- 1. She's one snappy dresser.
- 她的穿着很入时。
- 2. She's a snappy dresser.
- 她衣着入时。
- 3. Each film gets a snappy two-line summary.
- 每部影片都配有两行简洁明快的内容提要。
- 4. She has already made a name for herself as a snappy dresser.
- 她已经是一个小有名气的时尚达人。
- 5. All right, but make it snappy. The meeting is to begin in a few minutes.
- 好的,但要快,没有几分钟就要开会了。
- 6. Peace through strength is a snappy slogan.
- 力量带来和平的确是一条漂亮的标语。
- 7. She was wearing a snappy little red number .
- 她身着一款时髦的红色连衣裙。
- 8. TV and movie rentals are really snappy and fast.
- 电视和电影节目租借用起来真的很简单快捷。
- 9. I am incredibly tetchy and snappy; more than usual?
- 我难以置信的易怒和亢奋,如此不同寻常?
- 10. They solicited 150 Suggestions online for a snappy title.
- 为征求一个响亮的书名他们听取了150个网上建议。
- 11. We'll have to make it snappy if we want to get to the movie in time.
- 我们必须快一点,要是我们想赶上电影的话。
- 12. Snappy meal: Mark Northeast is now publishing a book of his food designs.
- 漂亮的食物:现在MarkNortheast创作的卡通食物的书出版了。
- 13. Nobody played particularly well, and obviously the result wasn't all that snappy.
- 没有谁真正打的好,很明显,结局也不那么令人爽快。
- 14. Maintaining focus on an issue is easier when it comes with a snappy, emotive label.
- 如果一个问题被贴上了简洁而富有感染力的标签,那么人们就更容易对它保持关注。
- 15. Ms Rousseff looked nervous in the debate, and struggled to keep her answers snappy.
- 辩论中的Rousseff女士看上去有些紧张,吃力的尽量使自己的回答漂亮。
- 16. She did it with ink on paper, but it was the short, snappy comment that said it all.
- 她是用墨水在纸上写,但她那短小精悍的评论非常到位。
- 17. I love the snappy crunch of cucumbers mixed with grains in side dishes, these two are favorites.
- 我喜欢黄瓜混合谷粒做配菜爽快的嘎吱噶嘎吱的咀嚼声,这两个是最爱。
- 18. Your biography is only 160 characters, so make it snappy, witty and add your personal aspirations.
- 你的个人简介最多只能写160个字,所以应写得简短、风趣并加上个人抱负。
- 19. Content caching is a relatively cheap and simple way to make your website load times a lot more snappy.
- 内容缓存是一种相对较为廉价、简便的方法,可显著缩短您的网站载入时间。
- 20. When riders go into hard workouts feeling fresh and snappy the speeds and power produced and exceptional.
- 当骑手们在进行艰苦的训练时所感受到的新鲜;敏捷的速度;充沛的力量及异常的感觉。
- 21. You hired him, so you must put up with his whiny voice but should coach him in the art of the snappy answer.
- 你雇了他,因此你必须容忍他的嘀咕声,但应该运用巧妙的语言艺术教育他。
- 22. The captions should be as short and snappy as possible, and definitely no more than about 30 characters long.
- 标题应尽可能地短小精悍,并且一定不要超过30个字符。
- 23. But the snappy terms are misleading, implying something that is as inevitable for men as the menopause is for women.
- 但是时髦的说法是带有误导性的,这暗示着男性也有某种和女性的绝经期一样不可避免的东西。
- 24. Charged with translating "breaking news" last year, one came up with the snappy information DE derniere minute.
- 去年,针对breakingnews一词的翻译问题,一帮精力过剩的人还成立了一个新的协会:informationdederniereminute。
- 25. No deep thoughts here; this is a product of shiny surfaces and snappy patter, the cinematic equivalent of a derivatives offering.
- 它没有深邃的思想,只是一部拥有光鲜外表和时髦行话的电影作品。
- 26. PickyDomains currently has a waiting list of people who want to PAY the service to come up with a snappy memorable domain name.
- 挑剔域名现在有一份名单,愿为此项服务付费的人们排队等待,想要得到一个潇洒好记的域名。
- 27. Or does your Ajax code have to do all sorts of wrangling on the data, slowing down an interface that should be quick and snappy?
- Ajax代码由于必需要应付各种数据处理从而减缓了本应快捷的用户界面?
- 28. Or does your Ajax code have to do all sorts of wrangling on the data, slowing down an interface that should be quick and snappy?
- Ajax代码由于必需要应付各种数据处理从而减缓了本应快捷的用户界面?