- 1. It's time to suckle my baby.
- 到我给宝宝喂奶的时候了。
- 2. To feed at the breast; suckle.
- 给…喂奶;哺乳收藏。
- 3. This project is to plant and process the honey suckle.
- 本项目为金银花种植和加工。
- 4. The product has natural flavor of aloe and honey suckle.
- 产品具有芦荟和金银花的天然风味。
- 5. It is like a cow kicking a grown calf that wants to suckle.
- 一个人的成长就像牛用脚踢一头想哺乳的小牛一样。
- 6. So good, ask you to drink the strong tea that did not suckle!
- 那么好吧,就请你喝没奶的浓茶吧!
- 7. A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse.
- 她不得不请一位奶妈,因为她自己不能喂孩子。
- 8. A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse.
- 奶妈:被雇佣给别人的而不是自己的孩子哺乳的人;
- 9. They blame me and have told me not to allow him to suckle from the cow anymore.
- 他们指责我,并对我说,不许再让小孩吃母牛的奶水了。
- 10. ENERGY NEEDS OF LACTATING DOGS New mothers generally suckle their puppies for at least 6 weeks.
- 哺乳期狗的能量需要新的狗妈妈一般为自己的小狗哺乳至少6周。
- 11. The first suckle is as important to refuel its very meagre energy reserves as to provide acquired immunity.
- 而第一口母乳对于弥补仔猪非常微量的能力储备,为仔猪提供获得性免疫非常重要。
- 12. She said, 'Whoever would have told Abraham that Sarah would suckle children? Yet I have borne him a son for his old age.'
- 她说:“当初认会千诉亚伯拉罕说撒拉还会哺育婴儿?但是,我还是在他老年时给他添了个儿子了。”
- 13. The mammal is distinguished by an unusual breeding cycle that occurs every 18 months and has pups suckle for a year and a half.
- 这种哺乳动物的显著特点是不同寻常的繁殖周期,每18个月一次,并且要给幼儿海狮哺乳一年半。
- 14. "A cat belonging to one of the zookeepers had just given birth and so we decided to try to get it to suckle the pandas," the statement said.
- 报道中说:这只猫是一个动物园管理员的,它刚刚生了小猫,所以我们决定让它试着来为那些熊猫哺乳。
- 15. Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.
- 金银花饮料中白色絮状物不但影响饮料本身的品质,还会给生产企业造成一定的经济损失。
- 16. He had been wandering without his mother and attempting to suckle on other mares before rescuers found him collapsed from clinical shock and dehydration.
- 找不到妈妈的它到处转悠,一直试图去吸其他母马的奶,被发现时已经因缺水休克而倒地。
- 17. What right have you people to clutter up my life, steal my time, probe my soul, suckle my thoughts, have me for your companion, confidant, and information bureau?
- 你们这些人有什么权利把我的生活搅得一团糟?偷走我的时间,窥探我的心灵,汲取我的思想,叫我给你们做伴、做知己、做问讯处?
- 18. Sarah said, 'God has given me good reason to laugh, and everybody who hears will laugh with me . 'She said, 'Whoever would have told Abraham that Sarah would suckle children?
- 撒拉说:“上帝使我衷心欢笑,每个听到我笑声的人都会同我一起欢笑。” 好说:“当初认会千诉亚伯拉罕说撒拉还会哺育婴儿?
- 19. She-bears normally give birth to tiny walnut-sized cubs during their winter hibernation and suckle them for months as they grow, before the spring thaw awakens the mother and she leaves her den.
- 母熊通常在冬眠期间产下胡桃大小的幼仔,哺乳几个月,小熊们渐渐长大,当春天来临大地解冻时,母熊从冬眠中醒来,离开巢穴。
- 20. She-bears normally give birth to tiny walnut-sized cubs during their winter hibernation and suckle them for months as they grow, before the spring thaw awakens the mother and she leaves her den.
- 母熊通常在冬眠期间产下胡桃大小的幼仔,哺乳几个月,小熊们渐渐长大,当春天来临大地解冻时,母熊从冬眠中醒来,离开巢穴。