- 1. "Safe" and "reliable" are tautological.
- 稳妥和可靠,意思是重复的。
- 2. I realize that answer is somewhat tautological.
- 我知道答案有点赘述。
- 3. Such analyses are, of course, somewhat tautological, they equate fault and legal liability.
- 当然,这种分析有点同意反复,他们把过错和法律责任等同了。
- 4. He argued that the fundamental problem with mathematical economics was that it was tautological.
- 他认为,最根本的问题是数理经济学,这是同义反复。
- 5. I won't try to explain the anthropic principle, as I am not sure how to do so without making it sound tautological.
- 我不会试图去解释人择原理,因为我不知道怎么说才不会使它听起来像是无谓的重复。
- 6. Often, the technical style, mathematics, and tautological reasoning of the agency literature can obscure the theory.
- 通常情况下,技术风格,数学和文学社的同义反复的推理可以掩盖的理论。
- 7. That expression only works when it refers to "grown men" and though that may seem tautological, the "grown" is justified.
- 这样的句子只会在指 “成熟的男人”时才会用到.尽管显得罗嗦, 我还是得说, “成熟”是必须强调的.
- 8. "That expression only works when it refers to" grown men "and though that may seem tautological, the" grown "is justified."
- 这个说法只有在是指“长大的男人”才有效,虽然“成长”这个词看起来可能不必要但它用得是合乎情理的。
- 9. This is more than a tautological observation about people's mood when asked about their feelings by pollsters or economists.
- 这不仅仅是民意测验对人们是否感觉好坏的重复调查和观察。
- 10. The author believes that the understanding of tautological utterances as some other utterances is consistent with the principle of relevance.
- 作者认为,如同其他话语,同义反复话语的理解是遵循关联原则。
- 11. The author believes that the understanding of tautological utterances as some other utterances is consistent with the principle of relevance.
- 作者认为,如同其他话语,同义反复话语的理解是遵循关联原则的。
- 12. Structural differences of tautological constructions between English and Chinese should never be overlooked though their structural formulae are assumed to be similar.
- 英汉同语尽管具有相似的结构公式,但其实际结构差异不容忽视。
- 13. If you just starting to study the knowledge from books practical problems, we will inevitably fall into a tautological model, this model can not generate new knowledge.
- 如果仅仅从书本知识出发来研究现实问题,我们难免陷入循环论证的模式中,这种模式无法产生新的知识。
- 14. The simplicity of the PLC framework is appealing; however, several scholars point to some of its major drawbacks, including its tautological nature for managers (Hunt, 1976).
- PLC地架构简单,是吸收人地,可是,一些学者指出其首要缺陷局部,包罗其办理人员重复轮回地性质(亨特,1976)。
- 15. Insisting the principle of "community being primary and language being secondary", we can overcome the tautological errors in defining such concepts as "language" and "community".
- 坚持社区第一性,语言第二性的原则可以克服“语言”和“社区”概念之间的循环定义错误。
- 16. The Italian diva Isa Miranda models “very Italian” dresses in a series of 1935 pictures intended to prove the tautological idea that “Italian elegance is most suitable because it’s the best.”
- 1935年,著名的意大利女歌唱家IsaMiranda身着“非常意大利式”的长裙,拍摄了一组照片,意在证明那个已经被提及了无数次的思想——“意大利式的优雅是最可体的,因为它是最好的”。
- 17. The Italian diva Isa Miranda models “very Italian” dresses in a series of 1935 pictures intended to prove the tautological idea that “Italian elegance is most suitable because it’s the best.”
- 1935年,著名的意大利女歌唱家IsaMiranda身着“非常意大利式”的长裙,拍摄了一组照片,意在证明那个已经被提及了无数次的思想——“意大利式的优雅是最可体的,因为它是最好的”。