- 1. The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.
- 这里的地形很快由耕地变为沙漠。
- 2. The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.
- 敌人会一直在对崎岖地形的熟悉上占有优势。
- 3. He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.
- 他对这一带的地形了如指掌。
- 4. The circular ger can be assembled quickly by nomadic herders in the harsh terrain.
- 扎营的游牧牧人在恶劣的地势下,能很快的把这个圆顶帐篷安装好。
- 5. Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in that region extends up to 2,000 feet.
- 不幸的是,该地区的山区地形长达2000英尺。
- 6. This alien terrain tended by robots is still a while away, he says "but it will happen."
- 这些由机器人打理的陌生地形可能还未出现,他说“但它会出现的”。
- 7. Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home.
- 冒险进入这个地带,你就会了解到任何一个把这里称作家乡的人所遭遇的困难。
- 8. Governing terrain and choosing your battlefields are perhaps the most crucial skills of a wise and successful warrior.
- 控制地形和选择战场可能是一个明智和成功的战士最重要的技能。
- 9. No teammates can help. You're alone. It's you against the snow, the mountains, the terrain, yourself. You're a warrior.
- 没有队友能帮上忙。你孤身一人。这是一场你与纷纷大雪、重重山峦、严峻地势以及自我的对抗。你是个勇士。
- 10. "No teammates can help. You're alone. It's you against the snow, the mountains, the terrain, yourself. You're a warrior."
- “没有队友能帮上忙。你一个人。是你在雪上,山上,地形上,你自己。你是个勇士。”
- 11. They usually operated in bands between ten and twenty strong and relied for survival on difficult terrain and bad transport.
- 他们通常以10到20人的队伍作战,很坚强,依靠艰难的地形和糟糕的交通条件生存下来。
- 12. County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y.
- X县和Y 县的地形相似,但 X 县的人口密度显著高于 Y 县。
- 13. It initially surprises us that many of their cities were not built next to the rivers but instead on high terrain in rolling uplands.
- 最初让我们感到惊讶的是,他们的许多城市并不是建在河边,而是建在地势较高的起伏的高地上。
- 14. We believe that if animals ran the labs, they would test us to determine the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain.
- 我们相信,如果让动物在实验室里工作,它们会测试我们,以确定我们的耐心、忠诚和对地形记忆的极限。
- 15. The surface mark of an established plume is a hot spot—an isolated region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain located far from the edge of a surface plate.
- 一个已形成的烟羽的表面标志是一个热点——一个远离表面板块边缘的火山和隆起地形的孤立区域。
- 16. Boats could carry heavy weights, but canals could not cross hilly terrain; turnpikes could cross the hills, but the roadbeds could not stand up under great weights.
- 船可以运载重物,但运河不能穿越丘陵地带;高速公路可以翻山越岭,但路基承受不了巨大的重量。
- 17. "The fire is particularly complex given the weather, the large quantity of fuel, the terrain and the proximity of residential areas," a statement from the fire department said.
- “考虑到天气、大量燃料、地形和附近的居民区,这场火灾尤其复杂。”消防局的一份声明说。
- 18. The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain.
- 卡车在崎岖不平的地面上颠簸行进。
- 19. Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
- 弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破旧的敞篷小货车成功地穿越了沙漠地区。
- 20. We left the rough track and bumped our way over a rugged mountainous terrain.
- 我们驶离坎坷的小道,又颠簸过了崎岖多岩的山地。
- 21. Asia, with its multiplicity of cultures and customs, is a particularly difficult terrain.
- 亚洲有着多样的文化和习俗,是一个特别复杂的地区。
- 22. Holding these in your hands aids balance, which is great if you're older or if you're on slippery terrain.
- 如果你年纪大了,或者在滑溜溜的地面上,把这些东西放在手上有助于保持平衡。
- 23. However, the larger the terrain used to support a group, the harder it is to exploit that terrain while remaining in one place.
- "然而,一个群体生存所占用的区域越大,在定居该地的同时开发这片区域的困难也就越大。
- 24. Pilots can fly above a war zone and drop thousands of small wireless sensors, the size of a small pebble and costing a dollar apiece, over the terrain.
- 飞行员可以在战区上空飞行,在地面上扔下数千个小型无线传感器,每个传感器只有一块小鹅卵石大小,价格为1美元。
- 25. There is a good reason why the UK is dominated by animal husbandry: most of its terrain doesn't have the right soil or climate to grow crops on a commercial basis.
- 英国畜牧业占大头是有充分理由的:其大部分地区的土壤或气候不适宜农作物商业化种植。
- 26. Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home: farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings.
- 冒险进入这片土地,你就会对任何一个把这里称为家的人所面临的困难有一些了解:耕作是不可能的,而大自然却只能提供微薄的收成。
- 27. A bird's-eye view of China would indicate that China's terrain descends in four steps from west to east.
- 从高空俯瞰中国大地,地势像四级阶梯,自西向东,逐级下降。
- 28. The terrain slopes gently.
- 地势平缓。
- 29. The time isn't as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people.
- 天时不如地利, 地利不如人和。
- 30. Riding small native Irish horses, 'hobins", which are well suited to the marshes and rugged terrain of Ireland, the Gaelic Hobiguir are able to outmaneuvre heavier cavalry with ease."
- 霍比居骑兵骑乘的霍宾马种体格坚韧,对爱尔兰地区的沼泽丛林适应极佳,因此能令他们在此轻松击败更为重装的骑兵部队。