- 1. Robot: Mobile untethered robots (microbots)
- 机器人:Mobile untethered robots (microbots)
- 2. Perhaps more important, the Wenzhounese have become untethered from their city of origin.
- 或许更重要的,温州人已经不再受到他们原来地域的束缚。
- 3. I felt a bit untethered, floating through others' lives without the anchor of my family.
- 没有了家的牵系,我觉得自己像无根的浮萍,从别人的生活当中漂过。
- 4. In a technological age ever more clichés are being untethered from their origins in this way.
- 在一个科技的时代里,有越来越多的陈词滥调正从受它们根源的束缚中摆脱。
- 5. We don't know whether or not this is a tethered or untethered jailbreak. More details should become available soon.
- 不能确定“越狱”是否是完美。相信更多细节将会很快呈现给大家。
- 6. So a bigger, bulkier battery may not be necessary either, unless you want to use the computer untethered for long periods.
- 所以,连容量体积大点的电池也许都不需要,除非你要长时间不插电得使用电脑。
- 7. But there’s a reason for that: it’s unsettling to see the world as we know it completely untethered by rules like gravity.
- 这样的设计自然有它的原因:当观众知道这座城市完全不受重力等物理定律约束的时候,梦境世界立刻变得令人心神不宁。
- 8. If you crave the feeling of being untethered, light as a feather, tossing your things is a great way to go. But it's not easy.
- 但你要是渴望不受拘束的感觉,那么好好整理一下你的物品,让它们物得其所,是享受轻松生活的最好方法。
- 9. Now much of the country is made up of people with the acquisition habits of a 7-year-old, desire untethered from need, or the ability to pay.
- 现在国家的许多地方都有多年购物成性的人,这些人的购物欲根本不是出于需求或是有能力购买。
- 10. Raytheon expects that the power consumption will need to reduce a further 60% from that of the XOS 2 for the suit to be viable in untethered form.
- 雷声期望功耗将需要从该低聚木糖2的减少进一步60%的西装是可行在不受限制的形式。
- 11. This is a preeminent problem for character education in its current form, as it appeals to an abstract universalism and an untethered rationality.
- 对品德教育目前的形式来说,这是最大的问题,因为它需要抽象的普遍性和不受限制的合理性。
- 12. It has untethered us from our groupings - in the office, where email has disconnected us from what the people who sit three feet away do all day, and even more significantly, at home.
- 它将我们从群体中解离出来——在办公室,咫尺之遥的同事也用电子邮件交流,但更为显著的是它对家庭的影响。
- 13. It has untethered us from our groupings - in the office, where email has disconnected us from what the people who sit three feet away do all day, and even more significantly, at home.
- 它将我们从群体中解离出来——在办公室,咫尺之遥的同事也用电子邮件交流,但更为显著的是它对家庭的影响。