- 1. She obtained 40% of the vote.
- 她获得40%的选票。
- 2. I vote (that) we go out to eat.
- 我提议我们到外面去吃饭。
- 3. The issue was put to the vote.
- 这一问题被付诸表决。
- 4. Did you vote for or against her?
- 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票?
- 5. All affiliated members can vote.
- 所有隶属成员都有投票权。
- 6. To decline to vote is a cop-out.
- 不投票是一种逃避。
- 7. Last night's vote was tied.
- 昨晚的表决得票相同。
- 8. How did you vote on Proposition 8?
- 对于第8项修正案你是怎么投的票?
- 9. She won 10% of the vote statewide.
- 她赢得全州10%的选票。
- 10. All eyes will be on tomorrow's vote.
- 明天的投票将是众目所注。
- 11. Few members planned to vote for him.
- 很少有成员计划投他的票。
- 12. The vote was unanimous.
- 表决一致通过。
- 13. Three countries abstained in the vote.
- 三个国家在投票中弃权了。
- 14. He would vote against it on principle.
- 他会依据原则投票反对它。
- 15. How did you vote at the last election?
- 在上次选举中你是怎么投的票?
- 16. The party gained over 50% of the vote.
- 该党获得超过50%的选票。
- 17. Thousands lined up to register to vote.
- 数千人排队登记投票。
- 18. You can vote either in person or by proxy.
- 你可以亲自投票或请人代理。
- 19. I urge the house to vote against the motion.
- 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。
- 20. The party increased their share of the vote.
- 这个政党得票份额有所增长。
- 21. I'm still undecided (about) who to vote for.
- 我还拿不定主意投谁的票。
- 22. These are exactly the people who do not vote.
- 这些正好是那些不投票的人。
- 23. When are you eligible to vote in your country?
- 在你们国家多大才有资格投票选举呢?
- 24. He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.
- 他拒绝投票以示不满。
- 25. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.
- 第19条修正案赋予妇女选举权。
- 26. Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.
- 没有到会的人可由别人代为投票。
- 27. They will announce the result of the vote tonight.
- 今晚他们将宣布投票结果。
- 28. Many Democrats bolted the party to vote Republican.
- 很多民主党人放弃本党,转而投共和党的票。
- 29. A missing or illegible name will nullify your vote.
- 遗漏或字迹难以辨认的名字会使你的投票无效。
- 30. Only about half of the electorate bothered to vote.
- 只有约半数的选民参加了投票。