- 1. She needed to unburden herself to somebody.
- 她需要找个人诉诉心里的苦衷。
- 2. He listened to his parents unburden themselves in therapy.
- 他听到他的父母在治疗中倾诉他们的烦恼。
- 3. Aileen began at once to unburden her feelings.
- 爱玲立刻开始发泄她的感情。
- 4. Do you really expect me to unburden myself to you?
- 你真的希望我向你吐露心声吗?
- 5. Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy unburden his conscience.
- 仁爱和理解常会使得男孩吐露真情,解除良心的负担。
- 6. There's got to be somebody in the world that you can unburden yourself with.
- 这世界上总有那么一个人你可以向他吐露心事。
- 7. It was good, it helped you unburden, but please, don't burden anybody else.
- 它是好的,它帮助你解除负担,但是请你,不要加重负担给其他人。
- 8. Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience.
- 仁爱和理解常常会使得孩子吐露真情。
- 9. What made him unhappiest of all was that he had nowhere to unburden himself.
- 更让他难过的是没地方去诉诉委屈。
- 10. Are you ready to unburden yourself by showing your love for your heart-throb?
- 你准备好了要向自己心动的人儿表达爱意吗?
- 11. No he did n't exactly fool me but — suddenly it became a pleasure to unburden herself.
- 不,他倒不完全是欺骗我,不过——她突然变得很愿意表白自己了。
- 12. The cache that the reverse proxy maintains and serves can unburden your Web application.
- 反向代理维护和服务的缓存可以分担Web应用程序的重担。
- 13. But that long-ago assignment came at a time in his life when he must have wanted to unburden himself.
- 但是那个年代久远的采访任务到来的时候,正是他想要解放自己的时候。
- 14. One of the goals of Atlas is to unburden the application developer from as much of the underlying architectural mechanisms as possible.
- Atlas的一个目标是尽可能地解除应用程序开发人员对底层架构机制的责任。
- 15. Wow, we are celebrating another red-letter day-Valentine's day. Are you ready to unburden yourself by showing your love for your heart-throb?
- 哇!今天又是个好日子,我们在庆祝今年的情人节。你准备好了要向自己心动的人儿表达爱意吗?
- 16. It is in discussions like these that we might be able to unburden ourselves of restrictively narrow knowledge systems of techno-science and econo-production.
- 在这个过程中,或许有机会能够突破我们对知识系统仅限制在科技科学与经济生产的现况。
- 17. For the development of the unburden structure face and constitution structure facing, it is important that left dam shoulders side slope stability to the dam safety.
- 金安桥水电站左坝肩卸荷结构面和构造结构面发育,左坝肩边坡的稳定问题对整个大坝的安全起重要作用。
- 18. When troubles give us a heavy heart, the wisest action is to unburden ourselves upon the Lord, for He truly cares for us and will sustain us through any circumstance.
- 当困难使我们心情沉重时,最好的方法就是将我的重担交在上帝的手里,因为他是看顾我们的上帝,也会在任何困难中保守我们。
- 19. If children would be more familiar with their parents, if they would confide in them, and unburden to them their joys and sorrows, they would save themselves many a future heartache.
- 假使作儿女的愿意多多与父母亲热,倘若他们愿意信赖父母,并将自己的喜乐与发愁向他们倾诉出来,那么他们未来就能罢黜很多痛心的事了。
- 20. If children would be more familiar with their parents, if they would confide in them, and unburden to them their joys and sorrows, they would save themselves many a future heartache.
- 假使作儿女的愿意多多与父母亲热,倘若他们愿意信赖父母,并将自己的喜乐与发愁向他们倾诉出来,那么他们未来就能罢黜很多痛心的事了。