- 1. He was put into a trance by a police hypnotist.
- 他被警方的一位催眠师导入了催眠状态。
- 2. Like a man in a trance, Blake found his way back to his rooms.
- 像一个处于催眠状态的人,布莱克回到了自己的房间。
- 3. Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep, hypnosis and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary.
- 洛扎诺夫在睡眠、催眠和恍惚状态下尝试了直接暗示的教学方法,但他发现这些过程是没必要的。
- 4. Advocates for this opinion point to reports from people who have experienced a trance state, a highly suggestive state of low consciousness between waking and sleeping.
- 这个观点的提倡者们引用了一些关于人类经历昏迷状态的报告,昏迷状态暗指一种介于清醒和睡眠之间的极其微弱的意识状态。
- 5. He said nothing but sat there as if in a trance.
- 他话也不说,坐在那里发愣。
- 6. The old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.
- 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活,神情恍惚。
- 7. She paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance.
- 她全不理会大家的话,只是坐在那里发呆。
- 8. She said nothing but sat there staring blankly.; She said nothing but sat there as if in a trance.
- 她话也不说,坐在那里发呆。
- 9. They seem to be sleeping, or in a trance state.
- 他们好像在睡觉,或者说是处于昏迷状态。
- 10. Well it's not a trance or a daze; that's not quite right.
- 我那时不恍惚也不糊涂,那么说并不是完全正确。
- 11. Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake. He enfolded his Della.
- 吉姆好像从恍惚之中醒来,把德拉紧紧地搂在怀里。
- 12. All these images happened while under the trance of Altitude Sickness.
- 这些照片都是在我被高原反应搞得恍恍惚惚的情况下拍摄的。
- 13. Well, we promised, we must pose the most lazy, trance to face the world.
- 我们早就约定好了的,要以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚地面对这个世界。
- 14. I looked out the window trance, come back, such as sight is another story.
- 我望着窗外出神了,等回过神来时,眼前又是另一番景象。
- 15. Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in.
- 小女孩甜美的声音打破了这令人昏昏欲睡的气氛,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧。”
- 16. Mo 'at still stands in a kind of trance amongst the tendrils of the central tree.
- Mo'at仍然出神的站在祭坛的中心冥想。
- 17. Deep in a trance, Baryo, a Hindu holy man, blesses offerings bound for Mount Bromo.
- 印度教圣人巴尤深陷于恍惚状态,为前往布罗莫山的供品赐福。
- 18. Myth 5: Hypnosis is a Unique "Trance" State Differing in Kind from wakefulness.
- 神话5:催眠是一种独特的状态,与清醒时完全不同。
- 19. He often worried Frances (his adoptive mother) with his penchant for trance-like daydreams.
- 他神恍惚而且白日梦不断,这种情况总是使他的养母弗朗西斯感到厌烦。
- 20. When he drums and chants in a certain sequence, some of his listeners are lulled into a trance.
- 当他以某种规律击鼓吟唱时,一些听众会受其引导而出神。
- 21. The stillness of her head and features was remarkable: she might have been in a trance, her eyes open, yet unseeing.
- 很明显,她的头和她的面目安详沉静:她似乎在那儿发怔出神,眼睛睁得大大的,但是却看不见。
- 22. Sometimes he would go into a trance and talk about his previous incarnations, how he imagined them to be, at least.
- 有时他恍恍惚惚说起自己上一辈子的模样,至少是他想象中的模样,或者讲述他做过的梦。
- 23. Having fallen into a trance state, they acted in accordance with these supernaturalist beliefs: dancing wildly for days on end.
- 人们陷入了恍惚状态,他们的行动与超自然主义者的信仰相一致:接连数日疯狂地跳舞。
- 24. He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open.
- 得听神的言语,得见全能者的异象,眼目睁开而仆倒的人说。
- 25. These birds reflect back an appallingly emblematic result of the collective trance of our consumerism and runaway industrial growth.
- 这些死去的鸟折射出了人类对消费主义和工业化失控的集体无意识,这样的结果令人毛骨悚然却又再典型不过。
- 26. Evidence of a distinct trance unique to hypnosis would require physiological markers of subjects' responses to Suggestions to enter a trance.
- 要想提出催眠状态的确是一个独特状态的证据,就要求有生理学的标记表明受试者进入催眠状态。
- 27. Evidence of a distinct trance unique to hypnosis would require physiological markers of subjects' responses to Suggestions to enter a trance.
- 要想提出催眠状态的确是一个独特状态的证据,就要求有生理学的标记表明受试者进入催眠状态。