Walkabout 2 days ago.
- 他至今甚至还没放弃与决定离开波东巴西区的詹时中组成“梦之队”的念头,并在前天邀约他一起到西海岸集选区走动。