- 1. Then and there they gave each other a sound thrashing.
- 就在那时,他们互相狠狠地殴打在一起。
- 2. A whale was thrashing the water with its tail.
- 一条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。
- 3. If Sarah caught her, she would get a terrible thrashing.
- 如果萨拉抓到她,她会挨一顿痛揍。
- 4. Someone was thrashing around in the water, obviously in trouble.
- 有人在水里乱扑腾,显然遇到了危险。
- 5. Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement.
- 她的律师们在协商离婚协议上毫不留情。
- 6. She dropped only eight points in the 43-minute thrashing of the former champion.
- 她在轻松击败前冠军的43分钟里,仅失掉8分。
- 7. Scratch in the dirt for seeds and insects, cluck and cackle and fly just a few feet off the ground with wings thrashing in the wind.
- 在泥土中寻找种子和昆虫,咯咯地叫,在风中扑打着翅膀,只飞离地面几尺高。
- 8. My father gave me a round thrashing.
- 我父亲把我痛打了一顿。
- 9. They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field.
- 他们要把玉米在打谷场晾晒干。
- 10. Listing 5 shows an example of a system that is probably thrashing.
- 清单5给出一个可能出现了抖动的系统示例。
- 11. How else can you explain Nixon's thrashing of George McGovern, say?
- 不然的话,你怎么解释尼克松能大胜麦戈文呢?
- 12. The great white shot out of the water, thrashing Endris like a wet towel.
- 大白鲨冲出水面,像一条湿毛巾一样打在 Endris身上。
- 13. That means that the creatures thrashing in Chen's ponds are the future of fish.
- 如此说来,在陈的池塘里拍打着尾巴的那一群就意味着渔业的未来。
- 14. When this occurs, it usually signifies that thrashing is going on in your system.
- 当出现这种情况时,通常表示系统中发生了颠簸现象。
- 15. It spent most of its time waiting for the swap disk, thrashing like Emacs on a VAX.
- 大多数时间都花在等待交换磁盘上,就像VAX上的Emacs一样。
- 16. He particularly encouraged internal argument among his advisers, thrashing out both sides of an argument.
- 他尤其鼓励他的顾问之间进行内部辩论,并且会反复研究辩论双方的观点。
- 17. This small trick can save a lot of memory thrashing and garbage collection over the lifetime of a program.
- 这个小技巧可以在程序生存期减少很多的内存抖动(memory thrashing)和垃圾收集。
- 18. Then she would go and live with her children, happily ever after thrashing rice to separate it from the husk.
- 于是,她就会去和她的儿女们生活在一起,然后幸福地打稻谷,把稻米和谷壳分开。
- 19. It was a manatee, and by the looks of the reddish-colored water and the way it was thrashing, it was in trouble.
- 是海牛,从淡红色的海水和它动作的方式判断,它一定是遇到了麻烦。
- 20. A thread pool offers a solution to both the problem of thread life-cycle overhead and the problem of resource thrashing.
- 线程池为线程生命周期开销问题和资源不足问题提供了解决方案。
- 21. The final score in that encounter was a thrashing for the United States, England, and Japan at the hands of Russia and Qatar.
- 这场争夺最终以俄罗斯、卡塔尔笑到最后,美国,英格兰和日本铩羽而归而告终。
- 22. The team's first thought was to make sure everyone was well clear of the giant predator, which was thrashing around on the deck.
- 小组人员的第一反应是确保每个人远离这个正在甲板上扑腾的巨大捕食者。
- 23. Microsoft (MSFT) has two massive platforms in Windows and Xbox, and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile.
- 微软(Microsoft)已经坐拥Windows和Xbox系统两大平台,在过去10年间一直卧薪尝胆,试图在移动终端在搭建一个新的平台。
- 24. VMM actually has a memory load control algorithm, which can detect if the system is thrashing and actually tries to remedy the situation.
- 实际上,VMM中提供了一种内存负载控制算法,它可以检测系统是否出现颠簸,并尝试去解决这种情况。
- 25. VMM actually has a memory load control algorithm, which can detect if the system is thrashing and actually tries to remedy the situation.
- 实际上,VMM中提供了一种内存负载控制算法,它可以检测系统是否出现颠簸,并尝试去解决这种情况。