- 1. If a physical change like that led to better toolmaking, then its owner would have survived better.
- 如果这样的身体变化导致更好的工具制造,那么变化的拥有者能够更好地存活下来。
- 2. It spread to Europe and Asia and continued for well over a million years, the longest period of any toolmaking tradition.
- 然后在一百万年间传播到欧洲和亚洲,是最长的工具制造传统时期。
- 3. Her profound scientific discoveries-such as the discovery of toolmaking by chimpanzees-laid the foundation for all future primate studies.
- 她那傲人的发现,例如黑猩猩可制作工具,为后来所有的灵长类动物研究奠定了基础。
- 4. This interest is based on an understanding of the human's role as a toolmaking animal who survives via his or her use of the natural world.
- 这种兴趣是建立在理解了人是一种能通过他们对自然世界的利用来生存的,能制造工具的动物的基础之上的。
- 5. Beneath the optimization of the forging process layout the attainable precision also depends on the accuracy of toolmaking and process control.
- 下方的优化锻造工艺布局该达到的精度还取决于对精度的模具生产和过程控制。
- 6. We are able to provide one-stop service from toolmaking to mass production for automotive interior decoration , construction parts, and sub-assemble parts.
- 我们拥有一套从模具制作到正常生产汽车内部装饰件、结构件和组装件加工体系。
- 7. The toolmaking observation was the most epochal of the three, causing a furor within anthropological circles because "man the toolmaker" held sway as an almost canonical definition of our species.
- 工具制作行为的观测在这三个观测结果中最具有划时代意义,它在恪守“人类才是唯一的工具制造者”的人类学研究圈中激起了轩然大波。
- 8. The toolmaking observation was the most epochal of the three, causing a furor within anthropological circles because "man the toolmaker" held sway as an almost canonical definition of our species.
- 工具制作行为的观测在这三个观测结果中最具有划时代意义,它在恪守“人类才是唯一的工具制造者”的人类学研究圈中激起了轩然大波。