- 1. She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock.
- 她穿着羊毛裤和一件波斯纹宽身长衫。
- 2. Mask, smock, gloves, safety glass etc.
- 面罩﹐工作服﹐手套﹐防护眼睛等。
- 3. The man put on his smock and went out.
- 那人穿上罩衫,然后走了出去。
- 4. He wore a white smock.
- 他穿着一件白大褂。
- 5. The artist's smock was covered in paint.
- 那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。
- 6. A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill.
- 一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。
- 7. A loose - fitting protective outer garment; a smock.
- 防护服,罩衫一种宽松的起保护作用的外衣;罩衫。
- 8. She took off the smock and stood there in a bright green slip.
- 她脱下工作服,穿上一件鲜绿色调的衬裙站在那里。
- 9. She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse's uniform.
- 她穿着一件粉红的尼龙罩衫,就象护士工作服一样。
- 10. She was wearing a sleeveless smock, blue with little pale red flowers on it.
- 她穿着一件无袖的蓝底带有浅红色小花的围裙。
- 11. I was wearing a smock from the art room, and had my hair tucked into a kerchief.
- 我穿着从美术室拿来的工作服,把用方巾盖着头发。
- 12. Manage the purchase and distribution of office stationery and smock shift management.
- 办公文具饮用水日常管理及衣帽鞋柜管理等;
- 13. Snape had removed his coat now; his odd smock looked less peculiar in the half-light.
- 斯内普已经脱去了外衣,在半明半暗的光线里,那件古怪的孕妇服显得不那么刺眼了。
- 14. Long-term provide with produce every variety school school, unit smock, group clothing.
- 长期提供和生产各类学校校服,单位工作服,团体服装。
- 15. Her assistants come with a sleeveless smock, bright colors of yellow and orange, and tie this behind her.
- 她的助手们拿着没有袖子的罩衫来了,罩衫是明亮的黄色和橘黄色——他们把这系在她身后。
- 16. Men who had lounged about all night in smock-frocks and leather leggings came out in silken vests and hats and plumes as jugglers or mountebanks.
- 夜晚穿着粗罩衫扎着皮裹腿到处游荡的男人,现在学着变戏法和江湖艺人的装束也挽上绸衣,戴上插有羽毛的帽子出来了。
- 17. By adoption this method, system will generate simulation animation in which smock forms fixed shape gradually after people gives some smock's shape.
- 采用这种方法,人们只要指定烟雾的形状,系统就可产生烟雾逐步形成给定形状的动画。
- 18. King Charles came up to him like a common man, and said off-hand, "Man in the smock-frock, my name is Charles the Second, and that's the truth on't."
- 查理国王朝他走过来,静悄悄地没啥威风,就那么跟他说,‘这个穿长罩衫的,我是查理二世,是真的。
- 19. You can do a bracing if orderly walk here, on a wooden walkway over boggy acid grassland rich in lady's smock, celandine, violets and carnivorous sundew.
- 如果你能在泥沼地上的木板步道上走一走,会感觉心旷神怡。草原上长满了酢浆草,白屈菜,紫罗兰和茅膏菜。
- 20. When doing the experiment, teachers, students and the stuffs should put on the smock. Don't be late. Don't leave early and don't be absent without any reason.
- 实验时,师生及工作人员必须穿工作服,并不得迟到早退或无故缺席。
- 21. To shorten the time of preparation for work during the cold season it is recommended to protect the tonometer from cooling (e. g. hold it in the coat or smock pocket).
- 为了在寒冷季节缩短工作准备时间,建议保护眼压仪免受冷却(如置于外套或工作服口袋中)。
- 22. There, after prolonged enquiries, conversations, and hesitations, he found a very sturdy, sullen-looking pock-marked peasant, wearing a tattered grey smock and bark-shoes.
- 在那儿,经过漫长的询问、交谈和犹豫之后,他找到了一位结实、面相凶悍、长着麻子的农民,他穿着件破烂的外套、蹬着双bark - shoes。
- 23. Her most expensive piece was a pair of 3,900 pounds amethyst earrings from London-based jewellery Kiki McDonough, while she also stepped out in a 75 pounds smock dress from Topshop.
- 凯特身上最昂贵的首饰是来自伦敦珠宝商KikiMcDonough一副价值3900英镑的紫水晶耳环。 不过她也能穿着Topshop上仅仅75英镑的长罩衫式连衣裙现身活动。
- 24. Her most expensive piece was a pair of 3,900 pounds amethyst earrings from London-based jewellery Kiki McDonough, while she also stepped out in a 75 pounds smock dress from Topshop.
- 凯特身上最昂贵的首饰是来自伦敦珠宝商KikiMcDonough一副价值3900英镑的紫水晶耳环。 不过她也能穿着Topshop上仅仅75英镑的长罩衫式连衣裙现身活动。