- 1. The plants transpire to give off more water vapor.
- 这些植物进行蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。
- 2. It may be you transpire from the breasts of young men.
- 你可是蒸腾于壮年的胸口?
- 3. We don't know what may transpire when we have a new boss.
- (当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。 ) (如果用happen代替transpire,也许更明白。
- 4. We do not know what may transpire when we have a new boss.
- 当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。
- 5. We don"t know what may transpire when we have a new boss."
- 当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。
- 6. We don't know what will transpire when we have a new boss.
- 当我们有位新老板时,不知会发生什么。
- 7. First, no one really knows what events are going to transpire.
- 第一,没人知道将来会发生什么。
- 8. When lack of water, commonly plants would transpire as a way for cool.
- 在缺乏水分时,植物一般用蒸发作为降温的手段。
- 9. All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere.
- 我敢说,所有值得回顾的事件,都发生在清晨的光阴和气氛里。
- 10. All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere.
- 我想说,所有值得纪念的事情,都是在清晨的时光和清晨的氛围中发生的。
- 11. Rehan transpire in China concept, self-release and thus truly achieve physical and mental health.
- 在热汗蒸腾中吐故纳新,释放自我,从而真正达到身心健康。
- 12. For example, a cornfield 1 acre in size can transpire as much as 4,000 gallons of water every day.
- 例如,1英亩大小的玉米田每天蒸腾的水能达到4000加仑之多。
- 13. More often than not these arguments transpire due to our choice of words rather than our point of views.
- 这类争论的发生多半是因为我们所选择的词语,而不是我们的观点。
- 14. Those of you who read this work will be aware of the events that will transpire during this period.
- 你们那些读过这一本书的人将会知道在这期间所发生的整个情况。
- 15. Whatever your site's function, you will know that nothing is going to transpire unless you bring website traffic.
- 无论你网站的功能,你就会知道,没有事情蒸腾除非你带的交通网。
- 16. Use a fly-on-the-wall approach: Describe what happens as if you're a fly on the wall observing the events transpire.
- 应从旁观者的角度去描述:作为观察事件发生的旁观者描述发生了什么。
- 17. There will be no classes, no activities. Nothing will transpire. at this institution until that proceeding is concluded.
- 取消一切课程和活动,会议不结束,什么也甭干。
- 18. I know some Obama's business and transpire that he bitterly is chase after John. McCain and draw in the polls in the finally.
- 我从侧面了解到一些奥巴马先生的事情,又得知奥巴马先生苦苦追赶麦凯恩,终于在民调上打成平手!
- 19. As the guidance becomes clear, we will all know exactly what needs to transpire next to foster the continued ascent of the whole.
- 当引导变得清晰时,我们都将确切了解下一步需要驱散什么以培育整体的继续提升。
- 20. And on a couple of occasions, we leased a piece of equipment expecting a certain opportunity to take place, and it didn't transpire.
- 和一对夫妇的场合,我们租用的一台设备预计有一定机会的地方,也没有蒸发。
- 21. I could never have suspected that what would transpire that night would not only effect the course of history but change my life forever.
- 但我从未想到那晚发生的事,不仅改变了历史的进程,还永远改变了我的一生。
- 22. Gets or sets the length of time that must transpire before subsequent ToolTip Windows appear as the pointer moves from one control to another.
- 取得或设定当指标从某个控制项移动到另一个控制项时,在后续工具提示视窗出现之前,必须经过的时间长度。
- 23. But what mind is there among men that could even record, let alone direct, the constant changes in molecules that transpire in the life span of a tree?
- 但是如果真能记录下来的话,那么以个人的意志又是怎样的呢,仅仅只是跟随着它的指挥,分子学恒定不变的变化便泄露出了一棵树的生命源泉?
- 24. Elements of historical art and folk sources transpire through her work, and her art embraces a conceptual exploration of the ultimate street experience.
- 她的艺术品包含了终极街头经历的概念式探索;民间及历史的艺术原素都能从她的艺术作品显露出来。
- 25. To a certain degree, the dream through 2008 is clear enough to perceive what will transpire and is heading down the dimensions to be experienced by mankind.
- 到一个特定的程度,梦想通过2008年被充分清理,去觉察所要发生的以及正沿密度出发、要被人类体验的。
- 26. The events that transpire against the backdrop of all that occurred in the city during that time, change the lives of each of the friends in very different ways.
- 这个事件发生的背景下发生的一切在这个城市在那段时间,改变生命的每个朋友在非常不同的方式。
- 27. Beloveds a gentler tone will I take that you may know that what is to transpire culls that which has so many of you suffering and ill at ease in this your world.
- 亲爱的人们,我会用一个更温和的口吻告诉你们,即将显露的变化会剔除那些在你们世界中令你们遭受痛苦和局促不安的一切。
- 28. Beloveds a gentler tone will I take that you may know that what is to transpire culls that which has so many of you suffering and ill at ease in this your world.
- 亲爱的人们,我会用一个更温和的口吻告诉你们,即将显露的变化会剔除那些在你们世界中令你们遭受痛苦和局促不安的一切。