- 1. From a concealed vantage point, he saw a car arrive.
- 从一个隐蔽的有利位置,他看到一辆车到了。
- 2. The cafe was a good vantage point for watching the world go by.
- 从这家小餐馆能清楚地看到世事的变迁。
- 3. From this vantage point he watched, his searching eye never missing a detail.
- 从这个有利的位置进行观察,他那锐利的目光从未漏掉一个细节。
- 4. From the vantage point of the present, the war seems to have achieved nothing.
- 依目前的情况来看,这场战争似乎一无所获。
- 5. From today's vantage point, the 1987 crash seems just a blip in the upward progress of the market.
- 从今天的观点来看,1987年的暴跌似乎只是市场上扬进程中一次短暂的下挫。
- 6. From this vantage point, I could see the country we had traveled through and the country we were to enter.
- 从这个有利位置,我可以看到我们游历过的国家和我们将要进入的国家。
- 7. Change the observers and the vantage points, clear away some of the mist, and a different lot of peaks appear.
- "改变那些观察者以及那些有利的方面,除去一些模糊不清的事物,巅峰者不同的命运就显现了出来。
- 8. Geniuses, however they are defined, are but the peaks which stand out through the mist of history and are visible to the particular observer from his or her particular vantage point.
- 天才,无论如何定义,不过是在历史的迷雾中突出的山峰,是特定的观察者从其特定的有利位置所能看到的。
- 9. Photo Tip: Choose a vantage point upwind from the blowing smoke.
- 摄影提示:在烟雾吹来的逆风处选择一个有利位置。
- 10. It's hard to imagine the Web of 2002 from our current vantage point.
- 从现在这个有利的时间点来看,2002年的网络是没法想象的。
- 11. Arrive before the crowds of spectators and determine the best vantage point.
- 要在不可计数的观众之前到达并决定最好的有利位置。
- 12. From our vantage point, a second galaxy happens to be behind the first galaxy.
- 从我们所在最佳位置看过去,在第一个星系的后面就能看到第二个星系。
- 13. Photo Tip: Arrive early to scout out your location and choose your vantage point.
- 摄影提示:提前到达,选好位置和角度。
- 14. From the vantage point of the present, it may seem that technologies are deterministic.
- 从目前的有利情况,看起来技术好像是确定的。
- 15. So, when we see challenges as opportunities, what does that reveal about our personal vantage point?
- 那么,当我们把挑战看做机遇时,对我们的人生来讲会发生什么样的变化?
- 16. In order to allow meaningful comparisons, I collected this data from three different vantage points.
- 为了进行有意义的比较,我从三个不同的位置同时收集此数据。
- 17. As such, requirements must be considered from this four-fold vantage point, or in some similar manner.
- 因此,需求必须从四个角度来考虑,或者用一些其它的方式来看。
- 18. This vantage point seemed like a good place to look back up the evolutionary road that led from Ardi to us.
- 这处有利地形看起来是个回溯人类进化道路的好地方,我们可以从现代人类倒退着回到阿迪时代。
- 19. Looking back from the vantage point of 2011, the residual agreement seems altruistic, optimistic, and visionary.
- 从2011年的制高点回溯,剩余报酬的协议是如此利于后人,如此乐观和富有远见。
- 20. From the vantage point of the Medina Guest House's roof, it sounded like it was coming from every corner of the town.
- 从梅迪娜旅馆屋顶的制高点上听起来,射击声像来自城里的四面八方。
- 21. The primary time zone where we live and work defines an important vantage point from which to consider various issues.
- 我们工作和生活所在的时区决定了我们看待各类事物的重要视角。
- 22. From this vantage point, the modern enterprise is becoming ever more "digital" in terms of what it is and what it does.
- 从这个高度看,现代企业正以某种形式和方式变得更加数字化。
- 23. At night, its floodlit facades offer an unparalleled vantage point for marveling at the giant light show that is Pudong.
- 在夜幕中,大楼的立面华灯璀璨,巨大的灯光秀是浦东无法比拟的。
- 24. From its hilltop vantage point, we gaze over an unbroken green sea in which craggy hills loom on far horizons like tsunamis.
- 从山顶制高点我们远眺连绵的绿色海洋,地平线上起伏的远山像是海啸的排浪。
- 25. Please give us your feedback. And if possible, tell us your vantage point: publisher, advertiser or new venture intermediary.
- 请把你的看法告诉我们,如果有可能,请告诉我你看问题的角度:内容发布商、广告主、亦或新型中介公司。
- 26. Mere mechanical reproduction: How simple and even quaint modernist anxieties seem now, from the vertigo vantage of the Internet age.
- 纯粹的呆板重复:由于网络时代所呈现的令人眩晕的高度,现代人的焦虑现在看来是多么的普通甚至奇怪。
- 27. Mere mechanical reproduction: How simple and even quaint modernist anxieties seem now, from the vertigo vantage of the Internet age.
- 纯粹的呆板重复:由于网络时代所呈现的令人眩晕的高度,现代人的焦虑现在看来是多么的普通甚至奇怪。