- 1. A tantalizing aroma of roast beef fills the air.
- 烤牛肉诱人的香味弥漫在空气中。
- 2. The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.
- 新鲜咖啡那诱人的香味向他们飘来。
- 3. By a tantalizing quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship.
- 由于命运的捉弄,这对选手被抽中在锦标赛的第一轮相遇。
- 4. The tantalizing thing is that we've got a very clear photo of the species.
- 有趣的是,我们有了一张这个物种的非常清晰的照片。
- 5. To Michael Taylor, a professional big-tree hunter, there are tantalizing signs of the stump's potential.
- 对迈克尔·泰勒这位专业的大叔猎手来说,这个树桩表现出很有潜力的征象。
- 6. At least that is the tantalizing prospect.
- 至少,这是个让人兴奋的前景。
- 7. Alas, life is simply too full of tantalizing time-sucks.
- 哎!生活的可悲仅在于太多的时间被浪费了。
- 8. Mouth watering, tongue tantalizing, body trembling food!
- 让人馋涎欲滴,让舌头醉生梦死,让身体为之颤抖的食物啊!
- 9. A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.
- 我只是迫不及待地啜过几小口,从来没有自己喝过一瓶。
- 10. A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.
- 我有的只是偶尔一次干着急的吸一口,从没有过一罐。
- 11. Tuesday is just Round 1, but it has the ingredients to be a tantalizing open stanza.
- 周二只是第一站,但这场开季赛将万众期待。
- 12. There were tantalizing signs last year that China was buying more Japanese and Korean debt.
- 去年有引人注目的迹象显示,中国正在购买更多日本和韩国债券。
- 13. A number of tantalizing questions could then be addressed: how do stars live and die in that wild setting?
- 然后就可以着手研究一些迫切的问题了:在那样一个狂野的环境里,星球是怎么生存和死亡的?
- 14. But to Michael Taylor, a professional big-tree hunter, there are tantalizing signs of the stump's potential.
- 但对迈克尔·泰勒这位大树的探索家来说,这个树桩表现出很有潜力的征象。
- 15. The Kepler data also give a tantalizing hint of a third transiting planet that sits scorchingly close to the star.
- 开普勒的数据同时暗示,还有第三颗行星,位于非常靠近恒星的位置,几乎要被烤焦了。
- 16. A tantalizing prospect because almost any organism, from a bacterium to a cow, can be programmed to synthesize GFP.
- 这个前景是美好的,因为从细菌到牛都可以用来合成荧光蛋白质。
- 17. Sure, it's not officially in production yet, but Porsche's plug-in hybrid is tantalizing enough to belong on this list.
- 恩,这个还没有正式量产,不过保时捷的插电式混合动力技术实在太诱惑了,所以足够出现在这里。
- 18. It flexed, and revealed a tantalizing glimpse of normal daylight beyond, and then shifted back to glare and distortion.
- 它扭曲着,偶尔在深处显现正常日光的一闪,然后就变换成闪光和失真。
- 19. Genetic testing often reveals tantalizing but incomplete information, and it is sometimes difficult to know how to respond.
- 基因测试经常揭示出一些让人心急但又不完备的信息,人有时也难以知道如何对这些信息作出回应。
- 20. In the mean time, more and more major firms are likely to find the technology's flexibility and low costs too tantalizing to resist.
- 与此同时,越来越多的大公司可能会发现这种技术的灵活性和低廉的成本让人难以抵抗。
- 21. Pamper yourself with sumptuous buffet at Level One. Indulge in a huge variety of seafood delights, along with tantalizing desserts.
- 壹阶层丰盛美味的自助大餐让您尽情享用各式海鲜,美味的甜点,尽情沉醉在这美食天堂吧!
- 22. His decision is tantalizing to observers, and has had some speculating that the winds of change might really be blowing through Burma.
- 他的决定让观察家们大感意外,有些人设想变革的春风可能真的吹透缅甸了。
- 23. A tantalizing assortment of traditional Irish cuisine with a spirited modern twist is served at the hotel's flavor-packed restaurant.
- 一大批传统的爱尔兰美食与活泼的现代转折是在酒店的风味餐厅服务包装。
- 24. The OED gives one definition that explains that something is tantalizing when it torments “by exciting desires which cannot be satisfied.”
- 牛津英语字典给出的释义是,当某事物成为tantalizing 的时候,就是让人处于可望而不及的痛苦煎熬之中。
- 25. The tantalizing results suggest that an addictive process is in play in the brain when some people come face to face with certain foods.
- 这一引人注目的结果显示当某些人遇到一些特定食品时他们大脑中即上演着一幕“上瘾”的过程。
- 26. "These results are certainly tantalizing," said Nigel Lockyer, director of Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF.
- 对此,加拿大国家粒子与核物理实验室主管奈杰尔·洛克说:“费米实验室研究小组的发现令人兴奋,但现在就肯定结果还为时过早。 一方面,需要明确的证据来解释一些问题;而另一方面,能解释这种微妙现象的其他替代原因,也能列出一长串清单。”
- 27. "These results are certainly tantalizing," said Nigel Lockyer, director of Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF.
- 对此,加拿大国家粒子与核物理实验室主管奈杰尔·洛克说:“费米实验室研究小组的发现令人兴奋,但现在就肯定结果还为时过早。 一方面,需要明确的证据来解释一些问题;而另一方面,能解释这种微妙现象的其他替代原因,也能列出一长串清单。”