- 1. I'm thoroughly confused.
- 我完全给搞糊涂了。
- 2. A quick stir will mix them thoroughly.
- 快速搅拌会使它们完全混合。
- 3. The political system has become thoroughly outmoded.
- 这种政治体系已经彻底过时了。
- 4. The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.
- 上届政府至今彻底名誉扫地。
- 5. Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed.
- 确保你的瓦被水泥浆彻底填塞并密封了。
- 6. Rinse very thoroughly to remove all traces of the soap.
- 彻底清洗来消除肥皂的所有痕迹。
- 7. They determined to inquire thoroughly into this matter.
- 他们决定彻底调查这件事。
- 8. Get a new one every few months, and rinse thoroughly after using.
- 每几个月换一个新的,并在使用后进行彻底清洗。
- 9. In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary.
- 为了完全掌握一门外语,有四点至关重要。
- 10. This explanation, of course, was thoroughly understood by every one present.
- 当然,在场的每一个人都完全理解这种解释。
- 11. We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the differences in two cultures.
- 我们需要时间来彻底了解两种文化的差异。
- 12. The Marionette, on hearing this sentence passed upon him, was thoroughly stunned.
- 听到这句对他的判决,木偶完全吓呆了。
- 13. In order to understand this writer thoroughly, you have to read between the lines.
- 为了彻底了解这个作家,你必须领会他的言外之意。
- 14. Once a mistake is made, we should correct it, and the more quickly and thoroughly, the better.
- 犯了错误则要求改正,改正得越迅速,越彻底,越好。
- 15. He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged in perfect order.
- 他惊奇地发现房间被彻底打扫了,并且一切都布置得井井有条。
- 16. He remarked jeeringly, and was gone before they could think of a thoroughly satisfactory reply.
- 他嘲弄地说完就走了,他们还没来得及想出一个完全令人满意的回答。
- 17. Modern attitudes to Roman civilization range from the infinitely impressed to the thoroughly disgusted.
- 现代人对罗马文明的态度,从印象极其深刻到彻底厌恶都有。
- 18. It could also insist on checking private manned spacecraft as thoroughly as it does commercial aircraft.
- 它还可以像检查商用飞机一样彻底检查私人的载人航天器。
- 19. In 272 words, he defined the national principle so thoroughly that today no one would think of arguing it.
- 在272个词里,他如此彻底地定义了国家的原则,以至于今天也没有一个人想另外争论它。
- 20. In medicine, one is faced with a problem which must be thoroughly analyzed before a solution can be found.
- 在医学上,人们面临一个问题,在找到解决办法之前必须对这个问题进行彻底的分析。
- 21. 523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes of eating when possible they used a toothbrush, when this was impossible they washed their mouth thoroughly with water.
- 523名学生在吃饭后十分钟内刷牙。如果情况允许的话,他们会使用牙刷;否则,他们会用水彻底清洗口腔。
- 22. 523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes of eating. When possible, they used a toothbrush; when this was impossible, they washed their mouth thoroughly with water.
- 523名学生在吃饭后十分钟内刷牙。如果情况允许的话,他们会使用牙刷;否则,他们会用水彻底清洗口腔。
- 23. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade.
- 考虑到夜晚也可以生存,并且可供选择的白天的“交易”完全被占用,它们自然选择偏爱那些成功在夜间进行捕食“交易”的蝙蝠。
- 24. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
- 我们玩得痛快极了。
- 25. I thoroughly enjoy your programme.
- 我非常喜欢你们的节目。
- 26. The work had not been done very thoroughly.
- 这工作做得不太认真。
- 27. We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.
- 我们又冷又湿,难受极了。
- 28. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York.
- 我们在纽约的时间过得十分快活。
- 29. Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.
- 伊恩·特里默贪污受贿,唯利是图到了极点。
- 30. Food that is being offered hot must be reheated thoroughly.
- 热熟食拿到手后必须重新热透。