- 1. Use the following list for spur-of-the-moment adventure seeds involving arcane spell casters.
- 在涉及奥术施法者的启发冒险时刻,使用下列清单。
- 2. One to three minutes is a realistic time frame for most impromptu situations. Some spur-of-the-moment remarks, such as press statements, may be even shorter.
- 1到3分钟比较合适,一些即席演讲,比如媒体声明,应该更短一些。
- 3. I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.
- 我一时心动,给他打了电话。
- 4. He must have cooked up his scheme on the spur of the moment.
- 他肯定是即兴策划了他的方案。
- 5. They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment.
- 他们承认一时冲动之下偷了一辆车。
- 6. The band you went to see on that wet Tuesday after work on the spur of the moment is likely to be literally incomparable.
- 在阴雨的周二下班后,你去看的那个乐队演出,那种欢欣鼓舞的时刻可能确实是无可匹敌的。
- 7. Police said the attack wasn't some spur of the moment idea.
- 警方说,这次袭击不是一些一时冲动的想法。
- 8. If you want to take a weekend road trip, you can make that decision on the spur of the moment.
- 如果你想要周末坐汽车旅行一时的起意,你就可以不加考虑便可作出决定。
- 9. Fisher’s insights have left me intrigued as I attend my niece’s fifth birthday party while Rob decides – on the spur of the moment – to head north for a spot of fishing.
- 当我参加小侄女的五周岁生日聚会上我对费舍尔的见解又产生了兴趣,那时罗伯决意---临时决定---向北进发去捕鱼。
- 10. They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen.
- 他们可能一时冲动,决定去泰国度周末,这位私人秘书就只好让美梦成真。
- 11. It's like saying something clever in a conversation as if you'd thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in fact you'd worked it out the day before.
- 这有点像在谈话中说了句貌似即兴迸出来的聪明话,但其实你在之前一天就准备好了。
- 12. The Guardian has learned that Africa's intervention was not a spur of the moment decision by negotiators.
- 《卫报》获悉非洲的退出并不是谈判代表的一时冲动。
- 13. She went into the Morris Hotel to use the phone, then decided on the spur of the moment to take a room.
- 她走进莫里斯宾馆想用下电话,然后一时兴起订个房间。
- 14. On the spur of the moment I pulled a handful of coppers from mycoat pocket and handed them to the policeman. "Please give himthis," I said.
- 我没有思索的从外套袋里抓出一大把铜元,交给巡警,说,“请你给他……”
- 15. In a paper he drafted on the spur of the moment, entitled “Success Lies in Paradox”, he asked, “When is a tiny keyboard more efficient than a large one?”
- 他以“成功就在似非而是的境界中”为题,在一张纸上开始描绘那时的头脑一瞬间的灵感,他问自己“在什么时候小键盘会比大键盘更有效?”
- 16. His brothers said it was done on the spur of the moment, but his colleagues at al-Baghdadia said he had been planning it for months.
- 他的兄弟认为这只是一时冲动之举,而同在al -Baghdadia工作的同事则表示,他为此已经策划数月。
- 17. You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble.
- 你有时会采取行动之前,你想,做的一时冲动,而且有时让你陷入麻烦的事情。
- 18. When the young man heard that his friend was going to the city, he decided, on the spur of the moment, to accompany him.
- 当这个年轻人听到他的朋友打算去城市这个消息时,他不假思索地决定陪伴他。
- 19. I ask everyone who works in an office: Come on, could your company organize and execute something this complex on the spur of the moment?
- 请问那些在办公室里工作的人:您的公司能够飞快地组织出一次如此复杂的行动吗?
- 20. Jennifer: I don't know. We were just chatting when, on the spur of the moment, he asked me out.
- 珍妮弗:我不知道。我们本来只是在聊天,他突然一时兴起就约我出去了。
- 21. Colonel: Ahh... it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.
- 上校:啊!这简直是不可能的,波洛,没有人相信他能在一瞬间独自完成这一切。
- 22. If in quarrel, some unpleasant memories come to mind, even if can not forget, also want to remain indifferent, avoid by all means is "off", "attack" easily hurt feelings on the spur of the moment.
- 如果在争吵时,一些不愉快的往事涌上心头,即使一时忘却不了,也要淡然处之,切忌忌“一吐为快”,一时冲动的“攻击”极易伤害感情。
- 23. Ann informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point.
- 非正式会议,通常都是为了讨论某个特殊问题而当场召开的。
- 24. They confessed that they did not rob that night mentally prepared is spur of the moment.
- 他们供称,当晚他们并没有抢劫的思想准备,是临时起意。
- 25. He asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment.
- 他一时冲动之下向她求婚了。
- 26. Think before you leap. Don't accept his proposal on the spur of the moment!
- 三思而后行啊,不要一时冲动就答应他的求婚!
- 27. Most of the time these methods are closely discussed with me, but of course some things happen at the spur of the moment.
- 大部分时候都会和我讨论这些方式方法,当然有些事也是在瞬间发生的。
- 28. Most of his after-dinner stories were thought up on the spur of the moment.
- 他大多数旳饭后故事都是即兴编出旳。
- 29. Most of his after-dinner stories were thought up on the spur of the moment.
- 他大多数旳饭后故事都是即兴编出旳。