- 1. Here is the Yantai Timepiece Museum.
- 我们这里就是烟台钟表博物馆了。
- 2. A watch is as much an accessory as it is a timepiece.
- 手表既是计时工具也是配饰。
- 3. This cool timepiece was inspired by Salvador Dalí's creative art.
- 这款很酷的计时器受到萨尔瓦多·达利(著名画家)的创作画启发而设计。
- 4. Timepiece appearance must reflect the internal movement of excellence.
- 时计的外观必须反映出内部机芯的卓越。
- 5. It was a timepiece made of chocolate, and it was exactly the same as his best work.
- 是一个用巧克力做的时钟,而且跟他最好的一件作品一模一样。
- 6. Spring, power spring, hair spring, driving mechanism utilizing them, and timepiece.
- 精密仪器的驱动用发条,钟表,驱动机构。
- 7. Rado went white for winter with their latest timepiece, the Rado Ceramica white Watch.
- 雷达的最新手表——雷达陶瓷白腕表——随着冬季的来临也变成了白色。
- 8. There are certain things a man needs to feel like a man: a classic timepiece. Maybe a sports car.
- 有些东西是能使男人倍感自信的必需品:一只经典的表,也许是一辆跑车。
- 9. The third timepiece AMVOX3 Tourbillon GMT has ceramic case and automatic movement with 35 jewels.
- 第三代计时表anvox 3旋转结构表(格林威治时间)是陶瓷材质的,并且是镶嵌有35颗珠宝的自动活动装置。
- 10. Combining function with fashion, this handsome timepiece is water resistant to 165 feet (50 meters).
- 功能与时尚相结合,这个英俊的手表是防水165英尺(50米)。
- 11. A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.
- 一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器。
- 12. There is something for every member of your family, and every timepiece comes with a three-year warranty.
- 那里有些东西给你的每一个成员的家庭,每一个钟表配有三年保修。
- 13. We're locked into it not just by day and night-there's the master timepiece in the brain called the circadian clock.
- 我们不仅按照昼夜的交替生活,而且还受大脑里的生物钟的支配。
- 14. On the morning I wake naturally, for I will have set no clock, nor informed my body timepiece when it should alarm.
- 第二天早上我自然醒来,因为我没设闹钟,也没给我的身体任何时间的暗示。
- 15. It's a timepiece of such astonishing precision that people often wake up a few minutes before their alarm clocks go off.
- 这种时钟准确得如此惊人,我们往往就在闹钟响前几分钟就会醒来。
- 16. On a design level, this watch is quite a progression for Hublot and is likely to be Hublot Confrerie's flagship timepiece.
- 在设计水平上,这款表对于恒宝来说的确是一大进步,可能是恒宝兄弟钟表行的一流产品。
- 17. This is your dress-down timepiece, worn everywhere from the beach to the ski slopes or for pottering around in the garden.
- 这是你的休闲手表,沙滩上,滑雪场,在花园里慢条斯理地劳作时,各种场合都可以戴。
- 18. Manufactured by Swiss watchmaker Valijoux this timepiece features a carbon fiber dial fashioned to resemble the R8 speedometer.
- 由瑞士手表制造商Valijoux制造的有碳纤维刻度盘的时尚计时手表造出了一种与R8速度计相似的感觉。
- 19. Apple's newest timepiece puts music, video, photos and step-counting front-and-center, and lets the minutes fall where they may.
- 苹果最新款计时器将音乐,视频,图片以及计步器整合在了一起,并且让时间随处可得。
- 20. "Just watch me, so you know I am not lying," he was quoted as saying in local media before throwing the timepiece onto the floor.
- “现在看着我,你就知道我不是在说谎了,”这是当地媒体引述的他扔手表之前的话。
- 21. This limited edition timepiece will be available for 18 lucky (and wealthy) customers in either black, shown above, or red, below.
- 如图所示,这款限量发行为黑色或红色的钟表将会只贩售给18位幸运(并且富裕)的顾客。
- 22. At that point in English it was still hanging on to an older meaning that had already evolved in Latin into the timepiece meaning.
- 那时英语中“ clock”仍然是原来的意思,而拉丁语中它早已变成了时钟的意思。
- 23. Styles and technologies change, but whatever we use to tell time, most people consider the wrist a sacrosanct spot reserved for a timepiece.
- 科技和样式日新月异,然而,尽管辨认时间的手段很多,但我们大多数人还是将手腕上一个神圣的地方留给了手表。
- 24. It features a heavy titanium timepiece mounted in a metal band, but you can ditch the band and put the timepiece in a slick pocket watch housing.
- 它是一款沉重的钛手表配有一条金属带子,但你可以摘下带子直接将手表放进一个光滑的怀表口袋里。
- 25. For a moment or two he seemed quite lost in contemplating the pace of this ideal timepiece, and sat looking at the boy as if his face were the dial.
- 在一两秒钟的时间内,他似乎完全出神地在思考着这只理想的钟走动的快慢,并坐在那里看着孩子,仿佛他的脸是针盘似的。
- 26. Nicknamed the 'spaceship watch', this forward-looking timepiece is an adventurous mix of bold, futuristic styling and progressive technical flaunts.
- 此表有远见而大胆地融合了无畏的未来主义风格和锐意进取的技术革新。
- 27. Its regular phases make the moon a very convenient timepiece, and the periods of its waxing and waning form the basis of many of the oldest calendars.
- 其规律性的月相使之成为一种非常方便的计时器,很多古老日历的发明都源自对月圆月缺变化的观察。
- 28. Its regular phases make the moon a very convenient timepiece, and the periods of its waxing and waning form the basis of many of the oldest calendars.
- 其规律性的月相使之成为一种非常方便的计时器,很多古老日历的发明都源自对月圆月缺变化的观察。