- 1. Later working together in London, they laid the foundations of modern physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles.
- 后来,他们在伦敦一起工作,证明了正常的因果法则并不适用于亚原子粒子,从而奠定了现代物理学的基础。
- 2. SUBATOMIC particles can be wayward.
- 亚原子粒子可能是任性的。
- 3. They would form helium and a subatomic particle, called a neutron.
- 聚变后形成氦以及一种称为“中子”的亚原子粒子。
- 4. And so these are the subatomic particles that we have to contend with.
- 这些是亚原子粒子,我们需要对付一下。
- 5. Three months ago, however, a team of physicists reported subatomic evidence.
- 三个月前,一组科学家报告了一份亚原子的证据。
- 6. Simon van der Meer, tamer of subatomic particles, died on March 4th, aged 85.
- 亚原子粒子的降服者西蒙·范德·梅尔于3月4日逝世,享年85岁。
- 7. Decaying subatomic particles are slightly more likely to generate matter than antimatter.
- 衰减的亚原子似乎更乐意形成物质粒子而不是反物质粒子。
- 8. Subatomic particles have broken the universe's fundamental speed limit, or so it was reported last week.
- 上星期有报道说,亚原子粒子已经打破了宇宙基本的速度极限。
- 9. That reaction produces atomic and subatomic products different from either of the original two particles.
- 这种反应会产生与参与反应的两种粒子完全不同的原子和亚原子产物。
- 10. In the bizarre world of quantum mechanics, however, subatomic particles can exist in several states at once.
- 而在量子力学的奇妙世界,亚原子粒子却能同时处于几种状态。
- 11. But a powerful beam of subatomic particles could be used to crush nuclei together strongly enough so they fuse.
- 而强大的亚原子粒子束可以用来粉碎原子核,其强烈程度足以使它们融合。
- 12. Until now, quantum physical behaviors were observed at atomic and subatomic scales, or in medium-sized molecules.
- 到目前为止,观察到的量子物理行为仅限于原子和亚原子尺度,或大中型分子。
- 13. The movie almost gets this one right-earth's magnetosphere does protect us from blasts of subatomic particles from the sun.
- 影片在这点上倒是说对了,地球的磁气圈确实保护我们免受太阳风中亚原子颗粒的直击。
- 14. If it exists, it could explain literally everything in the universe - from subatomic particles to the laws of speed and gravity.
- 如果这些弦真的存在,基本上就可以解释宇宙中所有的存在——从亚原子粒子到速度和重力定律。
- 15. It is the bare bones of quantum mechanics that have proved to be consistent with what is presently known of the subatomic world.
- 正是量子力学的梗概内容证明了,一直以来我们所知晓的也只是亚原子的世界罢了。
- 16. Because lead ions are composed of complete atomic nuclei - not just a single subatomic particle - their masses are far larger.
- 因为铅离子完全由原子核组成——而不仅仅只是一个单一的亚原子粒子(subatomic particle)——它们的质量要大得多。
- 17. They are expected to have an unusual decay signature, and a strong one, since they decay much more slowly than many subatomic particles.
- 科学家曾预测CHAMPs会有强烈的不同寻常的衰减现象,因为它们衰减速度比很多亚原子粒子慢很多。
- 18. Shock waves create energetic subatomic particles called cosmic rays, which can tear apart biomolecules and damage DNA beyond repair.
- 冲击波创造出一种叫做宇宙射线的高能亚原子微粒,这东西会撕裂生物分子并对DNA造成无法修复的损伤。
- 19. Last week, physicists at a giant particle-collider in Europe began to search for a subatomic entity so fundamental, they claim it creates mass.
- 上周,物理学家们聚集欧洲,用一台巨大的强子对撞机开始了寻找亚原子微粒的历程,他们声称这是质量的起源。
- 20. To describe the world at atomic and subatomic scales, we need to turn to quantum mechanics, a theory that's fundamentally different from Einstein's.
- 为了描述在原子以及原子内部量级的世界,我们需要把视线引向量子力学。量子力学与爱因斯坦的理论有着本质上的不同。
- 21. When scientists first turned their attention to subatomic particles, including cosmic rays, they used a device called a cloud chamber to study them.
- 科学家们首次将注意力转向亚原子微粒(包括宇宙射线),并使用一种名为“云室”的装置对其进行研究。
- 22. It could turn up some exciting new physics, too: mini black holes, large extra dimensions, and a host of exotic subatomic particles, just to name a few.
- 通过LHC也能发现一些让人兴奋的物理学新现象:小型黑洞;大型额外维度;大量奇异的亚原子粒子,只有部分被命名了。
- 23. A pioneering technique using subatomic particles known as neutrons could give microscopic hints of extra dimensions or even dark matter, researchers say.
- 研究人员说,他们运用一种先进的技术使用了中子这样的亚原子,可能在超空间甚至暗物质领域寻找到一些细微线索。
- 24. Penrose also believes that quantum mechanics, the rules governing the physical world at the subatomic level, might play an important role in consciousness.
- Penrose同时也相信量子力学,这个在亚原子层次主宰世界的物理规律,可能在意识中扮演重要角色。
- 25. Quantum mechanics, which describes in subatomic detail a shadowy world in which cats can be simultaneously alive and dead, is notoriously difficult to grasp.
- 量子力学是在亚原子的层面上描述一个朦胧的世界,在这个世界中猫可以同时活着和死去,这可是出了名的难以把握。
- 26. "It connects from the subatomic world to a whole bird flying," said Michael Edidin, an editor of Biphysical Journal, which published the study last week.
- “它让宏观世界的鸟类飞行过程与亚原子世界相连”,上周刚刚发表这项研究的《生物物理学》期刊编辑迈克尔·艾迪丁表示。
- 27. The architectural objects in "Transitory Forms" are like quanta or subatomic particles popping in and out of existence or a universe being born again and again.
- “过渡物体”展览中的建筑作品犹如实际存在的量子或亚原子粒子不断跳进弹出,又好像一个生生不息的宇宙。
- 28. One of the fundamental building blocks of matter, called quarks, are bound together by gluons to form 'composite' subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons.
- 夸克是这种物质的最基本构造块之一,它被胶子束缚在一起形成亚原子粒子“混合物”,如质子和中子。
- 29. One of the fundamental building blocks of matter, called quarks, are bound together by gluons to form 'composite' subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons.
- 夸克是这种物质的最基本构造块之一,它被胶子束缚在一起形成亚原子粒子“混合物”,如质子和中子。