- 1. He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.
- 他陷入了一种麻木状态,什么事都不能唤起他的兴趣。
- 2. In the heat they sank into a state of torpor.
- 炎热的天气使得他们委靡不振。
- 3. The sick person gradually falls into a torpor.
- 这位病人逐渐陷入了萎靡状态中。
- 4. The torpor dates back years.
- 这种决策上的迟缓可以追溯到多年前。
- 5. But other reasons explain the torpor.
- 但是其他原因也解释了他们的麻木。
- 6. He fell into a deep torpor.
- 他一下子进入了深度麻痹状态。
- 7. A state of dormancy or torpor during the summer.
- 夏眠在夏天处于睡眠状态。
- 8. How long I was sunk in this torpor I cannot estimate;
- 我沉迷在这种昏睡中有多少时候,那我不能估计;
- 9. My calmness was the torpor of despair Charles Brockden Brown.
- 我的镇静是我绝望的麻木(查尔斯·布罗克登·布朗)。
- 10. A naughty fatty boy find a tall torpor with dark glasses man whose semblance look like a blind in a scruffy bus stop when he waiting for the bus.
- 在破落的城郊汽车站一个好事儿的小胖子在等车之余注意到了在他身旁等车的一个表情呆滞带着墨镜貌似盲人的高个子。
- 11. There was a better name, a Latin name, for it was also called Accidie, and it meant intellectual and spiritual torpor, indifference, and lethargy.
- 也许用另一个拉丁词语称呼它更加贴切,就是“Accidie”,它的意思是智力和精神上的迟钝、麻痹、无所用心和了无生气。
- 12. There was a better name, a Latin name, for it; it was also called ACCIDIE, and it meant intellectual and spiritual torpor, indifference, and lethargy.
- 拉丁语中有一个更好的名字,ACCIDIE,(倦怠),意思是智力和精神上的迟钝、漠然和了无生气。
- 13. The traditional mechanisms in stimulation and restraint, which are main characters by the static and stage evaluation have become torpor and awkwardness.
- 传统的以静态或阶段考评为主的激励约束机制在这方面已显得呆滞,力不从心。
- 14. Hiccup , apathy , torpor , dribbling, bucking , stethocatharsis. When these symptom frequency curves go up , it means the recovery of stroke is hindered .
- 呃逆、表情淡漠、反应迟钝、流涎、饮水呛咳、咯痰这些症状出现频率的上升则影响神经功能缺损的恢复。
- 15. Mr Green believes the demand for short-term debt has also shaken the long-term bond market out of its torpor, pushing issues from $8 billion to $13 billion.
- 格林认为,长期债券市场也因短期负债需求的存在而重现活力,发行量从80亿美元增加到130亿美元。
- 16. It was some time before he could get into the regular track of gossip, or could be made to comprehend the strange events that had taken place during his torpor.
- 他过了好久才能参加日常的闲谈,才明白在他睡着时所发生的奇奇怪怪的事情。
- 17. Suddenly, the ubiquitous torpor is broken as the great man sweeps through with his guests, a delegation from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
- 突然间,这片死寂被带着客人(来自西非国家经济共同体的代表团)走来的这位伟人打破了。
- 18. This is not the sort of company that Italy is accustomed to keeping, but unless it can shake off its torpor it may have to get used to such unflattering comparisons.
- 这不是意大利惯于的同列,但除非该国能摆脱目前死气沉沉的状况,不然它大概要习惯于这种苦逼的比较了。
- 19. It was only late in the global crisis, when Greece admitted to lying about its Numbers, that the markets woke up from their torpor into a sudden panic over sovereign risk.
- 直到金融危机晚期,希腊承认关于财政赤字和负债率撒了谎,市场才从麻木中惊醒,突然地对主权危机恐慌起来。
- 20. It was only late in the global crisis, when Greece admitted to lying about its Numbers, that the markets woke up from their torpor into a sudden panic over sovereign risk.
- 直到金融危机晚期,希腊承认关于财政赤字和负债率撒了谎,市场才从麻木中惊醒,突然地对主权危机恐慌起来。