- 1. Many of the refugees have suffered torture.
- 许多难民都遭受过拷打。
- 2. The prisoner was subjected to systematic torture.
- 犯人受到蓄意折磨。
- 3. It says torture and summary execution are common.
- 据说酷刑和草草处决很常见。
- 4. 2,000 prisoners died as a result of torture and maltreatment.
- 两千名囚犯因拷问和虐待而死。
- 5. He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her.
- 他不会通过和她争吵而进一步折磨她。
- 6. I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.
- 我相信在文明国家酷刑早就废止了。
- 7. They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.
- 他们声称实施了大屠杀和酷刑。
- 8. The Convention Against Torture defines torture as any act that inflicts severe pain or suffering, physical or mental.
- 《反酷刑条约》把酷刑定义为任何造成严重身心疼痛和受苦的行为。
- 9. No more would they torture at the stake.
- 他们再也不会在火刑柱上折磨人了。
- 10. It is such a torture to commute every day in rush-hour traffics.
- 每天都在交通高峰时期上下班实在是种折磨。
- 11. The history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain.
- 酷刑的历史,也是基于人类身体能够感受疼痛。
- 12. Won't you try, pretty little Snail, to free me from this terrible torture?
- 可爱的小蜗牛,你不愿意试着把我从这可怕的折磨中解脱出来吗?
- 13. Tom's uneasiness grew more and more intense under the slow torture of these proceedings.
- 这个过程慢慢地折磨着汤姆,使他越发感到不安。
- 14. Under torture, Alexis, who probably dies of cold, not of torture, in a very frozen cell.
- 在一个非常冰冷的牢房里,受尽折磨的亚历克西斯可能死于寒冷,而不是酷刑。
- 15. Accounts suggest that he was subjected to cruel beatings and emotional torture, and that he was humiliated constantly by his father.
- 有报道称,他曾遭受过毒打和精神折磨,还经常受到父亲的羞辱。
- 16. UNAMA said the torture aimed to obtain information and confessions, which it said are often the sole form of evidence submitted in Afghan criminal trials.
- 联阿援助团说,酷刑的目的是获取信息和口供,在阿富汗的刑事审判中,信息和口供往往是唯一的证据。
- 17. His confessions were made under torture.
- 他被屈打成招。
- 18. The interview was sheer torture from start to finish.
- 这次面试从头至尾使人备受煎熬。
- 19. For many, the dentist's office remains a torture chamber.
- 对许多人来说,牙科诊室仍是一间行刑室。
- 20. The idea of being separated from him, even for a few hours, was torture.
- 想到与他分开,哪怕只是几个小时,也是一种折磨。
- 21. The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country.
- 报告称在那个国家存在着普遍的、惯常的虐待政治犯的现象。
- 22. The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.
- 报告称滥用刑法非常普遍,政府军队将其作为司法程序之外的判决。
- 23. Those detained include a former navy captain and several other ex-officers suspected of torture or murder during the last period of military rule in Argentina, which ended in 1983.
- 被拘留的人包括一名前任海军上尉和其他几名退役军官,他们涉嫌在阿根廷军事统治的最后一段时期实施酷刑或谋杀。阿根廷军事统治于1983年结束。
- 24. France had torture instruments to the rack:the chevalet.
- 法国有酷刑工具架:琴马。
- 25. No torture would make him speak.
- 任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。
- 26. No torture would make him talk.
- 任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。
- 27. But you don't get it from torture.
- 但你没法从酷刑中得到它。
- 28. And then I'll torture you.
- 然后我再折磨你。
- 29. I say, Torture this one.
- 我说,折磨这个吧。
- 30. I say, Torture this one.
- 我说,折磨这个吧。