- 1. The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.
- 这本书非常清晰且扼要地介绍了科学界的一些主要争议。
- 2. Vignette: Rejuvenating Their Enterprise CMS Brand
- Vignette:重塑企业内容管理品牌
- 3. As you may already know, I have done the music for TV4's new idol vignette.
- 你们好,也许你们已经知道了,我已经为TV4的新偶像经历做好了音乐。
- 4. Few filters like grain, vignette lighting and color enhancement was applied.
- 如谷物,一个个几个滤波器的照明和颜色的运用增强。
- 5. The questionnaires included the following vignette, developed by physicians.
- 调查表里有下面这副由医师设计的小插图。
- 6. If so, maybe you bought stock in Vignette when they did their IPO in February 1999.
- 如果你记得,可能你还在1999年Vignette公司首次公开上市的时候买过他们的股票。
- 7. It can add a vignette effect, or put the photo behind a number of shaped masks.
- 它可以添加一个小插曲的影响,或将照片背后的一个数字型口罩。
- 8. Instead of a monument or vignette, it features a large ONE with ONE DOLLAR superimposed over it.
- 而不是一个纪念碑或小插曲,它拥有超过它叠加一美元很大。
- 9. Please be aware that the photo taken along with biometrics will be printed on the visa vignette.
- 请留意:指纹采集时照的相片将打印在请求人的签证页上。
- 10. Please ebe aware that the photo taken along with biometrics will be printed on the visa vignette.
- 请注意:指纹采集时照的相片将打印在申请人的签证页上。
- 11. In the final Multimedia Experience vignette an evacuation system animation plays across all 12 cells.
- 在最后的多媒体体验插图中,一幅撤退系统动画跨越了所有12各单元。
- 12. Some well-known players here include Vignette and Interwoven, which provide enterprise-level products.
- CMS 领域的著名厂商包括 Vignette和Interwoven,他们提供企业级的产品。
- 13. Being a hobo is produced in this little vignette by the experience of seeing a hobo get pie from your mother.
- 当流浪汉是受了小时候经历的影响,就是看到一个流浪汉从妈妈那儿得到了一块派。
- 14. Camera ZOOM FX gives you the ability to apply 40 effects (vignette, lomo, retro, polaroid, etc.) to your photo.
- CameraZoomFx让你能为照片应用40种效果(虚光、lomo、怀旧、polaroid等等)。
- 15. In addition, visitors to Vitra's Meatpacking District showroom were invited to vote for their favorite vignette.
- 此外,游客们也被邀请到维特拉的肉类加工区的陈列室里为他们所喜爱的装饰作品投票。
- 16. Many of the larger Web sites on the Web are using these specialized Web publishing systems, like Vignette and Autonomy.
- 许多网络上的大型网站正在使用像Vignette和Autonomy这样专业的网络发布系统。
- 17. Glitter can be used for this purpose, but it was totally inappropriate to serve as snow in the context of my vignette.
- 闪光可用于此目的,但它完全不适合作为在我的小品文中雪。
- 18. Unilever tells Fortune that it's paying to sponsor six different vignette placements in thirteen AD spots across the season.
- 联合利华告诉《财富》,他们在第四季的13个广告点里植入了6个不同品牌的广告。
- 19. This is, you might think, a pretty standard, vaguely comic vignette of modern life - man harassed by self-inflicted technology.
- 你可能会想,这是一个非常标准的、有些搞笑的现代生活小插曲——人们被自己创造的科技搞得精疲力尽。
- 20. Here it's used to get a bit more contrast, bring some of details back, add a bit of soft glow and some vignette to round it up.
- 现在就可以进行一些对比、添加细节、软化和装饰图案等细节渲染。
- 21. Current passport valid for at least 6 months with at least one double-sided page free for the visa vignette, and any old passports.
- 至少六个月有效期的现有护照,至少在同一页的正反两面有签证空白页,旧护照以及已用过的旧护照。
- 22. A clinical vignette contrasting our approach with one using traditional transference interpretation may illustrate some of these issues.
- 这里我们用一个与我们的方法截然不同的使用传统交互方法解释的临床片段来解释这个问题。
- 23. On some pages, a soft, fine-lined black-ink vignette sits beside the larger colored composition, adding further pictorial detail from the text.
- 在某些页面,软,细内衬黑色墨水小品旁边的大色组成坐在一起,进一步增加从文本图案的细节。
- 24. Like a vignette from the Twilight Zone, new research shows that you'll age slightly faster standing on a staircase than you do on the floor below.
- 请问这句话到底在讲什么?不敢胡乱译。这项新研究表明,人站在楼梯上时的年龄增长速度,要比站在下面的平地上稍微快一点。
- 25. Conclusion WHS questionnaire shows a high dependability in collecting reality data, but is reliability need to be improved in vignette questions.
- 结论WHS问卷在收集事实性数据方面具有很高的可靠性,但在情景问题方面的信度有待于提高。
- 26. If there is a balance of power between the writer and the reader in this little vignette, the power really I think finally resides with the writer.
- 如果作者和读者之间,存在力量平衡的话,我觉得最后力量肯定归于作者一方。
- 27. The vignette of this kind of stage is made in plane coloured drawing, so it is cheap and easy to carry. Of course isn't inferior to the earlier one.
- 这类戏台的装饰图案全数以平面彩绘的方式制作,其造价便宜也易于搬运,且舞台效果并不输给传统戏台。
- 28. The vignette of this kind of stage is made in plane coloured drawing, so it is cheap and easy to carry. Of course isn't inferior to the earlier one.
- 这类戏台的装饰图案全数以平面彩绘的方式制作,其造价便宜也易于搬运,且舞台效果并不输给传统戏台。